The Rise Of Skywalker on Disney+ May 4th

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Legion

I have willingly watched the Holiday Special several times even after knowing it was terrible. So I'll give this a try.

On 11/25/2019 at 9:22 AM, R3dReVenge said:

Early reviews / plot reveals have been extremely discouraging. Apparently, fans walked out during an early screening and it's been reported that the movie is worst than it's predecessor.


My thoughts on the matter? I don't buy it. It's just a silly rumor to get some click or to instill fear/hate toward the new movie... just like last summer (or was it 2 years ago?) there was a rumor floating around that Kathleen Kennedy was fired and a couple months later we were learning that she was renewing her contract. There is an agenda against the current Disney Star Wars and I think that this rumor is part of it, to fuel the hate.

Episode 9 is not only the last episode of the Sequel trilogy, but the last episode of the entire Skywalker Saga. I just can't believe that fans would walk out before the end. Fans that are always eager to get all the information they can about the universe, fans that watch all the media more as a wookipedia article than pure entertainement. Fans that would have the privilege to know how the entire saga will end 2 months before everybody else, and they would just walk out? Yeah right, okay.

But let's say that it would be true, just for fun. Why would I care? If the report is that it is 'worst than it's predecessor', what information should I get from that? First of all, it shows a bias against TLJ so probably also the Sequel trilogy. But if I personally think that The Last Jedi is great, like many other fans (no denial that a lot of fans hated it, but there is also a lot of fans that loved it), what should I get from that? it's worst than a great movie? So it sound like it can still be really good. And why is it worst than the Last Jedi? Is it because it extrapolates on the reasons why some fans think TLJ is a bad movie? Is those reasons the same why I think it is a great movie? So in that case, should I expect Episode 9 to be even better than Episode 8, even though I already think 8 is great?

So my thought is that I don't believe it is true and just meant to fuel the hate from those that already hate the Sequel Trilogy. It's a rumor that is playing on the hate of episode 8, probably coming from the same group that was calling for a boycott of everything Star Wars after The Last Jedi in the hope that people will boycott episode 9 to validate their stance.

On 11/25/2019 at 9:27 AM, Darth Sanguis said:
On 11/25/2019 at 9:20 AM, R3dReVenge said:

Maybe the screenings are just rumors, maybe there is something to it?

In all seriousness, this seems to be the state of things at the moment.

1 hour ago, Red Castle said:

So my thought is that I don't believe it is true and just meant to fuel the hate from those that already hate the Sequel Trilogy. It's a rumor that is playing on the hate of episode 8, probably coming from the same group that was calling for a boycott of everything Star Wars after The Last Jedi in the hope that people will boycott episode 9 to validate their stance.

Take this all with huge grain of salt and know that I am bias since in the group that thinks the TLJ is fine. Also minor spoilers.

I am daily checking websites where Star Wars leaks are posted and talked about. Where the entire plot of the movie and even leaked images of the ending are (one is super badass). I have heard nothing of early screening with people walking out in anger yet. If that was the case somebody would have put up plot points they were pissed about or hinted at something they did not like in a cryptic tweet or something. The last rumors we got were they just finished the edits, that the music was just finished, and the run time of the movie (144 mins).

As for the leaks themselves they offer at least a board outline of the movie and it is fine imo. If they are true it seems Abrams just surfed the net for a while and decided to make a movie to shut down the biggest issues people had with 7 & 8. And if people did walk out it would be at the very end of the movie where the only controversial scene I can think of happens (which was hopefully changed with the recent reshoots).

Will people like this new movie? I have no idea. The Star Wars fan base is pretty divided and a lot of people now live off of trying to take down Star Wars, but I would throw in the wild card of Papa Palp into the mix as well. He is beloved and the stuff he will do in the movie may be some of the coolest things ever seen in Star Wars.

Safe bet it will make a crap ton of money, critics will like it, fans will be divided, and we get no Star Wars movies for several years while we all wait and see what happens with Disney+.

Edited by RyantheFett
12 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Safe bet it will make a crap ton of money, critics will like it, fans will be devised, and we get no Star Wars movies for several years while we all wait and see what happens with Disney+.

