German translation of GenCon 2017 adventure and characters + custom overviews

By DerDelphi, in Realms of Terrinoth

Edit: I had to take down the files.

Edited by DerDelphi

Sehr cool, dankeschön!

Thank you (Danke Schön!)!

Great work! / Super Arbeit!

Is it possible to get access to the "raw data"? I want to create some cheatsheets for my players.

This is very interesting, good job. I have started to translate some of the rules too, for a one-shot with some people that don't speak english well. May I ask (since I didn't see it while glancing over your work) how you translated the symbols' names? Especially despair is giving me a hard time to find a fitting name.

Hello Klort,

we are using the symbol names from FFGs Star Wars P&P (it uses mostly the same dice as Genesys), which was officially translated into german.

The translations are:
"success" = "Erfolg"
"advantage" = "Vorteil"
"triumph" = "Triumph"
"failure" = "Fehlschlag"
"threat" = "Bedrohung"
"despair" = "Verzweiflung"

I'm not too happy with "Verzweiflung". It's the literal translation, but it doesn't work very well. But anyway, that's what they went with.

I was hoping for something else but Verzweiflung, it just feels so cumbersome. We usually still call it despair, or "voll-verkackt-Symbol", but that is awfully colloquial. Maybe I'll go with Patzer, that should feel the most familiar.

I feel you :) "Patzer" indeed sounds better, but it doesn't really capture the magnitude of the failure. Perhaps "Kritischer Patzer"? Still better than "Verzweiflung".

What about " Hoffnungslosigkeit ", " Verzagen " or maybe " Dilemma "?

In the past we also played with the german translation from FFGs Star Wars P&P.

On 4/12/2019 at 4:46 PM, DerDelphi said:

Hello everybody,

I recently ran the Genesys GenCon 2017 Adventure with my P&P group, and we are currently planning to continue with a full campaign.

Sadly there seem to be plans for a german translation of Genesys, so I decided to translate the GenCon 2017 adventure as well as the pre-made chars into german a while back.

I also created a lot of other custom overviews (partly inspired by DrainSmiths great work) for my Genesys group, as some of them aren't fluent in english. A lot of work went into it, but I haven't really found a place to discuss about Genesys in german language, so I decided to post my materials over here, in case anyone might find it useful.

Translation of the GenCon 2017 adventure:

Adventure map:

City map of Nerekhall:

Translation of the 6 Terrinoth pre-made chars and 9 custom chars:

Blank character sheet with talent pyramid: RoT deutsch blanko.pdf?dl=0

Magic skill overview:

Magic check overview:

Social check overview:

Combat check overview:

Healing, recovery and status effect overview:

Turn and distance overview:

Item effect overview:

Critical hit effect overview:

GM character overview:

Miscellaneous overviews:


Hi und vielen Dank, das ist super 👍🏻

Ich habe gerade die Aufgabe gefangen, für meine Frau und beiden Teen-Mädels eine RP-Runde zu starten, wie sie sagen so etwas wie Supernatural, Shadow Hunters.

Hab mich dann mal umgeschaut:

- Cthulhu: zu wenig Actionorientiert, zu viel Sanity und so für die Gruppe. Früher geliebt aber heute mag ich die d100-Systematik nicht mehr wirklich und ohne das Stabilitätssystem (was ich rauslassen oder sehr entschlacken müsste das sie Spaß haben) überzeugt mich das nicht so.

- Savage Worlds: easy2play, hard2master. Noch nicht selbst gespielt aber mir scheint das AC-System zu krass. Entweder zu tödlich oder quasi unverletzbar es sei denn man setzt immer erst taktisch auf Betäubungs-/Ablenkungseffekte. Würde es gerne mal spielen vor‘m leiten.

-Supernatural: System nicht zu bekommen, zu alt und komplett englisch (suboptimal für die Gruppe).

- Genesys: Spiele schon länger Star Wars FFG und liebe es, wie auch die Würfel. Habe mir Genesys gekauft und im Netz eine Horror-Conversion gefunden. Bin sehr begeistert aber alles auf deutsch übersetzen? 🥺

Habe begonnen, wenig Zeit und echt viel Arbeit . Von daher Danke, hilft sehr! 😀

hast du noch andere deutsche Übersetzungen, Hilfen oder so gesehen oder mal erstellt, z.B. deutscher Talente Liste mit Kurzbeschreibung (optimal für „modern“)?


freut mich, dass die Übersetzungen hilfreich waren :)

Leider habe ich derzeit sonst keine weiteren Spielhilfen erstellt. Falls ich noch etwas erstelle, werde ich es aber hinzufügen.

Hallo DerDelphi,

wirklich super Material, wir werden damit am kommenden Freitag starten. Gibt es die Dokumente auch mit ausblendbarer Hintergrundebene?



I had no idea there was actually an official map of Nerekhall out there. Thank you!!! - I translated it back to English for my campaign, but nice to have the map!

Edited by IamGazrok

Yes! Where do those maps come from?

Ooh, just saw the other map, the local area between Greyhaven and Nerekhall! Woo hoo! (and wow, that road coming down is PERFECT where where I put my PC's base city....superb!)....

22 hours ago, SavageBob said:

Yes! Where do those maps come from?

Apparently from an adventure played at a GenCon Convention (the big one) in 2017.

6 hours ago, IamGazrok said:

Apparently from an adventure played at a GenCon Convention (the big one) in 2017.

I mean, who was the original source who put them online? I've only seen them in the German translation, so where did the German translator get them?

Sorry, I didn't notice your posts sooner. I followed the thread, in case any additional questions arise.

The city map of Nerekhall is from Descent 2nd Edition, specifically the Shadows of Nerekhall campaign of the correspondent box expansion.

The map between Nerekhall and Greyhaven is from the Descent Road to Legend app. There are also 2 additional maps in the app, covering the area around Tamalir as well as Riverwatch and Vynelvale.

Edit: I also added 5 new heroes to the example characters: Karnon, Steelhorns, Zyla, Tetherys and Shiver.

Edited by DerDelphi

Could you add the other two maps from the app? Please? :)

On 7/15/2019 at 7:35 PM, IamGazrok said:

I had no idea there was actually an official map of Nerekhall out there. Thank you!!! - I translated it back to English for my campaign, but nice to have the map!

Sorry to say, but I retconned some of the locations in Nerekhall, to fit with the GenCon 2017 adventure. The original map of Nerekhall features the names of the quests in the campaign, and I replaced these with some locations that are mentioned in the GenCon adventure. But this is definitely not canon :(

You can find the original image by looking for "shadow of nerekhall map" in the image search of our search machine overlord.

Edited by DerDelphi
6 hours ago, DerDelphi said:

Thanks! And yeah, the names on the map may not be canon, but they certainly jive with other material, so it seems pretty legit. I'll still check out the original though. Thanks again!

EDIT: Nice, one is a great map of the environs of Tamalir, showing Nornholt and the Red Bridge as well. Another is a great map of the environs of Riverwatch and Vynelvale, including the ruins of Sudanya, Fort Rodric, and Skydown.

Edited by IamGazrok