Episode IX Teaser & Discussion

By Forresto, in Star Wars: Armada

On 4/12/2019 at 1:22 PM, Church14 said:

Nonetheless, JJ won’t do anything objectionable. He will make a very competent movie that isn’t innovative or risky in any way.

I wonder if that's because "The Fans Have Spoken" and that's what "they" want.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself with regards to being disappointed with this movie... I'm not wild about the tone of the trailer being "See, we fixed stuff from TLJ!" It would have been better for them to build off of what was done and make that significant. Luke's Lightsaber is shattered- so is the legacy of the Jedi, and the force. Don't rebuild it, make it a significant metaphor that This generation has to find it's own way forward, maybe becoming force users that are not bound by light and darkness.

Kylo's helmet being destroyed could show Ben Skywalker finally showing his evil openly as Ben Skywalker... out to become master of the universe, not hiding behind a mask or the past ambitions of trying to be the reincarnation of Darth vader. How evil can he be without anything holding him back? Nope! The mask gets re-forged, and on top of it probably Palpatine is behind this problem too.

I wanted to hope for a third installment that was unique to the prequels. Based on what we got in the trailer though... I've got a bad feeling about this.

5 hours ago, Norsehound said:

I wanted to hope for a third installment that was unique to the prequels  .

Without bashing the film, I think I have had enough "unique" in TLJ. I am totally ready for a slightly more traditional Star Wars film.

6 hours ago, Norsehound said:

I'm not wild about the tone of the trailer being "See, we fixed stuff from TLJ!" It would have been better for them to build off of what was done and make that significant. Luke's Lightsaber is shattered- so is the legacy of the Jedi, and the force. Don't rebuild it, make it a significant metaphor that This generation has to find it's own way forward, maybe becoming force users that are not bound by light and darkness.


I wanted to hope for a third installment that was unique to the prequels. Based on what we got in the trailer though... I've got a bad feeling about this.

I would have preferred something akin to what you just described. That would be a far better film. Now I’m expecting a very polished RotJ remake.

Dont worry, when the [Brobdingnagian super laser] is going to be defeated after the Rebellion *cough* Resistance goes and finds something related to the shields on Endor, we will find out that somehow Rey and Ben “Skywalker” are brother and sister and Poe Dameron or Finn [pick your ship] will finally get some.

It won’t have a single new idea in the movie, but they’ll have superbly polished that ‘83 mustang till you can see your reflection.

Don't you all realize that Star Wars is simply history? This isn't your story to tell, nor is it JJ Abrams'. He is bound by the narrative of what actually happened in that galaxy far, far away. I am interested in hearing the rest of the story of the tragedy that befell the Skywalkers.

4 minutes ago, RobertK said:

Don't you all realize that Star Wars is simply history? This isn't your story to tell, nor is it JJ Abrams'. He is bound by the narrative of what actually happened in that galaxy far, far away. I am interested in hearing the rest of the story of the tragedy that befell the Skywalkers.

Right. I forgot that we are just listening to a very high production value History Channel version of “Hatfields and McCoys.... in SPAAAACCEE!!!!”

Yeah, I think it would have been more interesting if the focus of 9 was breaking the cycle of light side, dark side, and finding a way to move forward as a new era of force users not bound to either. This seemed to be where 8 was going, poking at the roots of the Jedi order and Luke having a greater understand of the force in general. He was down on the Jedi, but couldn't understand how to teach knowledge of the force without going back to old patterns of good vs evil.

This also lines up with how some other grey-jedi teachers have been popping up in the lore, like the Bendu and possibly Ashoka. Even Ezra flirted with the darkside for a bit, and probably in the wilds may have also found a new way to be a force user. It could have been Rey showing us the way forward as someone not connected to the skywalker legacy, but being a figure of change in the understanding of the Force. Maybe in this way the generations-long conflict in the galaxy comes to an end as Rey defeats Kylo Ren, the last bastion of the sith's legacy, or somehow comes to realize, with him, that the way forward is neither light side or dark side.

With Palpatine's laugh I expect the story now will be the Ultimate Defeat of Palpatine, more 'kill the bad guy' instead of something thought-provoking and different.

Edited by Norsehound
1 minute ago, Norsehound said:

I expect the story now will be the Ultimate Defeat of Palpatine, more 'kill the bad guy' instead of something though  t-provoking and different


I don't want to paint with a broad brush here, but based on the fandom's reaction to TLJ maybe "thought provoking" just isn't the right path for Star Wars.

I'm glad we've all figured out the entire plot of this movie that isn't out for 8 months based off our own intense speculation of 1:30 of shots in a preview trailer with Luke narrating and one old guy laughing. The final battle we've already determined will suck, the writing we already know will be horrid and the worst thing we've ever seen in the last 15 minutes, and the starships we hate even more for REASONS.

