The Rise Of Skywalker on Disney+ May 4th

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Legion

40 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:





Seems Zorri is discoloured. Shouldn't she be purple? But all for more troopers and the blue droid is awesome!

On 7/22/2019 at 4:51 AM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

@That Blasted Samophlange what do you think of the Knights of Ren?

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
26 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

@That Blasted Samophlange what do you think of the Knights of Ren?

Them I like. I look forward to seeing them in The film and in Legion someday!


From what I have read, this could very well be the Jumptrooper from the film.



Like really, spoilers

You have been warned

From the link (not mine)

The SITH Fleet

For a while now Star Wars fans have been reading about, hearing about what’s out in the Unknown Regions and “the Beyond.” What that means has been kind of a mystery and part of the fun of the sequel trilogy era. Now today I have some pretty interesting rumors about what all of this actually means and what it might amount to if the rumors are correct. I should say that many of the things in this article have been corroborated by other tidbits in the past, both public and private. I think a lot of these disparate facts are coming together now.

The Sith Stormtroopers have been hidden away in the Unknown Regions. It is apparently hellish in those areas. The Universe is “not entirely stable.” The area is dangerous and full of peril. Since His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor Palpatine’s death, the fleet has been dodging gravity wells and surviving in the wilderness of space in the Unknown Regions waiting to be found and to finish their mission.

This is why Kylo Ren needs the Wayfinder device. The Sith fleet is the key Kylo Ren needs to unlock Emperor Palpatine’s legacy. Kylo gets this device from an alien that looks like a spider with an infant’s face that acts as an oracle. This is sort of a Pandora’s Box for Kylo it seems as he thinks he’s getting himself something powerful that answers to him but Emperor Palpatine is not so willing to share his toys with anyone. Emperor Palpatine contingency plans weren’t made to have Darth Vader’s grandson received his inheritance.

The red Sith Stormtroopers which belong to The Emperor are hidden away inside a massive fleet, probably as a final act so upon his resurrection he could dominate the universe once more. However, the Death Star II wasn’t The Empeor’s last project. These Star Destroyers are equipped with “planet destroying weapons like the one on the Death Star itself.” Our buddy at the fantastic Bespin Bulletin is also releasing some images of the Sith Jump Troopers that fly in the Red TIE Fighters that belong to this fleet. These guys eject from their red TIE Fighters and rocket out and continue fighting from what I’ve heard and it all links up to survival in the unknown regions. These guys are not cowards with armor like our heroes are used to dealing with. I was told a few shots from The Clone Wars regarding Mando rocket pack stuff are pretty much reworked for this some of this movie and it is supposedly fantastic. Head over to Bespin Bulletin for his sketches of the troopers when they post in a short while. The questions I’m left with are the designs and how the fleet the survived and procreated 30 plus years later. Are they clones? How did they get their modern amor that matches The First Order’s designs? It seems like all of this fleet business is how we get Palpatine back. My assumption is Kylo doesn’t appreciate the fleet belonging to him but its also how he learns he’s part of a bigger plot to find Emperor Palpatine. My assumption is Snoke told Kylo about the fleet and withheld the reason they were looking for it or didn’t know either. Is Allegiant General Pryde a First Order guy or is he a Sith Fleet guy? When The Sith Fleet returns and unlocks a lot of secrets about Palpatine, is this also how we learn Rey’s connection to Palpatine’s plans?

@Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun I'm going to take this with a grain if salt. It will be interesting to see if it pans out that way, but If the fleet has been hidden away, why is the armour appearance so similar? Perhaps snoke had ways of communicating with the fleet, or the fleet sent technical data to Snoke?

Perhaps Snoke is a clone that was engineered to be in telepathic contact with, well, other.. Snokes?

54 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

@Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun I'm going to take this with a grain if salt. It will be interesting to see if it pans out that way, but If the fleet has been hidden away, why is the armour appearance so similar? Perhaps snoke had ways of communicating with the fleet, or the fleet sent technical data to Snoke?

