The Rise Of Skywalker on Disney+ May 4th

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Legion


😇 😎 I just wanted to edit it so the events of Endor NEVER happened.

Early reviews / plot reveals have been extremely discouraging. Apparently, fans walked out during an early screening and it's been reported that the movie is worst than it's predecessor.


8 minutes ago, R3dReVenge said:

Early reviews / plot reveals have been extremely discouraging. Apparently, fans walked out during an early screening and it's been reported that the movie is worst than it's predecessor.


Maybe I'll have room to put my feet up at the theater after all?

1 minute ago, R3dReVenge said:


I am a Star Wars Fan.

What do I hope to see in the final installment of the The Saga?


Do you know how people say that " this movie " or " that movie " is the Star Wars of this generation.

Well how about we have The Rise of Skywalker BE The Star Wars of this generation. For ALL generations while we are at it.

I want the silver screen to have all the elements that made my 7 year old self eyes go wide and mouth drop. I want The Rise of Skywalker to remind me of love and utter awe of Star Wars . I want the orchestra to play long and the audience to cheer wild. I want my villains properly British and my scoundrels with a heart of gold always shoot first. I want to go back and be transported to a long time ago, in the galaxy far, far away, and meet my 7 year old self again and we have the time of our lives.

I just want my childhood back for a couple of hours.

I am a Star Wars FAN.

My guess is many here are just as lucky and are fans too.

To The Skywalker Saga 🥂

22 minutes ago, Darth Sanguis said:

Maybe I'll have room to put my feet up at the theater after all?

You don't reserve the seats in front of you and next to you??? I need my space ;].....

2 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

I am a Star Wars Fan.

What do I hope to see in the final installment of the The Saga?


Do you know how people say that " this movie " or " that movie " is the Star Wars of this generation.

Well how about we have The Rise of Skywalker BE The Star Wars of this generation. For ALL generations while we are at it.

I want the silver screen to have all the elements that made my 7 year old self eyes go wide and mouth drop. I want The Rise of Skywalker to remind me of love and utter awe of Star Wars . I want the orchestra to play long and the audience to cheer wild. I want my villains properly British and my scoundrels with a heart of gold always shoot first. I want to go back and be transported to a long time ago, in the galaxy far, far away, and meet my 7 year old self again and we have the time of our lives.

I just want my childhood back for a couple of hours.

I am a Star Wars FAN.

My guess is many here are just as lucky and are fans too.

To The Skywalker Saga 🥂

I'm just worried. The trailer hyped me up. Then reports from the screenings have been very bad (worst than TLJ reviews). I won't go into spoilers on here, but if the spoilers are true, this movie will be complete trash.

I asked for a refund for the 10 IMAX tickets I purchased. I'll wait until the reviews are out I guess.

3 minutes ago, R3dReVenge said:

You don't reserve the seats in front of you and next to you??? I need my space ;].....

I'm just worried. The trailer hyped me up. Then reports from the screenings have been very bad (worst than TLJ reviews). I won't go into spoilers on here, but if the spoilers are true, this movie will be complete trash.

I asked for a refund for the 10 IMAX tickets I purchased. I'll wait until the reviews are out I guess.

Hmm. What was is about FEAR did Yoda teach?

No matter how trash it is, I will never skip a Star Wars film in the theaters. Heck, is there a reason for theaters to exist if not for Star Wars?

12 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Hmm. What was is about FEAR did Yoda teach?

Ahh, we haven't met yet....

I've embraced the Dark side.

2 minutes ago, Odanan said:

No matter how trash it is, I will never skip a Star Wars film in the theaters. Heck, is there a reason for theaters to exist if not for Star Wars?

That's great that you're so dedicated to the franchise... I used to be like you then Disney started coming out with Trash movies and I became fed up with it all. I will sit this one out until I hear back from my buddies. Maybe the screenings are just rumors, maybe there is something to it?

1 minute ago, R3dReVenge said:

Maybe the screenings are just rumors, maybe there is something to it?

In all seriousness, this seems to be the state of things at the moment. There's no real way to tell. Really, more than that, the perspective reality of whether the movie is "good" will likely be a reflection of the individual more than the film itself.

Either way, I'm excited to see it.

There's no good reason to skip a Star War. If it's good it's good. If it's bad it still has good moments and it is necessary context in which to discuss the other films. Most big budget A movies are bad. Don't hold something to a mathematically unrealistic standard because of the logo. Also, don't give it a pass on silliness just because of its logo.

If you have any other interests at all, it's impossible to read every book and watch every show. But seeing every movie in the theater once is a must. Anything else, would be uncivilized.

Edited by TauntaunScout
15 minutes ago, Darth Sanguis said:

In all seriousness, this seems to be the state of things at the moment. There's no real way to tell. Really, more than that, the perspective reality of whether the movie is "good" will likely be a reflection of the individual more than the film itself.

Either way, I'm excited to see it.

I'm more excited for the next The Mandalorian episodes, but still, it's Star Wars: it's made for the big screen.

Besides, I do have a reputation (of Star Wars fan) among my friends... I can't disappoint when they ask me "How is the movie?"

23 minutes ago, R3dReVenge said:

I used to be like you then Disney started coming out with Trash movies and I became fed up with it all. I will sit this one out until I hear back from my buddies. Maybe the screenings are just rumors , maybe there is something to it?

That’s basically why a rumor is JUST that, A RUMOR.

If you can be swayed by simple hearsay and conjecture, that’s your right and prerogative. I fully support your view as valid.

