So - our local gaming group is running a legend of the five rings campaign, starting very much 'from scratch' with the Topaz Championship. We've got a nice motly crew of students to send along.
Kaito no Isawa Horonigai
- Kaito Horonigai was the keeper of Seido Yaku-Yoke, a shrine to several minor fortunes of protection in the southwest of Phoenix lands. She was killed protecting the shrine from bandits, and her symbol of office, an ornate omamori of jade and pearl, was stolen. Shortly after, the handful of monks who tend the shrine found an baby who had been abandoned at the shrine's Torii gate, wrapped in a fine silk scarf which suggested her unknown parents were no simple peasants. One of the monks, Haji, who was a former member of the family himself and a relative of the fallen keeper, talked the now childless family into legally adopting the girl and naming her in memory of their daughter.
- Raised almost entirely at the Seido Yaku-Yoke by her 'uncle' Haji and at the Dojo of the Swaying Branch as a shrine keeper herself, Horonigai has been taught both the common ritual skills of a shrine attendant and the archery skills and more secret techniques of the Kaito family. However, she is conflicted between a desire to prove herself worthy of her adoption and a fear of failing her adopted family, and that the more she masters the role of a shrine keeper, the less likely she is to ever be allowed to explore the world beyond the tranquil wooded valley of the shrine.
- Whilst Haji has been quietly supportive of his 'niece', she has attracted criticism for her uncertain lineage, for using her skills as a healer to minister to the lower-caste locals in the nearby villages, and for studying the histories of the wars fought by the Phoenix clan with a fascination some have claimed is unbecoming of a shrine maiden. Where this criticism came from fellow students at the shrine keeper school or other 'relatives' of similar age, this resulted in a few equally unbecoming brawls between the children.
- She has a single lock of red hair, which Haji claims is the sign of a blessing from the Kami, and which she normally wears tied up in a hair comb somewhat more ornate than might be expected from a shrine attendant. She has also 'inherited' the first Kaito Horonigai's massive Daikyu, which is noticeably taller than she is.
- She and Haji have persuaded the Kaito to sponsor her attendance at the Topaz Championship, in the hopes that success there will persuade the Phoenix clan to offer her a destiny other than a life spent tending to an obscure shrine.
Mirumoto Uiri
- The son of a Dragon Clan Courtier, and named for one of the clan's first ambassadors to the Badger Clan, Uiri spent his childhood travelling between the various courts of northwestern Rokugan, and is no stranger to the Dragonfly, Unicorn and Badger, as well as the City of the Rich Frog, as well as Dragon lands.
- Whilst his family assumed Uiri would follow in his father's footsteps, and saw to it that he was taught politics from a young age, he (politely) rebelled against the idea. Whilst travelling along the Drowned Merchant River, he and his father came across a group of monks being attacked by bandits. Intervening, they saved most of the monks - securing a respect from the Brotherhood of Shinsei for both of them. That skirmish - which felt like an epic battle to the barely-teenage boy - ignited a desire for adventure and glory that has never really faded, and he has since come to see the stifling formality of court as a gilded cage. He has developed - some might even say actively cultivated - a blunt manner which is unsuitable for a diplomat almost in response to this.
- He learned learned horsemanship and survival from friends made amongst the Unicorn, and was taught the art of the sword by a Niten master in his family's guards who subsequently became a Niten sensei at the Iron Mountain Dojo, and (eventually) managed to persuade his parents to allow him to attend the family's iconic bushi dojo. The move earned a great deal of scorn and disapproval from his immediate family and other Dragon Clan diplomats, and his relationship with his parents is somewhat strained.
- Being no stranger to travel, he travels with a unicorn-made yurt gifted by his friends at Shiro Shinjo, and a heavy hooded cloak that people often identify with him.
- He hopes that success at the Topaz Championship will show his choices have been worthwhile.
Hida Goriate
- The son of a Chui (a commander of about 5,000 troops) in the Crab's army, Goriate is named for one of the family's many famously stubborn defensive generals. His father was killed on the Kaiu Wall whilst he was very young, leaving him in the care of this uncle - a commander much like his late brother - and his aunt, a Kuni shujenga who took an unholy glee in 'educating' the impressionable child with horror stories of those afflicted with the Shadowlands Taint (something which has left him with a - not unjustified - fear of potential corruption).
- He has followed in his family's footsteps, training at the Hida's Unbreakable Blade Dojo. During a visit where promising students were being presented to a group of officers at the Kaiu Wall, the Wall came under surprise attack, and the students found themselves hurridly armed and thrown into the second line, alongside wounded bushi and ashigaru reservists. The horrors of that battle have never entirely left the young Crab.
- Aside from a large and imposing stature for his age - even by the impressive standards of the Crab - he is also noticeable for wearing a finger of jade and numerous prayer-slips pinned to his clothing or armour; and it is commonly joked amongst his friends that he will eventually bankrupt himself buying protective charms and blessings.
- He hopes to prove himself and his school at the Topaz Championship - and to see more of the Empire he has trained to give his life to protect.
And a new character joining the group!
Shosuro Suiren
- Suiren is, by comparison, no newly-minted samurai (to be fair, after nearly a year of intrigues, murders and maho, nor are the original three....)
- He is a successful actor and and aspiring writer - and one of the leading members of the Shosuro family's Poisoned Lilly Noh Theatre Company, famous for its triumphant performance at Winter Court in Kyuden Bayushi, and over the last few years has toured the entire Empire, even performing on the remote Islands of Spice and Silk (any pattern of unexplained deaths mirroring the company's scheduled performances of The Death of Hantei being, of course, pure coincidence). Suiren is, in fact, one of the owners of the company and is descended from its founder, whose name he shares.
- Whilst given to ostentatious masks, makeup and clothing when 'in character', Suiren is actually of remarkably non-descript appearance, allowing him to easily slip into whatever role is needed, both on and off stage. The latter is always done discretely, as his fame and rumoured wealth are useful tools to secure access without resorting to the shinobi skills taught to him by Shosuro Ping, his teacher - and, officially, the Poisoned Lilly's 'dancing instructor'.
- Fame has led to a desire for privacy; he finds peace best in meditation, and by comparison struggles to open up, having an anxiety about social intimacy. This, along with the poor endurance caused by a weak heart and several cases of bad luck or unfortunate timing, has led to numerous failed relationships (and a few indiscrete scandals), leading some in the courts to speculate he is cursed by Benten, Fortune of Romantic Love.
- He is currently on a sabbatical from the company, officially looking for inspiration for their next play - and unofficially tasked by his family to investigate a far-reaching conspiracy.