Star Wars Episode IX The Rise Of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing

5 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

And there is nothing in Canon excluding strong darksiders from becoming force ghosts. Heck, "light"siders had no clue how till Qui'gon figured it out.

There is, yeah - the last few Clone Wars episodes dipped into that a bit. It's a Light Side only power - although some Sith had some ability to impress parts of their consciousness into objects (IE., Sith Holocrons or Lord Momin's mask), which could be a closer alternative to what is going on here. Would also explain the Endor connection.

6 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

With where the laugh was featured I think the "horcrux" is right in front of them, and wasn't Hidalgo pulled from control of Canon?

Last I checked he still is a part of the story group. Apparently its being said that JJ and he talked a fair bit for TRS so it might have an effect there too. Though that could also just be rumor hearsay.

6 minutes ago, Tortletalk said:

Honestly, I think this looks a bit lame...

TLJ has killed any interest I have in the new characters. Was Finn even in this trailer? Meanwhile I doubt Lando can do much to carry the film and bringing back iconic dead characters, while fan service, undermines the resolutions of the original films.

I'm like, 30% interested for this movie.

Finn was in it for a couple shots, next to Poe. Looks like JJ will have those two actually play off each other like at the beginning of TFA with Rose being relegated to background character duty. As for Lando at this point I'm just waiting for the point in the film and they want to do something dramatic or make the audience sad and will kill him off like all the other OT legacy human characters.

16 minutes ago, Jeff Wilder said:

I'm a little perplexed by the immediate jumping to the assumption that Sheev Lives. Just from his disembodied laugh? If they'd done a haunting Yoda quote -- I dunno, maybe, "Mine! Mine!" -- would people be assuming Yoda were alive? Sometimes an evocative evil laugh is just supposed to be an audio cue triggering other thoughts and emotions, you know?

Totally. JJ loves to misdirect as others have pointed out. Star Wars has more than enough ways to explain him showing up again without actually being alive. Holographic message, Force ghost, hallucination brought on by the Force like that one scene in ESB. He probably isn't alive.

3 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

As for Lando at this point I'm just waiting for the point in the film and they want to do something dramatic or make the audience sad and will kill him off like all the other OT legacy human characters.

Or he ends up running everything. It is Lando you're talking about. :)

1 minute ago, Hippie Moosen said:

Totally. JJ loves to misdirect as others have pointed out. Star Wars has more than enough ways to explain him showing up again without actually being alive. Holographic message, Force ghost, hallucination brought on by the Force like that one scene in ESB. He probably isn't alive.

I mean, canon has embraced that the Force is big and powerful and strange. Is Palpatine a Force Ghost, probably not. But, that doesn't rule out his ability to return. I mean, Nightsister spirits exist.

Just now, xanderf said:

And so was Yoda in TLJ... Doesn't mean Palp is alive.

Does it really matter, though? He's back, in some form.

23 minutes ago, xanderf said:

heck, Darth Maul was cut in half before falling down his not-a-safety-hazard-at-all-why galactic-standard-bottomless-pit, and he came back from that.

Which is just about the stupidest thing in all of Star Wars, BTW.

2 minutes ago, Jeff Wilder said:

Which is just about the stupidest thing in all of Star Wars, BTW.

Although it would make him significantly lighter for those totally rad lightsaber helicopters.

3 minutes ago, Sithborg said:

Does it really matter, though? He's back, in some form.

Not especially. Just trying to make clear that a character coming back doesn't guarantee that they do so breathing. :)

2 minutes ago, Jeff Wilder said:

Which is just about the stupidest thing in all of Star Wars, BTW.

Agreed. The idea was stupid.

But what they did with it, how they executed the stories around it? Very much not stupid.

My position is that a dumb idea, but executed well narratively and thematically is fine. It’s better than a good idea butchered.

A well executed good idea is best though.

I dont get all the hate on some boards when we have very little. I am stoked but wonder if this will end up a Star Wars Greatest Hits album..or a This Is Your Life episode

3 minutes ago, Jeff Wilder said:

Which is just about the stupidest thing in all of Star Wars, BTW.

To be fair, when TPM was written there was already a darksider in the EU (before the Legends and Canon split) that had suffered being chopped in half laterally yet still live due to the intensity of his hate. The floaty muscle bound ******* in Jeric's darkside cadre specifically.

To the Rebel Scum and Jedi Sympathizers

That’s no Moon


Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

I’m wondering if they are borrowing from the expanded universe on this one and going with the fact that palp cloned himself.

Edited by AlexW

Here's another thing...

Note Palpatine's fingers after his injuries (from the Jedi traitors!)…


...then compare to the hand (lower right) repairing Kylo's helmet...



19 minutes ago, Jeff Wilder said:

Although it would make him significantly lighter for those totally rad lightsaber helicopters.

Worth coming to the last page of the thread for this comment.

Papa Palp something more like Cooper from Event Horizon, except he just rode the dish down.



He made it possible.

47 minutes ago, xanderf said:

...then compare to the hand (lower right) repairing Kylo's helmet...


Definitely compelling. If Palp is alive I'm guessing JJ is just saying "nope" to Johnson killing off Kylo's mentor and smashing his helmet. I wonder if we'll see any other decisions that feel like little course corrections.

Edited by Hippie Moosen
38 minutes ago, xanderf said:

Here's another thing...

Note Palpatine's fingers after his injuries (from the Jedi traitors!)…


...then compare to the hand (lower right) repairing Kylo's helmet...



Unless Palpatine developed wookiee-like arm hair, I am going to say no.


Jetpack First Order Trooper

7 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


Jetpack First Order Trooper

legion when

Looks like he's riding a broom in that picture. Quidditch trooper?