Basically this.

P.S. I was a Game of Thrones fan and I have seen a truly bad ending that ruined everything, a fan bases that has truly been consumed by salt (rightly so), and a creator that has made everything worse. The fact that we got The Mandalorian and Fallen Order doing so well makes it hard to believe that Disney is truly ruining the franchise...................... Also Resistance Reborn, what a great book! 9/10 would recommend.

1 hour ago, Red Castle said:

Episode 9 is not only the last episode of the Sequel trilogy, but the last episode of the entire Skywalker Saga. I just can't believe that fans would walk out before the end. Fans that are always eager to get all the information they can about the universe, fans that watch all the media more as a wookipedia article than pure entertainement. Fans that would have the privilege to know how the entire saga will end 2 months before everybody else, and they would just walk out? Yeah right, okay.

The reason why people are believing these screening reveals are because the users who posted them had mentioned several scenes (that were shown in the trailers) BEFORE the final trailer release. How would they know of these scenes? These scenes were then confirmed in later trailers......

It was also reported that the movie was screened in front of several different audiences (hard core fans, regular audiences, and people who aren't into sci-fi movies ). Walk outs were reported in all screenings..

I'm not going into detail about what caused people to walk out. I wouldn't walk out based on what was reported, but I surely would be disappointed.

1 hour ago, Red Castle said:

But let's say that it would be true, just for fun. Why would I care? If the report is that it is 'worst than it's predecessor', what information should I get from that? First of all, it shows a bias against TLJ so probably also the Sequel trilogy. But if I personally think that The Last Jedi is great, like many other fans (no denial that a lot of fans hated it, but there is also a lot of fans that loved it), what should I get from that? it's worst than a great movie? So it sound like it can still be really good. And why is it worst than the Last Jedi? Is it because it extrapolates on the reasons why some fans think TLJ is a bad movie? Is those reasons the same why I think it is a great movie? So in that case, should I expect Episode 9 to be even better than Episode 8, even though I already think 8 is great?

TLJ scored a 44% audience score (The lowest of any SW film). I'm expected The last Airbender level of disappointment based on these early reports.

26 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

P.S. I was a Game of Thrones fan and I have seen a truly bad ending that ruined everything, a fan bases that has truly been consumed by salt (rightly so), and a creator that has made everything worse. The fact that we got The Mandalorian and Fallen Order doing so well makes it hard to believe that Disney is truly ruining the franchise...................... Also Resistance Reborn, what a great book! 9/10 would recommend.

I loved the GoT ending. I did feel it was rushed (they needed to separate the final season into two separate seasons).

I feel like such an alien: I don’t like the Last Jedi, I think it did a lot wrong, but I’m also not going to go out of my way to ruin the experience for anyone else that did like it.

I'm willing (just like the other movies) to give it a shot. I certainly don’t want to drag anybody for liking what they like, that’s just rude.

I’m dubious about the stated plot points, but I’m willing to give it a shot.

10 minutes ago, joewrightgm said:

I feel like such an alien: I don’t like the Last Jedi, I think it did a lot wrong, but I’m also not going to go out of my way to ruin the experience for anyone else that did like it.

I'm willing (just like the other movies) to give it a shot. I certainly don’t want to drag anybody for liking what they like, that’s just rude.

I’m dubious about the stated plot points, but I’m willing to give it a shot.

I'm in the same boat. However I'm going to commandeer episode 9 rather than watch it in theaters. If I like it I'll buy, but I'm not holding my breath.

30 minutes ago, R3dReVenge said:

The reason why people are believing these screening reveals are because the users who posted them had mentioned several scenes (that were shown in the trailers) BEFORE the final trailer release. How would they know of these scenes? These scenes were then confirmed in later trailers......

It was also reported that the movie was screened in front of several different audiences (hard core fans, regular audiences, and people who aren't into sci-fi movies ). Walk outs were reported in all screenings..

I'm not going into detail about what caused people to walk out. I wouldn't walk out based on what was reported, but I surely would be disappointed.

TLJ scored a 44% audience score (The lowest of any SW film). I'm expected The last Airbender level of disappointment based on these early reports.

