I was just looking through the cards that come in The Lost Realm, and noticed an oddity in the wording of Gather Information , a side-quest:
QuoteResponse: After this stage is defeated, each player may search his deck for 1 card and add it to his hand. Each player shuffles his deck.
Am I correct in thinking that in a multi-player game if any player decides to search his deck for 1 card, all players must shuffle their decks? That's how I read the wording, and I can think of a scenario where a player may not want to perform the search, but shuffling their deck would be annoying...
Player A uses the action of Gildor Inglorian or Gandalf's Search to arrange next 3 or X cards that they'll get from their deck... "Hooray!" they think. "On the next three or X card draws I will get exactly what I want when I want it. Look at me, aren't I clever."
Player B, on successfully completing the Gather Information side-quest, decides they want the ever-important Brok Ironfist from his deck, so he decides to search for Brok, add him to his hand, and shuffle his deck.
Player A glares at Player B, shuffles his deck in anger, bending some of his cards ("Why did I not sleeve?!?" he will later cry).
Or am I mis-reading the card?