Star Wars Episode IX The Rise Of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing

8 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

*tons of Clone Wars stuff with a focus on Ashoka*

Happy Ahsoka Lives Day  !

YES! SNIPS IS BACK! Oh it's a good day to be in Tano's fan club :)

We knew she'd be back, but it looks like she'll have a lot of attention in the new season. I can't wait to see what goes down on Mandalore, and check in on Maul again.

Edited by Hippie Moosen
4 hours ago, Jo Jo said:

Lol at that art... Rey slicing on an ISD with a lightsaber would be the equivalent of attacking a whale with a pocket knife. That would be a walk out of the cinema moment for me.

Plus at the speeds the x-wings flying by, the scaring would be barely visible. Remember Quigon trying to slice through that door in EP1.. THAT TOOK what, a good 10 seconds with CONTINUED contact.. A 'fly-by slicing' would IMO barely even leave a mark..

Add to that, HOW THE **** is she breathing out in space like that, let alone not being pulled OUT of the x-wing while its flying at that speed??

4 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

Agreed. It's one of the more ridiculous things in the art book. Not to say there couldn't be some semblance of it (with a shuttle or at most something more falcon or gozanti sized) but in practice, if you're vulnerable to a lightsaber you should probably be equally vulnerable to the guns on the not-an-interceptor.

It's fun in a brainstorming way. Cute idea, might lead to something interesting, it's reminiscent of Luke attacking an AT-AT with his saber (and a grenade) in ESB.

Woulnd't want to see it filmed as is though.

12 minutes ago, LTuser said:

Plus at the speeds the x-wings flying by, the scaring would be barely visible. Remember Quigon trying to slice through that door in EP1.. THAT TOOK what, a good 10 seconds with CONTINUED contact.. A 'fly-by slicing' would IMO barely even leave a mark..

Add to that, HOW THE **** is she breathing out in space like that, let alone not being pulled OUT of the x-wing while its flying at that speed??

This is a problem recurring in ongoing franchises. There is a difficult "miniboss" that becomes progressively easy to deal with simply because it has been seen before (as opposed to just gitting gud at fighting them). The fight between Loki and Thor in Avengers? A sideshow because Loki and Thor already had a satisfying fight in Thor. That Cave Troll in Moria? Just wait until you see the shenanigans to ensue in The Hobbit (insert obligatory books are better remark, funny cause it's true)! A few Ultron thingamabobs terrorize the Stark Tower party, but they are paper mache in the climax.

15 minutes ago, LTuser said:

Add to that, HOW THE **** is she breathing out in space like that, let alone not being pulled OUT of the x-wing while its flying at that speed?? 

Psh, that's obviously in upper atmosphere where humans can totally breath just like normal and high speeds don't rip you out of your cockpit :P

Ever notice how Rey looks like Anakins mother?

Going to throw this out there since we can almost be sure that she is a Skywalker.

She is a clone of Anakin /Vader


Here is how I would take that story line. She falls to the Dark side.

At the same time Kylo returns to the light.

Probably could do a few more movies with that process but it would have been a heck of a lot more interesting.

6 hours ago, Jo Jo said:

Lol at that art... Rey slicing on an ISD with a lightsaber would be the equivalent of attacking a whale with a pocket knife. That would be a walk out of the cinema moment for me.

I’ve only done that once - when the Orc in Battle of the 5 Armies fell into the water after what felt like a 45 minute fight scene and floated under the ice and then after a few minutes of lifeless stillness leapt straight through the solid ice like a great white shark and continued fighting.

30 minutes ago, Kani Kantai said:

I’ve only done that   once - when the  Orc in Battle  of the    5 Armies fell  into  the water after   what felt like a 45 minute fight scene and floated under the ice and then after a few minutes of lifeless stillness leapt straight through the solid ice like a great white shark and continued fighting  .

Was that before or after the weird thing with Legolas and the collapsing bridge? That moment made me laugh out loud in the theater. I don't think that was the reaction they were going for, cuz a few people gave me dirty looks :D

1 hour ago, Hippie Moosen said:

Was that before or after the weird thing with Legolas and the collapsing bridge? That moment made me laugh out loud in the theater. I don't think that was the reaction they were going for, cuz a few people gave me dirty looks :D

I can’t remember - maybe after? I seem to remember a bridge collapsing down a waterfall? Or am I just making that up? I haven’t watched it since it was first in theatres.

3 hours ago, GringoFett said:

Ever notice how Rey looks like Anakins mother?