I loved the GoT ending. I did feel it was rushed (they needed to separate the final season into two separate seasons).

I mean, I guess I don't get it. I don't get your predicament.

This is a logic gate.

Is the risk of $9 and 144 minutes of your time too much to see it for yourself and decide for yourself how you feel?


Then don't go.


Then go.

I don't understand all the hand wringing over this.

Edited by Darth Sanguis
lost some spoilers options
1 hour ago, joewrightgm said:

I feel like such an alien: I don’t like the Last Jedi, I think it did a lot wrong, but I’m also not going to go out of my way to ruin the experience for anyone else that did like it.

I'm willing (just like the other movies) to give it a shot. I certainly don’t want to drag anybody for liking what they like, that’s just rude.

Nah fam, you have the general view I would say, give or take. Most people thought the movie was fine or had a few issues with it. It did not ruin the franchise, but it did do a few questionable choices that really pissed certain groups off. And those groups are really active on the internet and you just happen to hang out in those areas. Just try to enjoy it and don't let the haters win.

In fact it is really hard to find a franchise that is not in a middle of a trash fire. Like I said Game of Thrones I doubt will ever recover, Marvel had it pretty bad with a few films, and I have seen a few videos on how much hate Star Trek fans have for the show right now. Video games companies are also in the same boat. The League of Legends forums is nothing but salt, and if you want to talk about stories that really crapped the bed you got to go watch what they did with World of Warcraft lol.

1 hour ago, R3dReVenge said:

t was also reported that the movie was screened in front of several different audiences (hard core fans, regular audiences, and people who aren't into sci-fi movies ). Walk outs were reported in all screenings..

Can you give me a link? I have not seen anything and I would like to know what they are saying and to see how legit the site is.

Also if anybody wants to have a link for the plot or the really cool pics of the ending I could share them (if they are not taken down already)................. Not that they are that hard to find really since MSM and Starwarsleaks are pretty legit (as for as a leak site goes) and well know.

Edited by RyantheFett
bad grammar
1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Can you give me a link? I have not seen anything and I would like to know what they are saying and to see how legit the site is.

Also if anybody wants to have a link for the plot or the really cool pics of the ending I could share them (if they are not taken down already)................. Not that they hard find really since MSM and Starwarsleaks are pretty legit (as for as a leak site goes) and well know.

Exactly... there is not one reliable source about these test screening reports. The only people who are reporting that are the same sith disturbers that said KK was fired. They all "create" content of hate so they can make money off of YouTube ad revenue.

Edited by Kardek
too long
2 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Nah fam, you have the general view I would say, give or take. Most people thought the movie was fine or had a few issues with it. It did not ruin the franchise, but it did do a few questionable choices that really pissed certain groups off. And those groups are really active on the internet and you just happen to hang out in those areas. Just try to enjoy it and don't let the haters win.

In fact it is really hard to find a franchise that is not in a middle of a trash fire. Like I said Game of Thrones I doubt will ever recover, Marvel had it pretty bad with a few films, and I have seen a few videos on how much hate Star Trek fans have for the show right now. Video games companies are also in the same boat. The League of Legends forums is nothing but salt, and if you want to talk about stories that really crapped the bed you got to go watch what they did with World of Warcraft lol.

Can you give me a link? I have not seen anything and I would like to know what they are saying and to see how legit the site is.

Also if anybody wants to have a link for the plot or the really cool pics of the ending I could share them (if they are not taken down already)................. Not that they are that hard to find really since MSM and Starwarsleaks are pretty legit (as for as a leak site goes) and well know.

We live in the modern world of the internet and people can do a simple google search. Google it.

LOL!!! After doing some research I have found where the rumor at least starts from. It is a funny 4chan "leak" that is a pretty good read. Won't post it since it still has some of the more widespread leaks in it, but it is pretty funny. Lets just say it involves Papa Palp saying "execute order 67" and the Falcon getting blown up with R2, 3P0, Lando, and Chewbacca all being killed.

I found one or two articles on some sites I have never heard (one had a nice third reich music video). As for the main Youtuber talking about the walkouts well going thought his videos lets just say they were................... about what you would suspect lol...........................Really hate how Star Wars is like the forefront of the culture wars now.

