The Rise Of Skywalker on Disney+ May 4th

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Legion

2 hours ago, Red Castle said:
2 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Some material from the novel for those who want information but will skip reading the novel. I won’t spoil the main plot and cooler novel surprises in case you want to read it someday.


Corellia has been taken over by the First Order. Two Star Wars Galaxies cities appear in the book and are now Canon.

Black Squadron and Phantom Squadron are part of the novel.

It appears that Wedge trained Poe. Makes sense.

Finn says he and Rose are ‘just friends.’

Hera Syndulla is mentioned but does not make an appearance.

General Carlist Rieekan, Theater Commander of the Battle of Hoth, hero of Alderaan and the Rebellion and one of the architects of the New Republic's Military appears.

So does Orrimaarko, “Prune face”

🤣 🤦🏻‍♂️

Two thirds in and I love this book! Can't wait to finish it this weekend!

I love how it brings together all those characters from different stories. While I don't think those stories are essential to enjoy the book, it is definetly rewarding to have read or seen all their stories prior to reading it. Like you said, it's a love letter to the fan.

I particularily love how it is dealing with the consequences of Poe's decisions in The Last Jedi, a great follow up.

I have yet to finish it, but for now I see this book more as an epilogue to Episode 8 than a prologue to Episode 9, seeing that the events happens right after the Battle of Crait.

Love it!

Lucky jerks, I work at a library and I somehow missed the release date. Now I stuck waiting for it to be returned!

I am finally getting around to reading Heir to the Empire. Started in the 90's and put it down. It has... not aged well. I think its reception just shows how starving everyone was for SW stuff. I would hazard that Zahn did not reignite interest. He tapped into a reservoir of ignored fans.

I mean c'mon. We were even excited about those rubber bendy figures being released in the 90's. That's how bad we all wanted for merch.

Edited by TauntaunScout
1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Lucky jerks, I work at a library and I somehow missed the release date. Now I stuck waiting for it to be returned!

Well, if you have not already, here's what I think should be (but not necessary to enjoy) read/seen prior to Resistance Reborn:

-Aftermath trilogy


-Poe Dameron comic series

-Battlefront 2 single player campaign

-Lost Stars

I think that if you read/seen all that, you'll enjoy the story more.

40 minutes ago, TauntaunScout said:

I am finally getting around to reading Heir to the Empire. Started in the 90's and put it down. It has... not aged well. I think its reception just shows how starving everyone was for SW stuff. I would hazard that Zahn did not reignite interest. He tapped into a reservoir of ignored fans.

I mean c'mon. We were even excited about those rubber bendy figures being released in the 90's. That's how bad we all wanted for merch.

I would be super into a major review of the past major Star Wars comics/books/games and the general feelings towards each of them. Before I use to just surf on the Wook, but my job now requires a lot of down time in front of a computer so I now see some strong opinions on many arcs, like making fun of Luuke or strong hate for the Vong. Like what are the best stories that have aged well? What stories are just the worse and should die in a fire?

I know the canon right now could be better, but I always think back to the EU hierarchy days. Where Geroge Lucas would just come in steal the best ideas and ruin a few others before he would move onto his next failed project. Like the stupid reason Korriban was changed to Moraband cause he liked the name better ....................


10 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

Well, if you have not already, here's what I think should be (but not necessary to enjoy) read/seen prior to Resistance Reborn:

-Aftermath trilogy


-Poe Dameron comic series

-Battlefront 2 single player campaign

-Lost Stars

I think that if you read/seen all that, you'll enjoy the story more.

All done 😥 . Sort of still need to youtube the second Battlefront 2 campaign again since I skipped a lot from it.

1 minute ago, RyantheFett said:

All done 😥 . Sort of still need to youtube the second Battlefront 2 campaign again since I skipped a lot from it.

