The Rise Of Skywalker on Disney+ May 4th

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Star Wars: Legion

Mildly excited, mostly hugely skeptical.

Rian punched too large a hole in my enthusiasm for me to recover from one trailer.

JJ may make formulaic movies, but dammit, if we could just rewrite time to hand him the reins of TLJ anyway, we could have had a somewhat consistent and uninterrupted story (and a generally better movie to boot).


Luke Skywalker obtained Emperor Palpatine's compass (to navigate the Unknown Regions) from The Emperor’s observatory on Pillio after the detruction of the Second Death Star. Ben Solo had the compass with him the night he attacked Luke at his Jedi Temple. Luke had the compass with him in his hut on Ahch-To.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

If we follow the former naming conventions of the final films in the Original and Prequel Trilogies, Return of the Jedi , and Revenge of the Sith , does The Rise of Skywalker herald a new type of warrior monks?

... and what would you call Rey’s actions at the start of the trailer if not Skywalking?

Will Rey inherit the mantle by deed if not by bloodline?

Master Yoda, who saw glimpses of the future, did say there was another. What if he was not referring to Leia as we had surmised?

Balance to The Force. Again.

16 hours ago, Indy_com said:

Firstly, Modern Coca-Cola is far too sweet for my taste, so I mostly drink Diet anyway.

Secondly, I drink more Pepsi than Coke, and even then it's mostly diet.

Thirdly, I was unaware that the Classic, Cocaine-filled Coca-Cola tasted like wet grass. That's useful triva so thanks for informing me.

Odly, specific. How do you know what wet grass tastes like?

Edit: double post danm internet

Edited by Jabby
48 minutes ago, Jabby said:

Odly, specific. How do you know what wet grass tastes like?


17 minutes ago, Indy_com said:


American or proper?

31 minutes ago, Jabby said:

American or proper?


2 hours ago, Indy_com said:


Ah, the real deal. British football? You mean “actual football”

1 hour ago, Jabby said:

Ah, the real deal. British football? You mean “actual football”

The Queen's football, rather than Rip-off Rugby "Football"

On 4/14/2019 at 12:18 AM, TauntaunScout said:

I think I am finally down to less than a 2-liter bottle per day weekly average. I am finally eating fast food as measured in times per week instead of times per day. At 38 I probably weigh ten pounds more than I did in high school. Everyone hates me for this. It is so not fair. Must be the cold on Hoth, I burn a lot of energy just staying warm.

aniron: Is it possible to learn this power?

TauntaunScout: Not from a Dewback.

aniron: I pledge myself to your teachings.

TauntaunScout: Good. Rise, Lord... Cherry Coke!

Darth Cherry Coke: What!? No! NoooOOOoooo...

On 4/12/2019 at 4:20 PM, DewbackScout said:

Dumb title.

I swear, if Rey ends up being some secret Skywalker, I'll flip a Legion table.

And why are we hearing Palp's voice at the end? Are we visiting his force ghost in the Death Star's remains on Endor, or is he back (choke, puke)?

I just assumed we're going to have Kylo trekking about the Galaxy trying to figure out who he can learn more secrets from. Palpys force Ghost calls him to his "home" which is the Death Star Wreckage at this point. Rey follows in pursuit (cause people with lightsabers are always trying to kill each other) to END IT ONCE AND FOR ALL. This time we're serious about it though. :D

The force awakens was so bad I nearly stopped watching before it'd reached half way. Forced myself to sit through it in the hope it'd get better. Skipped the last jedi and I'm not bothering with the final in the trilogy. The only good thing to come out of Disney having the star wars rights so far is Rogue One and Legion imho :)

Crossing my fingers that after they've had a break from making starwars movies for a few years they'll come back with something with a decent plot/characters and as enjoyable as Rogue One.

I personally think The Rise of Skywalker is not Skywalkers as in a person or group but of a new Jedi academy called the Skywalker academy headed by Rey and possibly Kylo if he indeed does redeem himself

45 minutes ago, BlueSquadronPilot said:

I personally think The Rise of Skywalker is not Skywalkers as in a person or group but of a new Jedi academy called the Skywalker academy headed by Rey and possibly Kylo if he indeed does redeem himself

Or the Chiss come in with THEIR skywalkers - force users that are used by them to navigate the unknown regions. This navigation is, hence called skywalking.

2 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Or the Chiss come in with THEIR skywalkers - force users that are used by them to navigate the unknown regions. This navigation is, hence called skywalking.

What the...Are we making a top ten worst screenwriting decisions of all time list?

4 hours ago, DwainDibbly said:

The force awakens was so bad I nearly stopped watching before it'd reached half way. Forced myself to sit through it in the hope it'd get better. Skipped the last jedi and I'm not bothering with the final in the trilogy. The only good thing to come out of Disney having the star wars rights so far is Rogue One and Legion imho :)

Crossing my fingers that after they've had a break from making starwars movies for a few years they'll come back with something with a decent plot/characters and as enjoyable as Rogue One.

This x 100.

I’m keeping an open mind. I think the last Jedi was trying to do too much. Force awakens was ok as a retelling of a new hope.

18 hours ago, Derrault said:

What the...Are we making a top ten worst screenwriting decisions of all time list?

The name for Chiss force users is canon from Thrawn: Alliances. It did make me roll my eyes a bit when I first heard it (audiobook), but I still think killing Chewie with a moon, and some other stuff from the Yuuzhan Vong series was worse.

Edited by Caimheul1313
1 hour ago, Caimheul1313 said:

The name for Chiss force users is canon from Thrawn: Alliances. It did make me roll my eyes a bit when I first heard it (audiobook), but I still think killing Chewie with a moon, and some other stuff from the Yuuzhan Vong series was worse.

Is Shmi Skywalker actually a chiss woman wearing makeup to look human?! Episode IX theory confirmed! Now to make an elaborate click bait YouTube video about it using google images and imovie

1 minute ago, KommanderKeldoth said:

Is Shmi Skywalker actually a chiss woman wearing makeup to look human?! Episode IX theory confirmed! Now to make an elaborate click bait YouTube video about it using google images and imovie

Well, depending on how well Chiss and Humans interbreed, I suppose Chiss ancestry might not be completely impossible? But that's for Disney/some random writer to truely decide 😛 .

1 minute ago, KommanderKeldoth said:

Is Shmi Skywalker actually a chiss woman wearing makeup to look human?! Episode IX theory confirmed! Now to make an elaborate click bait YouTube video about it using google images and imovie

Time to write a whole EU novel about an old republic merchant who meets the chiss and get's named Skywalker because his great great great great great great great great great grandson is "the most powerful Jedi"

10/10 would read.

2 minutes ago, Darth Sanguis said:

Time to write a whole EU novel about an old republic merchant who meets the chiss and get's named Skywalker because his great great great great great great great great great grandson is "the most powerful Jedi"

10/10 would read.

And of course he is helped by a chiss soldier who goes on to be the great great great great great great great great great grandfather of Thrawn

Just now, KommanderKeldoth said:

And of course he is helped by a chiss soldier who goes on to be the great great great great great great great great great grandfather of Thrawn

Oh! I hadn't thought of that!

Brilliant. Someone call Disney, they're gonna be rich!

No one's ever really gone...except Bothans.