Edited by RyantheFett
4 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

In fact it is really hard to find a franchise that is not in a middle of a trash fire.

I am just surprised by what a mess the Star Wars toylines are in. Only the Lego line is actually like, actually good play value for children.

Oh look they do not screenings. I will miss order 67 and an army of Palp clones.

P.S. Harry Potter can also go on the list of IP doing really bad right now. I am beginning to think that Lord of the Rings TV show is being made just take down that fandom as well.

40 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Oh look they do not screenings. I will miss order 67 and an army of Palp clones.

P.S. Harry Potter can also go on the list of IP doing really bad right now. I am beginning to think that Lord of the Rings TV show is being made just take down that fandom as well.

Now that's an interesting timing! :P

And now, to get this thread back on track, love that girl!:

Edited by Red Castle



With respects, I have seen everything you have seen regarding the leaks, probably even before you. I think you have made your point on this, and while your views are valid, and I am sure based on how you feel on the matter, I think we can move on from this aspect of the discussion and switch gears. If you still need to express yourself perhaps, as I courteously requested before, perhaps it’s time to make a new thread please.

Cheers mate.

11 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

I am just surprised by what a mess the Star Wars toylines are in. Only the Lego line is actually like, actually good play value for children.

I think that is a testament to the overall play structure of kids today, and less a comment about the Star Wars films. Kids don't play with toys like action figures so much anymore.

My 6 year old loves the new movies, has action figures, but doesn't have much interest in them. But will play for hours building stuff for Lego.

2 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

My 6 year old loves the new movies, has action figures, but doesn't have much interest in them. But will play for hours building stuff for Lego.

And LEGO is one of the very few companies that are both beloved and can hold its own standards in the face of juggernauts like Disney and Star Wars.

6 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

And LEGO is one of the very few companies that are both beloved and can hold its own standards in the face of juggernauts like Disney and Star Wars.

Yet without Star Wars, Lego wouldn't be here today. If I recall, there was a time they were really struggling, then Lego acquired the Star Wars license and they kept themselves afloat

4 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I think that is a testament to the overall play structure of kids today, and less a comment about the Star Wars films. Kids don't play with toys like action figures so much anymore.

My 6 year old loves the new movies, has action figures, but doesn't have much interest in them. But will play for hours building stuff for Lego.

Maybe. But it's also a chicken and egg thing, if Lego is the only well done toyline, that's what kids will tend to use. My kids are younger than yours. They play with all manner of toys: Lego/Duplo, Playmobil, Star Wars Galactic Heroes, and a wide selection of those hard plastic, nicely painted animals/knights/etc. you can find at bigbox craft stores and small toy stores. We also scored a dirt cheap used Schliech castle, and a bunch of Schliech desert scenery, that all the toys work pretty well with.

Edited by TauntaunScout
59 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Yet without Star Wars, Lego wouldn't be here today. If I recall, there was a time they were really struggling, then Lego acquired the Star Wars license and they kept themselves afloat

Star Wars, and Harry Potter. The company was close to extinction in 1999 due to some really bad "innovations". They forced a bunch of the legendary old designers into retirement and hired recent top design school grads who didn't understand toys or children. Among other problems, these artists swelled the number of pieces to something like 4,000. Which made the overhead costs skyrocket. Now it's down to, iirc, a more manageable 2,000. For example these guys made like 4 shades of green or grey in production, that's been cut down. Nowadays, the Lego designers have a big board with one of every piece glued to it. Those are the only pieces they can use. The Master Builders DO have the authority to glue something new on the board and therefore incur the costs of putting that color/shape combo into production, but if they do so, they also have to REMOVE a piece from the board. There was also a bit of a tech craze that really hurt Lego in the 90's, they were producing cutting edge stuff and unknowingly selling them for too little. Famously, they were subcontracting a hi-tech piece for one of the Technic sets, and paying more for that one piece, than they charged for the whole set. With those kind of financial blinders on, any company is in trouble.

I used to work at a Lego store, and we were taught all kinds of things about the history of the company.

Edited by TauntaunScout