Conquerors of the Paellos Sector: IC [Players Only]

By The Jabbawookie, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

35 minutes ago, idjmv said:


To: Proprietary Limited

From: U.R.A.S.C High Council

Seems as though you have attempted to broadcast a signal. We assume it was an authentication code, similar to the one we received for Planet L2. We have no quarrel, but we do not accept unauthorized visitors. It seems you also have a similar policy.

If this is the case, since you are so involved in business, could we interest you in a trade of codes?

No fees, no conflict.

Edit: Alas, it seems you might lose control of L2. This puts us in the position to blackmail, by being able to broadcast the code to everyone, including the Merry Crew. However, if you wish no quarrel, as we have not suffered any losses, we wish to not have to resort to that. Choose wisely.

HK-47: Blackmail? That's the only mail I ever read

Just now, Matt3412 said:

HK-47: Blackmail? That's the only mail I ever read

We assume it is the only mail you send out also...

URASC: We had hoped the code would shut down the brood.

Instead it appears to have altered something on the planet’s surface, in a jungle region.

Our vessel was destroyed before we could complete our scans.

The vessel was old and of no further use to our organisation. It was no great loss to use it in this experiment.

please report the effect of the code on your planet. What has changed?

L2 is our planet, though currently blockaded by the Merry Crew. L2 has full planetary defences and unlikely to fall to any invasion attempt.


Proprietary Limited apologises for the misunderstanding over Quantadox. We had thought it was your intention merely to remove the brood, not occupy or remain at the planet. Be aware the Q is not under blockade and we will not be invading the planet's surface. We have no interest in conflict with the Wookies. Please accept our sincerest apologies. There is no way for us to compensate you for the damage done to your HHTC at this time. We deeply regret this incident and will attempt to be more clear in the future.

In addition to our apology, we ask for more information. Who are you blockading at A2? We had thought this planet was already under Wookie control.

25 minutes ago, LTD said:

Who are you blockading at A2? We had thought this planet was already under Wookie control.

Apologies. This was an error and has been fixed.

Edited by The Jabbawookie
2 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:


L2 and L3 are blockaded by the Merry Crew. A ground invasion of L2 fails; 3 Proprietary Limited GF are destroyed. A bombardment of L3 destroys 1 GF and 1 credit production.


Proprietary Limited has blockaded and successfully invaded the Merry Crew world of N3. No casualties.


We are now entirely confident that you have no planets and no fuel.

We will now engage your forces and destroy them. This is your final-but-one chance to surrender. Join us, and together, etc. etc.

1 hour ago, LTD said:

URASC: We had hoped the code would shut down the brood.

Instead it appears to have altered something on the planet’s surface, in a jungle region.

Our vessel was destroyed before we could complete our scans.

The vessel was old and of no further use to our organisation. It was no great loss to use it in this experiment.

please report the effect of the code on your planet. What has changed?

L2 is our planet, though currently blockaded by the Merry Crew. L2 has full planetary defences and unlikely to fall to any invasion attempt.

We have not detected any changes to the planet.

Perhaps the transmission was of inadequate duration.

Here is the report from our doomed expedition:

"str--ge elect---al act-vity detect-d in s---or AH13, l-sted as jungle. Closer invest--atio- req-"

Do you understand this code?

We still have inadequate information about the nature of this "authentication code." We do not know where it came from, or what it does.

The Merry Crew have passed on their code to the GNIPian authorities. Perhaps we should wait and see what effect it has on that planet, since our controlled experiment on a brood infested world yielded limited results.

@GhostofNobodyInParticular - do you intend to transmit the code you received at the planet listed? If so, will you share the results with the rest of the Sector?

13 minutes ago, LTD said:

Perhaps the transmission was of inadequate duration.

Here is the report from our doomed expedition:

"str--ge elect---al act-vity detect-d in s---or AH13, l-sted as jungle. Closer invest--atio- req-"

Do you understand this code?

We still have inadequate information about the nature of this "authentication code." We do not know where it came from, or what it does.

The Merry Crew have passed on their code to the GNIPian authorities. Perhaps we should wait and see what effect it has on that planet, since our controlled experiment on a brood infested world yielded limited results.