Well, looks like Youtube is waiting for you then! :P

1 hour ago, TauntaunScout said:

I am finally getting around to reading Heir to the Empire. Started in the 90's and put it down. It has... not aged well. I think its reception just shows how starving everyone was for SW stuff. I would hazard that Zahn did not reignite interest. He tapped into a reservoir of ignored fans.

I mean c'mon. We were even excited about those rubber bendy figures being released in the 90's. That's how bad we all wanted for merch.

I've been meaning to rereading them exactly to see if they aged well (and also that I was about 10 when I read them)... I think we were just glad to finally have more Star wars content and it influenced a lot of our reception.

55 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

I've been meaning to rereading them exactly to see if they aged well (and also that I was about 10 when I read them)... I think we were just glad to finally have more Star wars content and it influenced a lot of our reception.

Everything that Zahn adds to the universe, even the elevator cables, is amazingly better than Luke or Leia could have dreamed. Thrawn uses his liberal arts interests to conquer the world: author insert much? He's such a genius that everything the best heroes of bestness do gets bested by Thrawn's genius. Because he's the best. Because Zahn said so. It's like the author is intentionally trying to one-up George Lucas. Feels like a kid declaring something is "infinity times infinity" on the playground.

All the new nouns use consonants mashed together because Star Wars. That getting really old as I read on. I forgot this guy invented climbing claws for wookies, that's hurting him in my book. So is the wookie who speaks Basic. Lest we forget: Why on earth would 3PO need specialized modifications to mimic a voice?!?!

The list goes on and on. As someone who's faith never wavered from 1986 to 1999, he categorically did not reinvigorate my interest in Star Wars, and I'm prone to believing a book this bad can't have done the trick. People were starved for anything they could get. We'd even call our friends if Darth Vader made a cameo in an SNL skit or something back then. Star Wars was always popular among the fans, it was only The Man and the Pop 40 crowd that forgot about it. I just don't believe the theatrical re-release, the new movies, etc. couldn't have happened and/or succeeded without the buzz from this book. I'm really starting to remember why I avoid SW novels. I'll give it a fair chance and finish it but I doubt it will leave me itching to read the next book in the series. Just like Game of Thrones. Every few pages I'm just appalled at the gall of this author.

Maybe I'm just too old for something that's essentially YA fiction, but, if that were the case I'd dislike a lot of other things which I do find to be good.

Edited by TauntaunScout
1 hour ago, TauntaunScout said:

Everything that Zahn adds to the universe, even the elevator cables, is amazingly better than Luke or Leia could have dreamed. Thrawn uses his liberal arts interests to conquer the world: author insert much? He's such a genius that everything the best heroes of bestness do gets bested by Thrawn's genius. Because he's the best. Because Zahn said so. It's like the author is intentionally trying to one-up George Lucas. Feels like a kid declaring something is "infinity times infinity" on the playground.

All the new nouns use consonants mashed together because Star Wars. That getting really old as I read on. I forgot this guy invented climbing claws for wookies, that's hurting him in my book. So is the wookie who speaks Basic. Lest we forget: Why on earth would 3PO need specialized modifications to mimic a voice?!?!

The list goes on and on. As someone who's faith never wavered from 1986 to 1999, he categorically did not reinvigorate my interest in Star Wars, and I'm prone to believing a book this bad can't have done the trick. People were starved for anything they could get. We'd even call our friends if Darth Vader made a cameo in an SNL skit or something back then. Star Wars was always popular among the fans, it was only The Man and the Pop 40 crowd that forgot about it. I just don't believe the theatrical re-release, the new movies, etc. couldn't have happened and/or succeeded without the buzz from this book. I'm really starting to remember why I avoid SW novels. I'll give it a fair chance and finish it but I doubt it will leave me itching to read the next book in the series. Just like Game of Thrones. Every few pages I'm just appalled at the gall of this author.

Maybe I'm just too old for something that's essentially YA fiction, but, if that were the case I'd dislike a lot of other things which I do find to be good.

