Star Wars Episode IX The Rise Of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing

1 hour ago, Jeff Wilder said:

Which is just about the stupidest thing in all of Star Wars, BTW.

I don’t think it’s as stupid as George killing him off right away in episode 1, the clone wars had to do a lot to clean up that era of Star Wars after George

I'm sure the trilogy is gonna end with kylo being redeemed while Luke, leia, and han are back to life and a happy family together. I mean why not theres crazy time travel shenanigans that are canon in starwars now so it's all possible.

Also why doesn't that fighter trying to hit Rey go to hyperspace and smash right through her? Didn't they learn anything from the last movie?

14 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


Jetpack First Order Trooper

*****!!!!! 😋

Edit: Wow, the term for clay pigeons is censored??? Who the heck has been using that derogatorily???

Edited by Hiemfire

In some old story ideas lucas had for the OT, he had the idea of force ghosts coming back to life to defeat the emporer.

Perhaps the title means anakin (and maybe luke too), "rise" from the dead like Gandalf to defeat evil for good.

I'm also still considering the idea that rey is a reincarnation of anakin, which would make sense if palp comes back.

19 minutes ago, gamblertuba said:

Looks like he's riding a broom in that picture. Quidditch trooper?

Snoke confirmed as Voldemort ‼️

Not afraid to admit... Not looking forward to it.

22 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

*****!!!!! 😋

Edit: Wow, the term for clay pigeons is censored??? Who the heck has been using that derogatorily???

An entire song that was not edited for radio in the beginning because people didn’t know it was a vulgar reference. ☺️

7 minutes ago, HelHound said:

An entire song that was not edited for radio in the beginning because people didn’t know it was a vulgar reference. ☺️


@Hiemfire “Get Low” by Lil Jon is the song in question.

1 hour ago, Hiemfire said:


Urban Dictionary could explain. No one here will because we don't know how the mods will react. The meaning is a little gross.

I'm shocked that there are both people that don't find this trailer/Ep IX hype compelling and people who aren't willing to go see Ep IX in theaters. To each their own though! I'm pumped. Looks fun.

1 hour ago, Hippie Moosen said:

Urban Dictionary could explain. No one here will because we don't know how the mods will react. The meaning is a little gross.

What little @HelHound has said on it suffices for me here. No need for anyone to risk more. I'll look it up on my own when I'm less ticked about another term being co-opted for a crude or cruel use... 😒

1 hour ago, dsul413 said:

I'm shocked that there are both people that don't find this trailer/Ep IX hype compelling and people who aren't willing to go see Ep IX in theaters. To each their own though! I'm pumped. Looks fun.

That trailer made the movie look dumb

8 hours ago, All Shields Forward said:

Isnt the Eclipse lurking in the unknown region?

It is, as far as we know, along with a metric ****ton of other imperial ships and troops and (as much as I dislike her) Rae Sloane and maybe even Ezra and Thrawn

1 hour ago, dsul413 said:

I'm shocked that there are both people that don't find this trailer/Ep IX hype compelling and people who aren't willing to go see Ep IX in theaters. To each their own though! I'm pumped. Looks fun.

To each their wn. My thoughts were "an action movie. Ok." I just want people to be happy and enjoy their entertainment whilst I sit out and wait for cool toys. But then again, they are living up to the whole Death Star Wars joke me and my brother make. Perchance it could be an unintentional comedy! *checks the matrix ship jump with thousands of questions in ROFL*: dang, I guess I'll be going and quietly chuckling.


5 hours ago, Jeff Wilder said:

I'm  a little perplexed by the immediate jumping to the assumption t  hat Sheev L  ive   s.   Just from his disembodied laugh?

...what about the fact that immediately prior , Luke says “no one’s ever really gone.”??

Anyone else notice that the Falcon's rectenna dish changed again? It's round once again, in the trailer, with Lando in the cockpit. Guess Chewie had to go to Lando to get rid of Unkar Plutt's modifications 😁

5 hours ago, Jeff Wilder said:

I'm a little perplexed by the immediate jumping to the assumption that Sheev Lives. Just from his disembodied laugh? If they'd done a haunting Yoda quote -- I dunno, maybe, "Mine! Mine!" -- would people be assuming Yoda were alive? Sometimes an evocative evil laugh is just supposed to be an audio cue triggering other thoughts and emotions, you know?

This part of the presentation kind of implied that Ian McDiarmid's back. I mean, how else do you interpret them pulling this.

6 hours ago, Jeff Wilder said:

Which is just about the stupidest thing in all of Star Wars, BTW.

Dark Empire and it's million Palpatine Clones that were stopped by a fetus inside of Leia....

That was a million times dumber than bringing Maul back.

9 hours ago, Parakitor said:

What if that opening scene with Rey and the FO interceptor is just a vision/ dream? It seems more like a spiritual meaning in fighting a starfighter with just a lightsaber, and less like an action scene.

on one of my RPG sites, someone wondered, could that be Kylo Training Rey??

9 hours ago, xanderf said:

Well, let's not forget that if Palpatine did use the strength of his hatred and connection to the Dark Side to survive the destruction of the Death Star and its crash into Endor, I mean...'s been 40 years at that point. He'll have to be eating something all that time.


Hmm.. Tastes like chicken!

8 hours ago, LTD said:

Kylo Ren is a Skywalker. Perhaps he is on the rise?

Actually he's a solo..

5 hours ago, AlexW said:

I’m wondering if they are borrowing from the expanded universe on this one and going with the fact that palp cloned himself.



Edited by LTD
7 hours ago, Hippie Moosen said:

Totally. JJ loves to misdirect as others have pointed out. Star Wars has more than enough ways to explain him showing up again without actually being alive. Holographic message, Force ghost, hallucination brought on by the Force like that one scene in ESB. He probably isn't alive.

Is Star Wars Battlefront II canon? If so didn’t that 100% confirm the Emperor was still around in some sense with that holo-projector droid? He was still giving orders wasn’t he?

10 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

@Captain Lackwit


In case you were wondering about that medallion.

Oh I knew.

4 minutes ago, Kani Kantai said:

Is Star Wars Battlefront II canon? If so didn’t that 100% confirm the Emperor was still around in some sense with that holo-projector droid? He was still giving orders wasn’t he?

🤨 How would a prerecorded message set to broadcast after a trigger event confirm anything???