I, for one, couldn't wait for my disappointment to be made manifest and have already pre-emptively released my YouTube manifesto; "Why the Rise of Skywalker is even worse than The Last Jedi: a 68 part series about the ASSAULT AND MURDER of our fandom by JJ Abrams."

15 minutes ago, geek19 said:

I, for one, couldn't wait for my disappointment to be made manifest and have already pre-emptively released my YouTube manifesto; " Why the Rise of Skywalker is even worse than The Last Jedi: a 68 part series about the ASSAULT AND MURDER of our fandom by JJ Abrams. "


I suppose it wouldn't be so funny, if it wasn't 100% true. People are panicking over nothing. Again.

Edited by Darth Sanguis

There’s always a chance that I’m completely and totally wrong. I’m just underwhelmed at the moment with what they decided was the best thing to lead with.

4 hours ago, geek19 said:

I'm glad we've all figured out the entire plot of this movie that isn't out for 8 months based off our own intense speculation of 1:30 of shots in a preview trailer with Luke narrating and one old guy laughing. The final battle we've already determined will suck, the writing we already know will be horrid and the worst thing we've ever seen in the last 15 minutes, and the starships we hate even more for REASONS.

I, for one, couldn't wait for my disappointment to be made manifest and have already pre-emptively released my YouTube manifesto; "Why the Rise of Skywalker is even worse than The Last Jedi: a 68 part series about the ASSAULT AND MURDER of our fandom by JJ Abrams."

Maybe they can sit next to the articles written about how he destroyed Star Wars with The Force Awakens copying A New Hope. I remember that fan outrage.

Speaking of fandoms... I wonder if the sequel trilogy will have a new generation of fans loving it like fans are loving the clone wars now. I remember the roiling hatred about those movies, too, when they came out. Now people are thrilled that the Clone Wars are coming to Armada?

I mean yeah in spite of my guessing of course I'm going to see IX. All I'm saying is based on what we've seen and what guesses I can make about what's in it (because usually it's fun to do that), I'm... not certain the film is going to deliver. Its the first of the three new sequels that doesn't give me a sense of wonder about what it's going to be about. All I feel the trailer is saying is, "See, everything you hated about TLJ is fixed now!"

Edited by Norsehound
7 hours ago, Darth Sanguis said:

I suppose it wouldn't be so funny, if it wasn't 100% true. People are panicking over nothing. Again.

There are a lot of people who have made careers or, at the very least, a decent supplementary income from telling people how much TLJ sucked. It doesn't matter if Episode IX turns out to be the next ESB; people will hate it, Plinkett will make some video that's 10 times as long as it needs to be, and we'll hear about how The Mouse killed Star Wars forever.

32 minutes ago, Lickintoad said:

Plinkett  will make some video that's 10 times as long as it needs to be, and we'll hear about how The Mouse killed Star Wars forever.

But you do realize that Plinkett is the parody of a movie nerd, right? Plinkett is a just a character.

1 hour ago, LordCola said:

But you do realize that Plinkett is the parody of a movie nerd, right? Plinkett is a just a character.

... among other parodies.

Let me reword: Mike Stoklasa will make some video as Plinkett that's 10 times as long as it needs to be.

I just got exclusive leaked footage of Palpatine from Episode 9.

Apparently they used unused footage from Episode 3 😮

13 hours ago, Lickintoad said:

There are a lot of people who have made careers or, at the very least, a decent supplementary income from telling people how much TLJ sucked. It doesn't matter if Episode IX turns out to be the next ESB; people will hate it, Plinkett will make some video that's 10 times as long as it needs to be, and we'll hear about how The Mouse killed Star Wars forever.


13 hours ago, Lickintoad said:

There are a lot of people who have made careers or, at the very least, a decent supplementary income from telling people how much TLJ sucked. It doesn't matter if Episode IX turns out to be the next ESB; people will hate it, Plinkett will make some video that's 10 times as long as it needs to be, and we'll hear about how The Mouse killed Star Wars forever.

Sometimes I seriously wonder if the Internet Research Agency has anything to do with the outrage machine that goes after a lot of new movies.

16 hours ago, Norsehound said:

Speaking  of fandoms... I wonder if the sequel trilogy will have a new generation of fans loving it like fans are loving the clone wars now. I remember the roiling hatred about those  movies, too, when they came out. Now people are thrilled that the Clone Wars are coming to Armada? 

It most certainly will. All the kids too young to understand what “gatekeeping” is will remember them fondly.

Though weirdly, this is gatekeeping against new content and not really against new people.

I’m personally not excited for this one. Mostly because the director and writing team make paint-by-numbers, visually impressive, easily forgettable summer blockbuster movies. I’m also opposed to the hate train that the YouTube nerd gatekeepers have already started.