@GhostofNobodyInParticular - do you intend to transmit the code you received at the planet listed? If so, will you share the results with the rest of the Sector?

Rest assured, we are having our analytic department working their butts of, trying to figure what the heck is going on. If what you gave us is the code, we can attempt using it on one of our planets that has been attacked by the brood. Alas, Y1 is covered in vast jungle, so figuring out what is going on has the possibilty of lasting a long time...

That code has the same pattern

Yo @GhostofNobodyInParticular can I get that good will ;]

Edited by Matt3412

To those interested, research and development are now available; factions that invest credits for each tier unlock new technology. A series of credit installments are an acceptable form of payment. A single installment may come from various worlds.

Tier 1 cost (Project Blurred Lines):

100 credits.

Edited by The Jabbawookie


We have run a few scans, but the mystery still goes unsolved. We have a few ideas however.

We will inform you if we make any progress

2 hours ago, Matt3412 said:

Yo @GhostofNobodyInParticular can I get that good will ;]

I have been reminded that trading credits is prohibited, as they are tied to industrial capacity. I had forgotten myself, as it's not listed in the OC thread. As I have informed some players when asked previously in PM, including you, I don't feel comfortable changing the ruling.

I'm very sorry for neglecting to make this information public, and should have remembered when verifying the code.

Edited by The Jabbawookie

@LTD well my plan has been foiled by the overseer himself.

I shall continue to Bombard the planets untill I have been defeated 👍

HK47 : Conclusion: Such pheromone-driven responses never cease to decrease the charge in my capacitors and make me wish I could put a blaster pistol to my behaviour core and pull the trigger.

"I am like a veritable fable, warning against the karma caused by murdering others. A morality tale, if you will. What utter irony."

20 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

500 point ELE force engages a 487 point Gungan fleet over X1. No advantage. A 5 is rolled; the Gungans lose 2 Pelta Cs, an HHT and 2 GRM, and are obligated to retreat. The ELE loses 4 Gauntlet squadrons and a Lambda class                shuttle. X1 is blockaded by the ELE; details pending.  

PM in your inbox here. Can you advise of the result when you have a chance please?

On 6/1/2019 at 12:50 AM, Matt3412 said:

Yo @GhostofNobodyInParticular can I get that good will ;]

My apologies for the mix-up. :( You have my sympathies.

On 6/1/2019 at 12:01 AM, LTD said:

We still have inadequate information about the nature of this "authentication code." We do not know where it came from, or what it does.

The Merry Crew have passed on their code to the GNIPian authorities. Perhaps we should wait and see what effect it has on that planet, since our controlled experiment on a brood infested world yielded limited results.

@GhostofNobodyInParticular - do you intend to transmit the code you received at the planet listed? If so, will you share the results with the rest of the Sector?

We do indeed intend to transmit the code. We will decide whether or not to share once we find out what it does.

On 5/31/2019 at 7:51 PM, The Jabbawookie said:

To those interested, research and development are now available; factions that invest credits for each tier unlock new technology. A series of credit installments are an acceptable form of payment. A single installment may come from various worlds.

Tier 1 cost:

100 credits.

Is this available to all players now?

6 hours ago, Bertie Wooster said:

Is this available to all players now?


@Drasnighta @Matt3412 @BiggsIRL

I'll permit a change of control regarding the Wookiees, but won't decide who should have it.

The three of you should reach an agreement (or flip a credit); I ask only that no grudges be held from the previous faction's encounters. I don't think any of you are spiteful by nature, so that shouldn't be a problem, yes?

@Drasnighta @BiggsIRL

I still have my fleet left, and am rather distracted at the time being.

I would say dras should have first priority on assuming the forces. I will be up to the task if he cant tho.

And @LTD the Wookies will not share the memories of the droids you slowly butchered hahaha.


Do you have any more information on the code, and on the expedition we happened to cut short?

We have a few ideas of what the code could be, but at this moment, they are only hypothetical, as we have such limited knowledge.


We have no more information. We have shared with you all of our data, except the code.

It is my understanding from your earlier threat that if we do not share with you the Code for Y1, you will openly declare the code for Lx (where x is a number I cannot recall at the moment), allowing the Merry Crew to transmit it and potentially destroy one of our valuable worlds. Is this still your threat?