Mirkwood Cycle

By Vince79, in Strategy and deck-building

So I've finished playing the Mirkwood Cycle. This may be part laziness, but with a few exceptions, I mostly just used cards from the core set to play all the scenarios.

So here's my question:

Aside from the Core Set, what are the best player cards from the Mirkwood Cycle? Are there any that you consider indispensable, or at least exceptionally useful?

The best cards in my opinion are Dúnedain Mark, Dúnedain Warning, A Burning Brand (with Song of Wisdom), Ancient Mathom and Support of the Eagles with a Winged Guardian. Dáin Ironfoot is stellar, as long as you have a lot of dwarves on the table.

Neutral: Song of Wisdom (for A Burning Brand)

Leadership: Dunedain Mark, Dunedain Warning, Dain Ironfoot (in Dwarf decks)

Lore: A Burning Brand, Rivendell Minstrel (if you use songs), Strider's Path, Fast Hitch (with Hobbits)

Spirit: Ancient Mathom, Elfhelm, and in Rohan decks Riddermark's Finest, Eomend, Westfold Traveler and Westfold Horsebreaker

Tactics: Boromir, in an Eagles deck The Eagles are Coming, Vassal of the Windlord, Winged Guardian, Eagles of the Misty Mountains, and Support of the Eagles.

Song of Wisdom + Burning Brand

Song of Kings + Steward of Gondor (at least before you get A Good Harvest)

Dain, Dunedain Mark/Warning, Campfire Tales in four player games, and Dunedain Signal if you don't have ally Arwen.

Vassal of the Windlord, and of course the all-powerful Boromir.

Frodo, Ancient Mathom, and West-Road Traveller.

Fast Hitch, Gildor's Counsel, Strider's Path

Thanks, guys!