Going to throw this out there since we can almost be sure that she is a Skywalker.

She is a clone of Anakin /Vader

That would be interesting.

Anakin was artificially "generated" by the Emperor and Rey might be the same. That would explain her connection to Kylo.

1 minute ago, Odanan said:

That would be interesting.

Anakin was artificially "generated" by the Emperor and Rey might be the same. That would explain her connection to Kylo.

That’s where I’m expecting it to go. Her parents remain nobodies, but she gets the connection and explanation that I think some fans want.

1 hour ago, Kani Kantai said:

I can’t  remember - maybe after? I seem to remember a bridge collapsing down a waterfall? Or am I just making that up? I haven’t watched it since it was first in theatres.

Yeah there was a stone bridge that collapsed and Legolas jumped from stone to stone while they were falling. It looked... Odd to say the least

Edited by Hippie Moosen
On 4/13/2019 at 12:32 AM, Kani Kantai said:

Is Star Wars Battlefront II canon? If so didn’t that 100% confirm the Emperor was still around in some sense with that holo-projector droid? He was still giving orders wasn’t he?

Yes, Battlefront II is canon, but messenger droids were just that: messengers. They would obey any programmed directives, but couldn't formulate new plans or ambitions. See the Star Wars Aftermath: Empire's End epilogue for reference.

Edited by Paladin Ignatius
Improper grammar
7 hours ago, SpiderMana said:

Psh, that's obviously in upper atmosphere where humans can totally breath just like normal and high speeds don't rip you out of your cockpit :P

Either that or the art writers, just said "too helllllllzzzzz with plausibility, lets go for coolness.

11 hours ago, LTuser said:

the art writers, just said "too helllllllzzzzz with plausibility, lets go for coolness.

This. They didn't go with it for a reason.

19 hours ago, Hippie Moosen said:

Was that before or after the weird thing with Legolas and the collapsing bridge? That moment made me laugh out loud in the theater. I don't think that was the reaction they were going for, cuz a few people gave me dirty looks :D

I had a friend laugh out loud in the theater during the Harry Potter movie where some main character dies. It was a really interesting feeling to have literally dozens of people turn around and glare at us.


The Prophecy of The One

’Hello there.’

1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:


The Prophecy of The One

’Hello there.’

ah, the Prince That Was Promised.



Fan made but not bad

"You come from nothing. You're nothing. But not to me."

I don't think Ben was lying. What did she see in that cave? When she wanted the truth, to see her parents, to know where she came from?


She didn't see anything. She saw nothing. Because it's the truth. She doesn't have an origin.

She isn't a Skywalker. She isn't a Solo.

She has the same origin as...


"The Force is unusually strong with him... Who was the father?"
"There was no father, that I know of... I carried him, I gave him birth... I can't explain what happened."

He comes from nothing. His mother was a slave on Tatooine, a world with nothing remarkable about it, nobody truly remarkable save a certain Hutt in it. Nobody would ever look here for something like him. But The Force... Works in mysterious ways.

But these two..? They come from nothing. They're nobody.

2 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

"You come from nothing. You're nothing. But not to me."

I don't think Ben was lying. What did she see in that cave? When she wanted the truth, to see her parents, to know where she came from?


She didn't see anything. She saw nothing. Because it's the truth. She doesn't have an origin.

She isn't a Skywalker. She isn't a Solo.

She has the same origin as...


"The Force is unusually strong with him... Who was the father?"
"There was no father, that I know of... I carried him, I gave him birth... I can't explain what happened."

He comes from nothing. His mother was a slave on Tatooine, a world with nothing remarkable about it, nobody truly remarkable save a certain Hutt in it. Nobody would ever look here for something like him. But The Force... Works in mysterious ways.

But these two..? They come from nothing. They're nobody.

The new Vader comics suggest that the Emperor somehow manipulated the force to generate Anakin. It looks like the same happened to Rey.

3 hours ago, Odanan said:

The new Vader comics suggest that the Emperor somehow manipulated the force to generate Anakin. It looks like the same happened to Rey.

Is that from something Palp states in the comic? If so I suggest you don't put much weight in it beyond a Sith Lord manipulating their apprentice...

44 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

Is that from something Palp states in the comic? If so I suggest you don't put much weight in it beyond a Sith Lord manipulating their apprentice...

Nope, it's vision that Vader has of the Emperor doing some magic with his mother's belly and saying: "unnatural".