Star Wars Episode IX The Rise Of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing

1 hour ago, Koing907 said:

Much better!!

3 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

Grim fact: The Rise of Skywalker is statistically unlikely to be above average in quality.

Workaround: focus on the stuff you enjoy and live a happy life!

4 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

Grim fact: The Rise of Skywalker is statistically unlikely to be above average in quality.

Especially with JJ on the helm, I am fearing the worst. And the trailer does so far nothing to dispense that feeling.

On the other hand, starting with TFA and TLJ as comparison points, it will be easy to be better than these two.

23 hours ago, Dwing said:

I think TLJ killed this trilogy for me, this was meh...

Mildly excited, mostly hugely skeptical.

Rian punched too large a hole in my enthusiasm for me to recover from one trailer.

JJ may make formulaic movies, but dammit, if we could just rewrite time to hand him the reins of TLJ anyway, we could have had a somewhat consistent and uninterrupted story (and a generally better movie to boot).

3 hours ago, Cuz05 said:

Nothing like a tiny bit of new SW footage to get people scrapping.

Place had been kinda calm and friendly for a bit there.

Prepare yourselves. It begins.

I am advising all my clients to invest in canned goods and shotguns.

3 hours ago, Npmartian said:

Workaround: focus on the stuff you enjoy and live a happy life!

People comment on stuff they're passionate about. That too is life. It's full of great things and terrible things and annoying things. All kinds of things.

6 hours ago, Archangelspiv said:

It's a made up story in a made up Universe. Anything can happen if Disney says it happened.

I'm using canon to support my assertions. You?


“Did you ever hear of The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?”

3 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

I'm using canon to support my assertions. You?

I am using people who own the IP assertions....

1 hour ago, Archangelspiv said:

I am using people who own the IP assertions....

So, "I'm making s**t up because I COULD be right" rather than, "I am right based on facts".


Luke Skywalker obtained Emperor Palpatine's compass (to navigate the Unknown Regions) from The Emperor’s observatory on Pillio after the detruction of the Second Death Star. Ben Solo had the compass with him the night he attacked Luke at his Jedi Temple. Luke had the compass with him in his hut on Ahch-To.

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Luke Skywalker obtained Emperor Palpatine's compass (to navigate the Unknown Regions) from The Emperor’s observatory on Pillio after the detruction of the Second Death Star. Ben Solo had the compass with him the night he attacked Luke at his Jedi Temple. Luke had the compass with him in his hut on Ahch-To.

Meh, it becomes to "Harry Potter", about which trinkets you own. This is the special dudah that does this bla bla. SW was never about that kinda stuff

17 minutes ago, Dwing said:

Meh, it becomes to "Harry Potter", about which trinkets you own. This is the special dudah that does this bla bla. SW was never about that kinda stuff

2 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

So, "I'm making s**t up because I COULD be right" rather than, "I am right based on facts".

Facts? What facts? Disney cut a whole bunch out and called it legends. One days it’s facts, next day it’s made up fan fiction. There aren’t any facts in Star Wars. Just because Wookiepedia says a TIE Fighter can go 1200 kmph, doesn’t mean they actually can

I love Star Wars as much as the next person, but it’s a story plain and simple.

33 minutes ago, Archangelspiv said:

Facts? What facts? Disney cut a whole bunch out and called it legends. One days it’s facts, next day it’s made up fan fiction. There aren’t any facts in Star Wars. Just because Wookiepedia says a TIE Fighter can go 1200 kmph, doesn’t mean they actually can

I love Star Wars as much as the next person, but it’s a story plain and simple.

So nothing means anything and we can say whatever we want? Blocked.

50 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

If we follow the former naming conventions of the final films in the Original and Prequel Trilogies, Return of the Jedi , and Revenge of the Sith , does The Rise of Skywalker herald a new type of warrior monks?

... and what would you call Rey’s actions at the start of the trailer if not Skywalking?

1 minute ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

If we follow the former naming conventions of the final films in the Original and Prequel Trilogies, Return of the Jedi , and Revenge of the Sith , does The Rise of Skywalker herald a new type of warrior monks?

... and what would you call Rey’s actions at the start of the trailer if not Skywalking?

Force Jumping. :P

8 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

If we follow the former naming conventions of the final films in the Original and Prequel Trilogies, Return of the Jedi , and Revenge of the Sith , does The Rise of Skywalker herald a new type of warrior monks?

... and what would you call Rey’s actions at the start of the trailer if not Skywalking?

Rey may very well inherit the mantle by deed if not by bloodline.

Master Yoda, who saw glimpses of the future, did say there was another. What if he was not referring to Leia as we had surmised?

Balance to The Force.

1 hour ago, Archangelspiv said:

Facts? What facts? Disney cut a whole bunch out and called it legends. One days it’s facts, next day it’s made up fan fiction. There aren’t any facts in Star Wars. Just because Wookiepedia says a TIE Fighter can go 1200 kmph, doesn’t mean they actually can

I love Star Wars as much as the next person, but it’s a story plain and simple.

But Lackwit is referring to things that LFL specifically stated they consider set when creating new material.

I am sure it has been said many times before...Sidious claimed that his master (and in consequence, he himself) acquired mastery over life and death. I honestly wouldnt object to any explanation letting him come back, in whatever form. I think the mantra of Sith not being able to force ghost is totally bs. If the force would really object to them, it would not let them do things that Plagueis did. And if the Force is just to be used and has no say, then why could it block Sith from that if they really look into that, as QG did?

But well, two big disappointments in a row, this movie must do more than bringing Palp back to make me a fan. Admittedly, its a first step, but pls, connect the big arcs we have, from Ezra and Thrawn to the Remnant to Maz and on and on.

11 hours ago, Deathseed said:

Mildly excited, mostly hugely skeptical.

Rian punched too large a hole in my enthusiasm for me to recover from one trailer.

JJ may make formulaic movies, but dammit, if we could just rewrite time to hand him the reins of TLJ anyway, we could have had a somewhat consistent and uninterrupted story (and a generally better movie to boot).

I agree. Rian was a terrible idea. The biggest problem Star Wars has at the moment is a lack of one creative executive with a team of competent advisors guiding the story arc.

The best thing they can do now is just stop mutilating our favourite characters and tell a completely new story. Solo without Lando, Han or Chewie would have been better, and things like Mandalorian seem like a good move. I’d rather risk three standalone movies from three different directors than the current formula of train-wreck trilogies.

4 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

So? There is nothing special power full about that light saber. It was just to give our hero a special weapon. It dit not grant him any special Powers. A bit of a sought example.