Star Wars Episode IX The Rise Of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing

12 hours ago, xanderf said:

What it is is too dang small, though.

I mean, look at the size of Rey (not a very large person to begin with!) standing over to it. There is no way you could have a human sitting upright in that cockpit.



Do you guys actually watch stuff? Or just assume things?

11 minutes ago, Kani Kantai said:

Is Star Wars Battlefront II canon? If so didn’t that 100% confirm the Emperor was still around in some sense with that holo-projector droid? He was still giving orders wasn’t he?

Posthumously. You need to read some comics.

And yes it's canon. It's all canon now, the memo is back in 2014, go find it.

9 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Posthumously. You need to read some comics.

I really don’t. I can just ask. And is it really posthumously if he’s still a force ghost who can exert his will on the physical world? Like Yoda?

Edited by Kani Kantai
1 hour ago, Captain Lackwit said:



Do you guys actually watch stuff? Or just assume things?

You must be new here.

1 hour ago, Kani Kantai said:

I really don’t. I can just ask. And is it really posthumously if he’s still a force ghost who can exert his will on the physical world? Like Yoda?

You're... really reading into this in ways that are extreeemely easy to read up on, but let me just spell it out.

Palpatine had a directive ready when he died. A bunch of droids with his face holographically represented, would give out his orders for Operation Cinder to his most trusted Admirals. Then that order was carried out.

We do not know the manner in which he was ghosting around. But he definitely wasn't active immediately after death. If he was, he wasn't directing this.

Really, you can find "Shattered Empire" extremely easily. It's short and only four issues. Just look up Operation Cinder.

4 minutes ago, skotothalamos said:

You must be new here.

At 7.3k posts you got a funny outlook on "new" :P

15 hours ago, Ximatique said:

Kylo's new silencer is neat !


BUT WHY THE WEPON POD ON THE BOTTOM!!???? are we getting a SPEC /INTERCEPTOR / SILENCER HYBRID?????? HYYYYYYYYYYPPPEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 hours ago, Sithborg said:

This part of the presentation kind of implied that Ian McDiarmid's  b  ack. I mean, how else do you interpret them pulling this  .  

Back, yes. I don’t think he was questioning back or not, so much as he was questioning alive.

18 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

unless Endor is more Earth-like, or Ewok Adventure like... DeathStar pieces could've landed all over the place, not just 'Redwood' region.

Apparently you don't understand Star Wars planetology. All planets are a single terrain/climate type.

And while it's been hilarious to read 8 pages of rampant speculation:

Everything you just said about this trailer is wrong.

Because that's what they want.

Edited by Darth Meanie
9 hours ago, Punning Pundit said:

Dark Empire and it's million Palpatine Clones that were stopped by a fetus inside of Leia....

Sorry, I definitely wasn't clear. When I say "all of Star Wars," I meant "all of the movies and TV shows." I've read and know very little about the Extended Universe stuff.

6 hours ago, IgotTargetlocked said:

BUT WHY THE WEPON POD ON THE BOTTOM!!???? are we getting a SPEC /INTERCEPTOR / SILENCER HYBRID?????? HYYYYYYYYYYPPPEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, it's got a comm antenna in the same location as on the TIE/sf, and has red paint in corresponding places, so it does seem likely that this is a "Special Forces Interceptor".

Edited by Freeptop
8 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

You're  ... really reading into this in ways that are extreeemely easy to read up on, but let me just spell it out.
      Really, you can find "Shattered Empire" extremely easily. It's short and only four issues  . Just look up Operation Cinder.

Not everyone has the time or desire or the money to read comic books. And that's OK.

The opening scene where Rey jumps over the Silencer makes me very worried for the film, reminded me too much of nuns in space with Leia.

8 minutes ago, Archangelspiv said:

The opening scene where Rey jumps over the Silencer makes me very worried for the film, reminded me too much of nuns in space with Leia.

First of all, that's not a Silencer.

Just now, AlexW said:

First of all, that's not a Silencer.

LOL, we got ourselves an Expert.

Palpatine is just going to end up appearing in a vision Rey has when she enters the Death Star ruins. Like the one she had when she found Anakin's lightsaber.

1 hour ago, Archangelspiv said:

LOL, we got ourselves an Expert.

I-it's not.

It sure does look like one.

1 hour ago, Archangelspiv said:

LOL, we got ourselves an Expert.

1 hour ago, Archangelspiv said:

The opening scene where Rey jumps over the Silencer makes me very worried for the film, reminded me too much of nuns in space with Leia.

Silencer cockpits are hexagonal, not round.


It isn't a TIE/Vn Silencer...

Edited by Hiemfire
10 minutes ago, Jehan Menasis said:

It sure does look like one.


15 hours ago, dsul413 said:

I'm shocked that there are both people that don't find this trailer/Ep IX hype compelling and people who aren't willing to go see Ep IX in theaters. To each their own though! I'm pumped. Looks fun.

I'm totally meh. At this point, I still don't know who the Resistance and First Order are, or why they're fighting. I don't care about the new characters, and I stopped caring about the old characters. There's no tension, no stakes, and no drama. Just hype.

Grim fact: The Rise of Skywalker is statistically unlikely to be above average in quality.

Opinion: I think the trailer is fun to watch.

1 hour ago, Hiemfire said:

Silencer cockpits are hexagonal, not round.


It isn't a TIE/Vn Silencer...

You are right, Rey jumping over what ever that ship is, is a much better idea. My apologies, the starship is what is the important point here. Bravo.

11 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

You're... really reading into this in ways that are extreeemely easy to read up on, but let me just spell it out.

Palpatine had a directive ready when he died. A bunch of droids with his face holographically represented, would give out his orders for Operation Cinder to his most trusted Admirals. Then that order was carried out.

We do not know the manner in which he was ghosting around. But he definitely wasn't active immediately after death. If he was, he wasn't directing this.

Really, you can find "Shattered Empire" extremely easily. It's short and only four issues. Just look up Operation Cinder.

It's a made up story in a made up Universe. Anything can happen if Disney says it happened.

Nothing like a tiny bit of new SW footage to get people scrapping.

Place had been kinda calm and friendly for a bit there.

Prepare yourselves. It begins.