70+ High Res Images from the trailer, thanks to the ISB
The Rise of Skywalker coming to Disney+ on May 4th
Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
70+ High Res Images from the trailer, thanks to the ISB
The Rise of Skywalker coming to Disney+ on May 4th
Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
J J Abrams said this is from the opening scene.
And in case you were wondering about the medallion.
It's Chewies! he'll finally get it!
Dumb title.
I swear, if Rey ends up being some secret Skywalker, I'll flip a Legion table.
And why are we hearing Palp's voice at the end? Are we visiting his force ghost in the Death Star's remains on Endor, or is he back (choke, puke)?
Rey has been a Skywalker from the beginning. If that is going to be their plot twist it will surprise nobody.
1 hour ago, DewbackScout said:Dumb title.
I swear, if Rey ends up being some secret Skywalker, I'll flip a Legion table.
And why are we hearing Palp's voice at the end? Are we visiting his force ghost in the Death Star's remains on Endor, or is he back (choke, puke)?
Spoiler tagging in case I'm correct:
Palpatine could possess stuff in legends, and there's a leak going around about some wrinkly spider thing sucking the life from a giant purple elf baby.
I'm theorising that Palpatine is the spider thing and used the same force power that created Anakin to create Rey after Kylo was lured by Snoke to the First Order and away from Palaptine's contol.
This would explain both Rey's extreme power, because she's the second mitoclorian baby, and why we new nothing about Snoke, because he was basically a nobody who usurped the weakened Palpatine and stole his army.
2 hours ago, DewbackScout said:Dumb title.
I swear, if Rey ends up being some secret Skywalker, I'll flip a Legion table.
And why are we hearing Palp's voice at the end? Are we visiting his force ghost in the Death Star's remains on Endor, or is he back (choke, puke)?
Recycled death star, recycled Palpatine, recycled Skywalker reveal. These guys are very green.
Edited by Dansome1
That’s No Moon
Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
Jetpack First Order Trooper
Watch the Star Wars Battlefront II videos and such. They explain Palpatine's role in this. So does the Aftermath novel trilogy.
Edited by Wes Janson
Giant purple elf baby is from the ewoks cartoon. I’m psyched.
I still prefer the joked about title "From His Nap." Although taken together that still works.... "The Force awakens The last Jedi. the Rise of Skywalker."
As for the comments about Rey, are you forgetting about a known child of a Skywalker in these films?
Plot twist! Kylo is actually Luke and Leia's incestuous son...that is why the title is rise of Skywalker.
21 hours ago, DewbackScout said:Dumb title.
I swear, if Rey ends up being some secret Skywalker, I'll flip a Legion table.
And why are we hearing Palp's voice at the end? Are we visiting his force ghost in the Death Star's remains on Endor, or is he back (choke, puke)?
I hope I’m not playing you, when you find out. 😳
20 hours ago, HolySorcerer said:Rey has been a Skywalker from the beginning. If that is going to be their plot twist it will surprise nobody.
Luke did kiss Leia in an uncomfortable way, now Rey was uncomfortable when Kylo took his shirt off.
You think it might be something about that family?
The trailer was awesome!
I cant wait for the movie. People need to release their hatred and frustration and enjoy having Star Wars flow around us.
5 minutes ago, Dark Don said:The trailer was awesome!
I cant wait for the movie. People need to release their hatred and frustration and enjoy having Star Wars flow around us.
I drink Coke. A LOT of Coke. If the Coca-Cola Co. releases a drink that I think tastes bad I won't like it cause it's Coke. Getting several free cases of this theoretical drink will not make me enjoy that free Cokes are flowing around me.
TFA wasn't what I wanted but it had me anyways, up until the firey fingers of doom blowing up 5 different planets were seen from apparently every point in the universe at once, I'd flunk it if it were a fictional writing assignment. TLJ, had me up until Laura Dern retconned everything we know about space warfare but I'll give it a passing grade. TRoS remains to be seen.
I remain wholeheartedly neutral about it until I watch it, but I keep re-watching the trailer cause it's awesome.
3 minutes ago, TauntaunScout said:I drink Coke. A LOT of Coke. If the Coca-Cola Co. releases a drink that I think tastes bad I won't like it cause it's Coke. Getting several free cases of this theoretical drink will not make me enjoy that free Cokes are flowing around me.
I drink Coca-cola too!
So, using Coca-cola, I'll explain my feelings for TLJ:
Like what you want.
Wear it like armor, just dont bang it like a gong.
7 minutes ago, Indy_com said:
How dare you mock perfection?!
Unlike the stale brown broths that are Light and Zero, for which Coca-Cola did and does (respectively) shower the world with promotion, Coca-Cola Life actually tastes like classic coke without drowning you in calories, yet never got any sort of serious push. I now have to cumbersomely mix red and black bottles to drink as much as I want to without gaining any weight.
15 minutes ago, twincast said:C oca-Cola Life actually tastes like classic coke without drowning you in calories,
Firstly, Modern Coca-Cola is far too sweet for my taste, so I mostly drink Diet anyway.
Secondly, I drink more Pepsi than Coke, and even then it's mostly diet.
Thirdly, I was unaware that the Classic, Cocaine-filled Coca-Cola tasted like wet grass. That's useful triva so thanks for informing me.
I think I am finally down to less than a 2-liter bottle per day weekly average. I am finally eating fast food as measured in times per week instead of times per day. At 38 I probably weigh ten pounds more than I did in high school. Everyone hates me for this. It is so not fair. Must be the cold on Hoth, I burn a lot of energy just staying warm.
Edited by TauntaunScout