Hc Svnt Dracones: Astra Inclinant

By Darthtator, in Your Settings

HSD: Astra Inclinant, started as a custom game with a haphazard group of files. the files detailed things like: items, races and classes, setting specific notes, and a whole bunch of revamping notes. This game, based off of Pierce Fraisers: Hc Svnt Dracones, has been a project that I have spent the better part of a couple of years on. The setting is based on post-human society that is several centuries more advanced than we are.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/mbyjnoc8erqftjj/HSD Astra Inclinant.pdf?dl=0

The link above is the free copy of Astra Inclinant. The PDF is designed to be used in conjunction with the Genesys Core. Feel free to pass back feedback on what could be done better or included, that being said I don't intend on including more rules from Genesys core.

This looks great! Thanks for all the time you pu into it!