Episode IX Teaser & Discussion

By Forresto, in Star Wars: Armada

Edited by Forresto

Yo they're bringing him back?!

Edit: forgot how to do spoilers

Edited by ianediger

Oooooooo nice!

1 minute ago, ianediger said:

Yo they're bringing him back?!

Edit: forgot how to do spoilers

I have a feeling it’s going to be more of a force spirit thing then it is something corporeal but they’re definitely bringing him back!

Dispite me not really likeing this new trilogy that much this has my interest peeked.

Anyone notice the Imperial class Star Destroyer?

Theres the one shot of the A Wing burning in a battle and the ship in the back does not look like a Resurgent.

1 minute ago, Forresto said:

Anyone notice the Imperial class Star Destroyer?

Theres the one shot of the A Wing burning in a battle and the ship in the back does not look like a Resurgent.

I couldn't make it out but it def looked like the ruins of the Death Star towards the end. Will have to watch again to see if it's Yavin or Endor, but I would lean to Endor since...the laugh is you-know-who.

It's an interesting title for a movie that is supposed to bring an end to the Skywalker saga.

Implications of Snoke or Palpatine being in it are interesting. (My friends are divided equally on which it is. sounded like Snoke to me).

Kylo fighting what appeared to be a knight of Ren?

I'm noticing a distinct lack of FO too.

Very excited to know more.

14 minutes ago, eliteone said:

I couldn't make it out but it def looked like the ruins of the Death Star towards the end. Will have to watch again to see if it's Yavin or Endor, but I would lean to Endor since...the laugh is you-know-who.

If you put playback speed to super slow, its at the 1:32 mark.

Its an Imperial Class Star Destroyer with lights on!

Agreed on the Death Star and Endor. That should be super cool!

7 minutes ago, Darth Sanguis said:

It's an interesting title for a movie that is supposed to bring an end to the Skywalker saga.

Implications of Snoke or Palpatine being in it are interesting. (My friends are divided equally on which it is. sounded like Snoke to me).

Kylo fighting what appeared to be a knight of Ren?

I'm noticing a distinct lack of FO too.

Very excited to know more.

Def. Palps - the live stream fro Star Wars celebration had Ian McDiarmid come out and say in his Sith-y voice "Roll it again."

Just now, eliteone said:

Def. Palps - the live stream fro Star Wars celebration had Ian McDiarmid come out and say in his Sith-y voice "Roll it again."

Yeah I was watching. Still, it sounded like Skeris to me, granted, I'm at work with the volume low.

Palpatine would be the more interesting of the two. But that begs the question of the title. Which Skywalker? If old papa Palpatine is in it, are we getting Hayden Anakin? We know Luke is in it, but is he coming back to life? What about Kylo? Or perhaps the implication is that Rey IS a skywalker still?

So many questions.

Also, the hands reassembling the helmet are furry?

47 minutes ago, eliteone said:

I couldn't make it out but it def looked like the ruins of the Death Star towards the end. Will have to watch again to see if it's Yavin or Endor, but I would lean to Endor since...the laugh is you-know-who .

Image result for voldemort

Wait, the saga is ending but it's called Rise of Skywalker? Also, it looks like Rey is on Jheda (she sure runs a lot, needs to replace Tom Cruise on the Mission Impossible movies).

52 minutes ago, Forresto said:

If you put playback speed to super slow, its at the 1:32 mark.

Its an Imperial Class Star Destroyer with lights on!

Agreed on the Death Star and Endor. That should be super cool!



Yup, looks like an ISD to me! Almost looks like a -I, with that upright targeting array, but hard to tell.





It could, of course, be something totally new that's just heavily influenced by the ISD, too.

edit: Oh, looks like @Ximatique beat me to it in the other thread, with exactly the same frame , lol.

Edited by Ardaedhel
3 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:



Yup, looks like an ISD to me! Almost looks like a -I, with that upright targeting array, but hard to tell.





It could, of course, be something totally new that's just heavily influenced by the ISD, too.

If I had to put money on it, I'd bet the new rebellion snagged any of the ISDs that hadn't been scrapped yet to fight the FO. The Empire had 25,000 of them at one point, it would take decades to scrap out that many ships... maybe there were a few left?

34 minutes ago, Darth Sanguis said:

Yeah I was watching. Still, it sounded like Skeris to me, granted, I'm at work with the volume low.

Palpatine would be the more interesting of the two. But that begs the question of the title. Which Skywalker? If old papa Palpatine is in it, are we getting Hayden Anakin? We know Luke is in it, but is he coming back to life? What about Kylo? Or perhaps the implication is that Rey IS a skywalker still?

So many questions.

Also, the hands reassembling the helmet are furry?

I am hoping Ankakin "Restores balance to the Force" what I thought would be cool is Palpatine is "doing something bad that makes him very powerful" and Ray forces him into the "force ghosts realm" so that the jedi of the past could defeat him forever, but he defeates them all and laughing says "No Jedi can defeate me!" Silince *Darth Vader breathing* "A strange form you choice to face me in my old Apprentice." Says Palpatine " A reminder I am no Jedi and will restore the balance" "So be it." Palpatine says and thus the epic dule begins.

It explores the more mystical aspect of Star Wars and ties everything together.