Perhaps Snoke is a clone that was engineered to be in telepathic contact with, well, other.. Snokes?

It could also be that the Imperial remnant within the First Order were secretly reporting to this fleet. Seems to make the most sense if you ask me. Reading some of the new EU materials shows a clear level of disdain for the unexperienced and unruly nature of the First Order command.

On 7/30/2019 at 12:38 PM, That Blasted Samophlange said:

@Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun I'm going to take this with a grain if salt.

So am I ! But


I cannot believe what Star Wars has become since I was a kid. From the time I was in 1st grade through almost senior year, being into Star Wars was like choosing to study a lost civilization.

1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

It does add some clout, I admit. Can the Onager destroy a planet though?

56 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

It does add some clout, I admit. Can the Onager destroy a planet though?

It can probably ‘just’ split and crack the mantle like the Eclipse Class. Enough to cow Rebel ships.

2 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

It can probably ‘just’ split and crack the mantle like the Eclipse Class. Enough to cow Rebel ships.

Fair enough. I was only asking as the Rebel Files book is not at my library.

Perhaps the First order does indeed have these ships which would give credence to the rumour. Or perhaps the the imperial/first order propaganda has just jumped to hyperbole.

36 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Perhaps the First order does indeed have these ships which would give credence to the rumour. Or perhaps the the imperial/first order propaganda has just jumped to hyperbole.

It’s not idle propaganda if you can back blow it up.



Kylo Ren with rebuilt helmet and General of the First Order Pryde


LEGO Speeders

3 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


LEGO Speeders

I really like how Ep9 looks to be deviating from Ep6.


Knight of Ren

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

Pretty sure they are just ripping off the Kyp Durron/Exar Kun storyline with Kylo and Palp.

2 hours ago, crx3800 said:

Pretty sure they are just ripping off the Kyp Durron/Exar Kun storyline with Kylo and Palp.

My fears range from all the grown ups being asleep at the switch, to drunk behind the wheel.

Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised like I was with R1, a film which, over the years, I've come to decide is better than ROTJ.

lol. I've come to enjoy Rogue One a lot. I've enjoyed Solo as well. I'm pretty sure it's the numbered movies having the real issues being good and the "side" stories suffering for it.

4 hours ago, crx3800 said:

lol. I've come to enjoy Rogue One a lot. I've enjoyed Solo as well. I'm pretty sure it's the numbered movies having the real issues being good and the "side" stories suffering for it.

*shrug* I think TLJ has the best character motivations, actions based on those motivations, and appreciation of how a Jedi should use the force in any SW movie since Empire. It’s in my top 3 Star Wars movies easily, and goes back and forth for second with Ep IV depending on my mood.

5 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

My fears range from all the grown ups being asleep at the switch, to drunk behind the wheel.

Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised like I was with R1, a film which, over the years, I've come to decide is better than ROTJ.

Personally I think that when Star Wars tries to be either too “grown up” or to “for the kids,” it’s at its least interesting. I think a lot of the EU was spent trying to hammer out the stuff that appealed to kids, and the prequels / clone wars leaned too hard into appealing to a younger audience, which is why I always found that stuff to be the least appealing.

Honestly the canon is so wide at this point that the only thing I find truly exhausting is whenever anyone (this is not directed at anyone I’m quoting or even anyone posting here generally) attempts to take what they find most appealing about Star Wars and insisting that is what it’s always been about or uses that as a cudgel to exclude people or perspectives from the fandom.

I honestly find it very fascinating how diverse some of the fans can be. I enjoyed star wars because it was space and wizards. Others might enjoy it for other reasons. I'm glad the appeal has stretched out among so many people and it doesn't just feel like nerdy kids are the only ones that like star wars anymore.

Enjoy it because you enjoy it. If your reasons are different than mine, that's cool too!



Since the images are not yet issued, here is Fan art by Ethan Kahn.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun


Sith Trooper - The First Order Battalion under the Strict Command of Kylo & The Knights of Ren