Lol Thawn is a Gary Stu, I knew it!!!!! I am interested in what series (comics or video games? since you are not a fan of the books) you do like or consider top tier of the old EU? I know I should google "top 10 old EU stories", but I like to get a lot of different views. Also first time I have heard so much negativity towards anything Thrawn related, does anybody have any takes on the Vong???

And to just take another shot at George Lucas (because that dead horse won't beat itself) he makes it very easy for almost anyone to one-up him. Case in point:

Image result for a new hope jabba

34 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

does anybody have any takes on the Vong???

Neat in concept, poorly executed in my opinion.

Fun to throw at players wandering the unknown regions in the old Star Wars RPGs before EU wipe. All these OP late game force users just kinda aghast that their force powers do literally nothing. lol good times.

Edited by Darth Sanguis
37 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

I am interested in what series (comics or video games? since you are not a fan of the books) you do like or consider top tier of the old EU?

If I had a suggestion, I'd say the old "tales of the Jedi" comics are worth a read, gives a little insight to the first great schisms between the Sith and Jedi.

I'd look into the Kotor (and Swtor, specifically the darkside force classes) video games

Darth Bane Trilogy

Those are all pretty well received Old Republic era stuff, gives a lot of insight on the failing of the Jedi when combating the Sith and why Luke's victory over Palaptine was so major.

After that, I'd say outbound flight, the thrawn trilogy, and survivors quest are all pretty good.

Oh, and the X-wing series by Stackpole is pretty good too

3 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

Everything that Zahn adds to the universe, even the elevator cables, is amazingly better than Luke or Leia could have dreamed. Thrawn uses his liberal arts interests to conquer the world: author insert much? He's such a genius that everything the best heroes of bestness do gets bested by Thrawn's genius. Because he's the best. Because Zahn said so. It's like the author is intentionally trying to one-up George Lucas. Feels like a kid declaring something is "infinity times infinity" on the playground.

All the new nouns use consonants mashed together because Star Wars. That getting really old as I read on. I forgot this guy invented climbing claws for wookies, that's hurting him in my book. So is the wookie who speaks Basic. Lest we forget: Why on earth would 3PO need specialized modifications to mimic a voice?!?!

The list goes on and on. As someone who's faith never wavered from 1986 to 1999, he categorically did not reinvigorate my interest in Star Wars, and I'm prone to believing a book this bad can't have done the trick. People were starved for anything they could get. We'd even call our friends if Darth Vader made a cameo in an SNL skit or something back then. Star Wars was always popular among the fans, it was only The Man and the Pop 40 crowd that forgot about it. I just don't believe the theatrical re-release, the new movies, etc. couldn't have happened and/or succeeded without the buzz from this book. I'm really starting to remember why I avoid SW novels. I'll give it a fair chance and finish it but I doubt it will leave me itching to read the next book in the series. Just like Game of Thrones. Every few pages I'm just appalled at the gall of this author.

Maybe I'm just too old for something that's essentially YA fiction, but, if that were the case I'd dislike a lot of other things which I do find to be good.

Yeah, that's what I expected.

Reminds me of the Dark elf trilogy. Read it when it came out, I was around 10 (Star Wars and D&D, let's just say that I was not the most popular with girls when I was young... :P) and oh god did I loved it! Drizzt was one of my hero! Gave it a second read a couple years ago... yeah, it didn't age really well... I was young and innocent the first time I read it...

8 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Lucky jerks, I work at a library and I somehow missed the release date. Now I stuck waiting for it to be returned!

Return of the Resistance (to your local library)

Yaknow, this is one of my favorite threads, simply because it has a bunch of people talking about the sequel trilogy{along with other tangents :)} in a fun, non-salty way. This is the same with all of @Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun New canon threads, and I think it's nice.

You have my appreciation Arem,

Arctic Out

2 hours ago, ArcticJedi said:

Yaknow, this is one of my favorite threads, simply because it has a bunch of people talking about the sequel trilogy{along with other tangents :)} in a fun, non-salty way. This is the same with all of @Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun New canon threads, and I think it's nice.