4 minutes ago, Darth Sanguis said:

If I had to put money on it, I'd bet the new rebellion snagged any of the ISDs that hadn't been scrapped yet to fight the FO. The Empire had 25,000 of them at one point, it would take decades to scrap out that many ships... maybe there were a few left?

From a lore perspective, that makes sense to me.

From the perspective of making a movie with visually-coherent themes for the good guys and bad guys, I'd be a little surprised if they took it that direction.

Just now, Ardaedhel said:

From a lore perspective, that makes sense to me.

From the perspective of making a movie with visually-coherent themes for the good guys and bad guys, I'd be a little surprised if they took it that direction.

This is true, then again, if we look at some of the more recent Star Wars canon, they have done it a few times already (lookin at rebels). The captured quasar and sabines tie. Maybe the ISDs are painted with the rebel symbol?

At this point it's just conjecture, but it's fun to hope.

There's a theory that Thrawn, who would have had nothing to do with the incompetence of the FO, is returning to help fight. The ISDs would be part of the imperial remnant. This is stoked by the fact that force sensitives in the chiss culture are called "skywalkers" and the color scheme for this movie is blue...

I dunno how I feel about that, but I'm not 100% against it.

17 minutes ago, Darth Sanguis said:

There's a theory that Thrawn, who would have had nothing to do with the incompetence of the FO, is returning to help fight. The ISDs would be part of the imperial remnant. This is stoked by the fact that force sensitives in the chiss culture are called "skywalkers" and the color scheme for this movie is blue...

My brain says no, but my heart has now boarded the hype train!

I'm skeptical about this.

Rebuilding Luke's Lightsaber, patching up Kylo's mask, Rose missing from the trailer's party shots, new radial antenna over the square one of the sequels... they're hinting that the things in 8 are getting patched over and I'm not sure I like it. I get that 8 wasn't entirely popular with the vocal fans, but I hope they don't spend the majority of the movie "fixing" all the things that didn't need fixing from the previous movie.

I'm sensitive because Star Trek Discovery is doing a fair amount of this in their second season, trying to rationalize all the things Discovery did differently from, say, Star Trek the Next Generation. It's obvious and painful whenever they do it because it's unnecessary, or at worst awkward.


Regarding what we've seen so far, I just hope this doesn't end with the Line of Skywalkers becoming Kings Of The Universe. My guess is Rey and co have to defeat the long shadow of Palpatine (possibly responsible for manipulating all the evil in the universe since the clone wars), then at the end they ascend to being fair rulers of peace and justice and end the trilogy in harmony and good feelings. Hence, "rise of the skywalkers", kings of the universe.

If that's it, it sounds dumb. But I also have low expectations when it comes to this film, whoever they please it's going to disappoint others.

I have never been less excited for a Star Wars movie. This trailer is abysmal.

I liked TFA and accepted it being derivative of ANH. They needed to right the franchise boat and start on a solid - if unexceptional - base. TLJ was about 70% of a good movie to me and they did something different along the way. Though I see why people didn’t like it.

This is trailer is all of the worst aspects of JJ Abram’s filmmaking. There appears to be nothing new. He’s banking on mildly tweaked versions of old ideas that weren’t his. I’ll bet my ****ing salary that he will bring in one of his beloved “mystery boxes” that won’t be explained at all during the movie even though this is supposed to be the film to wrap things up. I’d bet my mortgage that there will be no concept of cinematic time. Things will take exactly as long as the script demands, not how long they should take.

You liked Ywings? They’ll come back - with curves or slightly different outlines. You liked Palpatine? Well, he’s dead but we’ll bring him back too. You liked the Death Star? Well we blew up two and a Starkiller base, so here’s the CORPSE of a Death Star! You like Lando? Well here’s Billy D for you. And we paid him in Colt 45s.

Nonetheless, JJ won’t do anything objectionable. He will make a very competent movie that isn’t innovative or risky in any way.

Edited by Church14

You are all getting it wrong.

Palpatine is alive. And in truth he was the real Father of Anakin Skywalker.
And Ray is in real a hidden Twin from Kylo who were seperated at the birth.

And in EP iX Palpaine is telling Ray: "i am your grandgrandfather".

I wasn't really feeling TFA or TLJ (I really enjoyed R1 and solo though), and I was to the point where I didn't think i even wanted to see ix. About 2-3 months ago I was talking with a friend, and I said the only thing that could really get me excited for SW again might be palp's returning. The prequels, as flawed as they were, were much more enjoyable for me because they had a sense of storytelling cohesion, anakin's fall/palpatine's rise to power. The sequels seemed to be meandering nowhere fast.

That was a sick trailer, (OMG please let that be an ISD), and that ending with that epic cackle has me hooked again. (**** even the RLM reviews of the prequels pointed out they really liked Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor, and how the guy just ***** loved being evil, ******* amazing).

I’m hype for the theory that the ISD is the Chimaera.

Remember there was that actor everyone swore was going to be Thrawn but he denied it?

3 minutes ago, Forresto said:

I’m hype for the theory that the ISD is the Chimaera.

Remember there was that actor everyone swore was going to be Thrawn but he denied it?

Thrawn and Ezra return as a team to help defeat the Emperor ghost.