But if you wish to continue this tangent please feel free start your own thread so we can keep this one civil.

47 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

That’s basically why a rumor is JUST that, A RUMOR.

If you can be swayed by simple hearsay and conjecture, that’s your right and prerogative. I fully support your view as valid.

But if you wish to continue this tangent please feel free start your own thread so we can keep this one civil .

Except these rumors came out prior to the TLJ and the Solo movie. Both were quite accurate in what we got in theaters. My past experience is influencing my future decisions.

I've been quite civil in my comments. I want to generate generate discussion regarding rumors about RoS. Maybe someone else has heard the same things that I've heard and I want their opinion.

50 minutes ago, Odanan said:

I'm more excited for the next The Mandalorian episodes, but still, it's Star Wars: it's made for the big screen.

Besides, I do have a reputation (of Star Wars fan) among my friends... I can't disappoint when they ask me "How is the movie?"

The Mandalorian has been great so far. Nearly a perfect in my book (besides the short episode length).

Rogue One had some horribly cringe-worthy lines in the trailers. It's pretty much perfect, you don't really know until the movie comes out. All the proof of a pudding is in the eating of it.

I never cared about the opinion of others regarding entertainement, I prefer to make my own and not be influenced by what others think. That's why I don't usually read or watch reviews until I experienced it myself. I make my own judgment and then look at review to see if there is something I missed, or if there is another way to interpret what I saw. And that will be even moreso with Star Wars where fans can get emotional (one way or the other) in their perception and tend to have unrealistic expectation prior to see the film that can influence the way they enjoy it. Especially regarding the Sequel trilogy where I feel like a lot of fans enter the room with their mind already set to hate the movie and be nitpicky about everything.

For my part, as a big fan of the Sequel Trilogy, I really can't wait for Episode 9! With The Mandalorian, Jedi Fallen Order, Episode 9, Clone Wars seventh season and the news of an Obi-Wan series in the work, I don't think I've ever been this excited to be a Star Wars Fan.

I'll let people hate if they want to hate, for my part I'm enjoying the ride full speed!

Can't wait to see Rey, Kylo, Finn, Poe, Rose and Hux back on the big screen! Longest month ever!!!!

32 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

With The Mandalorian, Jedi Fallen Order, Episode 9, Clone Wars seventh season and the news of an Obi-Wan series in the work, I don't think I've ever been this excited to be a Star Wars Fan.

It's a great time to be a Star Wars fan. These are just the source media, this doesn't capture all the stuff FFG is doing with the license. X-wing, Armada, Legion, are all excellent in their own merits, their narrative dice system for EotE/AoR/FaD...

Good times.

5 hours ago, Darth Sanguis said:

It's a great time to be a Star Wars fan. These are just the source media, this doesn't capture all the stuff FFG is doing with the license. X-wing, Armada, Legion, are all excellent in their own merits, their narrative dice system for EotE/AoR/FaD...

Good times.

Absolutely! We also just started an Armada league in my region 2 weeks ago. I didn't played an Armada game in the last year or two, it was a blast to get back into it... I almost forgot how much I love that game!

11 hours ago, R3dReVenge said:

Early reviews / plot reveals have been extremely discouraging. Apparently, fans walked out during an early screening and it's been reported that the movie is worst than it's predecessor.


Ooh! Oooooohhhh, that's great news! That means it'll be the best Star Wars film yet!!!

The one thing you can ALWAYS trust, If vocal Star Wars fans hate it..?

Then it's REALLY good!

3 hours ago, KCDodger said:

Ooh! Oooooohhhh, that's great news! That means it'll be the best Star Wars film yet!!!

The one thing you can ALWAYS trust, If vocal Star Wars fans hate it..?

Then it's REALLY good!

I just look at past results when making predictions about future events. It's something that many people on here (and in the world) struggle with.

We want it to be good, but that might not necessarily be the case. I'll hold my judgement until it's actually out, but I'm hesitant now.

10 hours ago, KCDodger said:

Ooh! Oooooohhhh, that's great news! That means it'll be the best Star Wars film yet!!!

The one thing you can ALWAYS trust, If vocal Star Wars fans hate it..?

Then it's REALLY good!

I know right! Imagine the uproar if Finn and Poe become an item..

My hope, for peak schadenfreude, is they make a Mara Jade show, that disregards the old stories completely and casts Brie Larson as Mara. “Fan” implosion. Muhahahahaha!

Minor bladder alert.

TROS run time will be 141 minutes .

In other news, exclusive Chewbacca Black Series Adult Diapers are on sale at Target now.

11 hours ago, R3dReVenge said:

I just look at past results when making predictions about future events. It's something that many people on here (and in the world) struggle with.

We want it to be good, but that might not necessarily be the case. I'll hold my judgement until it's actually out, but I'm hesitant now.

I was hesitant that I'd even remotely like TLJ because I hated, with a passion, Rian Johnson's, "Looper".

11 hours ago, R3dReVenge said:

I just look at past results when making predictions about future events. It's something that many people on here (and in the world) struggle with.

We want it to be good, but that might not necessarily be the case. I'll hold my judgement until it's actually out, but I'm hesitant now.

I was hesitant that I'd even remotely like TLJ because I hated, with a passion, Rian Johnson's, "Looper".

4 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I know right! Imagine the uproar if Finn and Poe become an item..

My hope, for peak schadenfreude, is they make a Mara Jade show, that disregards the old stories completely and casts Brie Larson as Mara. “Fan” implosion. Muhahahahaha!