The Rise Of Skywalker on Disney+ May 4th

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Legion

6 minutes ago, TauntaunScout said:

After the nonsense of Starkiller Base, I do not have any faith in Abrams' ability to make a good movie. So. Full tinfoil hat treatment is what I expect?

In all honesty, taking the palp clones from legends and making them Rey clones instead fits the "she came from nowhere" + that vision in ep8 + her force powers.............and seems less than tinfoily against many other theories I've seen

i doubt rey will be in dark side. but this trilogy sucks hard anyway , specially after that TLJ fiasco. even so , probably just a fail tease like finn lightsaber in TFA trailer.

anyway i just hope palpatine kills them all and rule the galaxy again. only palpatine can save this trilogy at this point.

1 hour ago, gmcc said:

anyway i just hope palpatine kills them all and rule the galaxy again. only palpatine can save this trilogy at this point.

To be honest, I doubt that will save the trilogy...

On 8/29/2019 at 8:50 AM, Ralgon said:

In all honesty, taking the palp clones from legends and making them Rey clones instead fits the "she came from nowhere" + that vision in ep8 + her force powers.............and seems less than tinfoily against many other theories I've seen

Literally the least interesting and least creative thing anyone could do with a mystical force that binds all things is lump it in with dynastic succession, genetics, and blood purity. I suspect this is why it was so prevalent in the EU and why JJ will likely walk the same path. Sigh.


Inspired by 1977 Star Wars by AndrewBurt 120


On 9/2/2019 at 12:24 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


Looks like they're buffing the range on saber throw as well as reducing its point cost.

That is so wrong and so funny.

4 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

The 1st one took "spinning is a good trick" far too literally


fan art by Phase Runner




TIE Whisper

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun


Jet Trooper Gamoreaning (piggy backing) on with a Stormtrooper

I really like the treadspeeder design.

On 8/30/2019 at 6:13 PM, ResoluteHusky said:

To be honest, I doubt that will save the trilogy...

Nothing can "save" the sequels themselves at this point, but I think there's still hope for the sequel/post-sequel era if EpIX can cap off the bigger mistakes of TFA and the existing supplementary material(there's not much they can do about TLJ except try and ignore it really really hard outside of the two big plot points - Luke's dead and the Resistance is knackered - which shouldn't be all that hard given pretty much everything else that happens in the movie is utterly irrelevant to the wider narrative) in a way that retroactively modifies how people view them.

The First Order is a farce in the films because of hack writing and misguided "everything bad has to be a joke, or else people might think we're endorsing bad things" thinking, so lean into it and make them a farce in-setting as well. Show them up for the store own-brand knockoff cosplayers that they are, rather than continuing the charade of them being ominous and all-powerful.

Go with the "Rey is a clone" thing and use that to explain away the ludicrous ease with which she became a force wielder in the previous films.

Construct an ending that validates and reinforces the conclusion of the OT rather than traducing and diminishing its heroes as the laziest way to elevate the newer protagonists.

Of course, there's a difference between hope and self-delusion - I don't actually have any serious expectation they'll take that approach, there are too many egos involved in how the sequel material has played out so far to even acknowledge that mistakes were made, let alone dedicate the final movie to correcting(or, at least, minimising) them. We'll get a boilerplate JJ film with a sprinkling of girls good/boys stinkybad, and if we're very lucky indeed it won't make a complete mess out of Palpatine and Lando.

I still don’t get how anyone can find TLJ to be worse than Starkiller base.

Or how Rey’s abilities are that much more inexplicable than Luke’s.

17 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

Rey’s abilities are that much more inexplicable than Luke’s

Kylo screwed up, that's basically it.

He never finished his training. While he was reading Rey's mind through the force he opened his up. His training imprinted on her while she was in his head.

That's it.

That's why she doesn't actually use any advanced force skills until after that scene. Why she instinctively knew what a mind trick was, or how to call a saber to herself, how she was able to counter Kylo's saber technique with relative ease.

Honestly it's what makes this dynamic between Rey and Kylo interesting to me. They are equal and opposite.

36 minutes ago, EchoZero said:

Kylo screwed up, that's basically it.

He never finished his training. While he was reading Rey's mind through the force he opened his up. His training imprinted on her while she was in his head.

That's it.

That's why she doesn't actually use any advanced force skills until after that scene. Why she instinctively knew what a mind trick was, or how to call a saber to herself, how she was able to counter Kylo's saber technique with relative ease.

Honestly it's what makes this dynamic between Rey and Kylo interesting to me. They are equal and opposite.

Exactly this. The Combat moves she practices in TLJ even match the moves used by Kylo when he attacks Luke at the end of the movie. I would only add that Rey is naturally powerful in the force and just did what Kylo was doing to her (reading her mind) and did it back to him with more power, determination, and resolve.

And he’d been shot. And unlike say, Elizabeth Swan, we know she can fight anyways.

It was never clear how Luke new about force-levitating his lightsaber in the wampa cave, either. Nothing like that was in his ANH scenes with Ben. No one freaks out about that.

14 minutes ago, Draycos said:
54 minutes ago, EchoZero said:

Kylo screwed up, that's basically it.

He never finished his training. While he was reading Rey's mind through the force he opened his up. His training imprinted on her while she was in his head.

That's it.

That's why she doesn't actually use any advanced force skills until after that scene. Why she instinctively knew what a mind trick was, or how to call a saber to herself, how she was able to counter Kylo's saber technique with relative ease.

Honestly it's what makes this dynamic between Rey and Kylo interesting to me. They are equal and opposite.

Exactly this. The Combat moves she practices in TLJ even match the moves used by Kylo when he attacks Luke at the end of the movie. I would only add that Rey is naturally powerful in the force and just did what Kylo was doing to her (reading her mind) and did it back to him with more power, determination, and resolve.

That is pretty cool explanation that I missed from the movies and will have to go back and watch. l just went with the fact that Kylo was both mentally and physically hampered before the fight with Rey was the reason that he lost.

On 8/29/2019 at 7:50 AM, Ralgon said:
On 8/29/2019 at 7:38 AM, TauntaunScout said:

After the nonsense of Starkiller Base, I do not have any faith in Abrams' ability to make a good movie. So. Full tinfoil hat treatment is what I expect?

In all honesty, taking the palp clones from legends and making them Rey clones instead fits the "she came from nowhere" + that vision in ep8 + her force powers.............and seems less than tinfoily against many other theories I've seen

From all the spoilers posted I have mixed feelings on the movie. It feels like it may answer every question and fix a few issues in 8, but does so in a way that may be too convoluted. From the leaks I think it will be fine, but I doubt it will convert any people to hate or like the new movies.

On 8/30/2019 at 3:15 PM, KalEl814 said:

Literally the least interesting and least creative thing anyone could do with a mystical force that binds all things is lump it in with dynastic succession, genetics, and blood purity. I suspect this is why it was so prevalent in the EU and why JJ will likely walk the same path. Sigh.

If the plot leaks are true then you are right and wrong at the same time lol. I think they are most likely accurate, but who knows. The answer they use in the movie I feel like it is...........okay, but it really feels like a lot is hanging on the movie itself and the acting of a certain someone to cover up the one massive issue I got with it all.

Just now, RyantheFett said:

That is pretty cool explanation that I missed from the movies and will have to go back and watch. l just went with the fact that Kylo was both mentally and physically hampered before the fight with Rey was the reason that he lost.

Hit up the novelization of TLJ. They explain sooooooo much.

While I genuinely enjoyed TLJ, if I had a solid critique, it was that they tried to pack too much into one movie. There was no feasible way to explore all the world building on screen like they did in the book.