You have my appreciation Arem,

Arctic Out

Very kind of you to say @ArcticJedi , I prefer my salt rimmed on mezcal Margaritas. Cheers 🥂

10 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Lucky jerks, I work at a library and I somehow missed the release date. Now I stuck waiting for it to be returned!


4 hours ago, Red Castle said:

Yeah, that's what I expected.

Reminds me of the Dark elf trilogy. Read it when it came out, I was around 10 (Star Wars and D&D, let's just say that I was not the most popular with girls when I was young... :P) and oh god did I loved it! Drizzt was one of my hero! Gave it a second read a couple years ago... yeah, it didn't age really well... I was young and innocent the first time I read it...

@Red Castle I really liked The Crytal Shard, I still do. I loved that R.A. Salvatore used magic items from the Dungeon Masters Guide and even named the Balor from there.

Since R.A. Salvatore wrote the novelization of Phantom Menace I asked him who would win in a fight, Darth Maul or Drizzt.

He said it depended on whoever was paying him at the time, 🤣 but if it was up to him, Drizzt always, no question.

10 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

I mean c'mon. We were even excited about those rubber bendy figures being released in the 90's. That's how bad we all wanted for merch.

I am such a Star Wars fan that sadly at one time in my life**, I had to have everything Star Wars related. You could hand write the words “Star Wars” on a used picnic napkin and I would happily give you $5 for it.

**That was about two, maybe three weeks ago, but I swear I am getting help.

And by help I mean more closet space.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
16 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Lol Thawn is a Gary Stu, I knew it!!!!! I am interested in what series (comics or video games? since you are not a fan of the books) you do like or consider top tier of the old EU? I know I should google "top 10 old EU stories", but I like to get a lot of different views. Also first time I have heard so much negativity towards anything Thrawn related, does anybody have any takes on the Vong???

I don't play video games. The most recent SW video games I played was Dark Forces, X-Wing, and TIE Fighter. Not sure what the release order was on those but none date to later than 1998. But those were all pretty good I thought, for what was possible at the time.

The only comics I was reading back then were Aliens and Predator, and I could barely afford to follow those so I didn't get into the SW comics of ye 1990's.

As far as current stuff I do like which I would not like if I was simply biased against revisits of my childhood/teenage franchises:

  • The Dark Crystal tv show
  • Rogue One (duh)
  • Mad Max: Fury Road (duh)
  • Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
  • The current rules to 40k, if nothing else about the present state of GW

For 90's stuff that did age well, I'd have to revisit a lot of stuff and get back to you.

10 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

I am such a Star Wars fan that sadly at one time in my life**, I had to have everything Star Wars related. You could hand write the words “Star Wars” on a used picnic napkin and I would happily give you $5 for it.

Fun Fact, we once acquired a used ROTJ napkin. Just sayin'. Star Wars is sort of liberating in the impossibility of collecting it all. Since I can't make a dent, I don't have to try. Compared to collecting my Marx plastic dinosaurs for example, there's only so many color variations and stuff so I feel compelled to chase the implausible task of getting them all. Or Willow toys, there's so little of it that I try to get it all.

On 11/8/2019 at 3:20 PM, RyantheFett said:

Lol Thawn is a Gary Stu, I knew it!!!!! I am interested in what series (comics or video games? since you are not a fan of the books) you do like or consider top tier of the old EU?

I now consider the top of the new wars stuff to be THE MANDALORIAN. Go get a free 7 day trial of Disney+ and watch the first episode if you haven't already.


Hot Toys Rey

Are you sure that's Rey? Cause I can't see a thing with the blast shield down...


Zorri Bliss

23 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


Zorri Bliss

Dashes my hopes of her being a Quarian-type species. Oh well.


Poe piloting the Falcon .

4 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Poe piloting the Falcon .

How is it not Chewie's ship by then? Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.