Conquerors of the Paellos Sector: IC [Players Only]

By The Jabbawookie, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

2 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Hyperpings at B1, B2, dsB, C1, C2, dsC, D2, dsE, F2, dsG, H1, I1, I2, dsI, J, K1, K2, dsK, L3, dsL, O, Q, dsQ, T2, dsV, W, dsX, Y2, dsY, Z, and dsZ.

K1 (Merry Crew) and H1 (neutral) have been blockaded by the Malarian Brood. 1 GF and 1 Credit Production are destroyed where applicable.

A Proprietary Limited Fleet and a Malarian Brood Infestation Group clash over K2. 39 points Malarian Brood (arbitrarily attacker) vs 380 points Prop. Ltd. (defender) is a 90% defender's advantage, or +9. A 9 is rolled and converted into an 18. 39 Malarian Locust Drones are destroyed; no PL casualties.

A 60 point PL force destroys a lone Locust Drone over L3, taking no casualties. This is repeated over O with a 120 point force. A priate CR90 is also encountered and fired upon; 44 points A vs 120 points D is a 40% attacker's advantage (which half completes 1 objective.) An 8 is rolled and converted into a 4; the Pirate CR90A is scarred. No PL casualties, no pirate credit deduction.

A Merry Crew fleet attempts to clear the skies of J in an assault; 73 points A vs 10 points D is a 60% attacker's advantage, or -6. A 6 is rolled and converted to 0. 10 Malarian Locust Drones destroyed; no Merry Crew casualties.

A Pirate CR90 attempts to raid I1 and encounters a 60 point GNIPian defense force. 10% defender's advantage, or +1. An 8 is rolled and converted into a 9. The Pirate CR90A is scarred. No GNIPian casualties, no pirate credit deduction.

A 338 point GNIPian battlegroup squashes 1 Locust Drone over I2.

A 202 point Wookiee task force does the same over D2, and a 244 point fleet over F2.

Another lone Locust drone over Y2 is obliterated by a 120 point URASC fleet.

Yet another Locust Drone is destroyed over Q by an 18 point PL group.

Z is no longer under blockade.

A Pirate CR90A destroys a Locust Drone over neutral C1.

A Pirate CR90A picks the wrong neighborhood in Tati, encountering a 290 point Gungan defense fleet. 70% defender's advantage converts a 7 to a 14, destroying the pirates with no Gungan casualties. All other pirate groups disband in fear of Naboo military might; @Bertie Wooster has completed the objective.

A ELE invasion fleet assaults B2; 286 points A vs 30 points D is an 80% attacker's advantage (which half completes 1 objective.) An 8 is rolled and converted into a 0; all Tactical Remnant forces are destroyed. No ELE casualties.

Turn 12 is now live; orders are due in 48 hours.

Awaiting orders from:


@Bertie Wooster








2 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

New Mission: Somebody Call for an Exterminator?

Destroy [redacted] or more Locust Drones in a single engagement.

Weesa warriors! Pirates, yousa cannot bee hair!

Edited by Bertie Wooster

Proprietary Limited extends its congratulations to the Gungan Patrol Forces - for actions against the Pirates we honour you. Your actions have benefited all. Kudos.

We wish you well in your future endeavours.

A drone buzzes into ELE space, carrying a white... well, it's definitely not cloth . Is that...?

Better not to dwell on that too much.

The creature appears unable to communicate verbally, but the ELE diplomat feels what can only be described as a low buzzing in the back of her head, that inexplicably flows into vaguely-formed concepts. It seems the creature uses some form of telepathy to communicate.

*Not only are there virtually no horses present at all on ELE worlds, but the bodily fluids of the extant creatures are particularly distasteful and lacking in usable nourishment.*

*What a disappointment.*

*The Queen therefore decrees a non-aggression policy with respect to your polity.*

edit: oh, uh... @FortyInRed

Edited by Ardaedhel

Proprietary Limited requests information from the forces that have jumped to dsL and dsQ this turn.

You are in restricted space - this is not a public thoroughfare. Please identify yourselves and act to remove your expeditions.

If these are the forces of the Malarian Brood Swarms be aware: your kind will find no haven in Proprietary Limited space. There are no "swamps" in the South West in which your kind can fester.


CP9-J: I believe we owe you a ship on this the 4th turn since we last sent you one. Please specify a location for it to arrive, within a jump for G1.

CP9-J: Gentlebeings of the sector, we have been very busy with our full time Archaeology careers here. I'm sure we have much to discuss, and we will be in touch shortly.

[Stressed Wookie growling.]

7 hours ago, Ardaedhel said:

A drone buzzes into ELE space, carrying a white... well, it's definitely not cloth . Is that...?

Better not to dwell on that too much.

The creature appears unable to communicate verbally, but the ELE diplomat feels what can only be described as a low buzzing in the back of her head, that inexplicably flows into vaguely-formed concepts. It seems the creature uses some form of telepathy to communicate.

*Not only are there virtually no horses present at all on ELE worlds, but the bodily fluids of the extant creatures are particularly distasteful and lacking in usable nourishment.*

*What a disappointment.*

*The Queen therefore decrees a non-aggression policy with respect to your polity.*

edit: oh, uh... @FortyInRed

Bad Horse, Bad Horse, Bad Horse, Bad Horse

He's flies across the sector, the Thoroughbred of Sin,

He's seen the death and carnage that you have ushered in.

He sees no need for conflict, so let the ceasefire begin,

But be advised, to avoid a feud,

Horses are sacred, they are not food!


Bad Horse

14 hours ago, Bertie Wooster said:

A ELE invasion fleet assaults B2; 286 points A vs 30 points D is an 80% attacker's advantage (which half completes 1 objective.) An 8 is rolled and converted into a 0; all Tactical Remnant forces are destroyed. No ELE casualties.

@idjmv Do you wish to stake a claim on B1 or B3 this turn?

We are pleased to uphold our offer of the spoils of war as thanks for helping us out.

1 hour ago, FortyInRed said:

@idjmv Do you wish to stake a claim on B1 or B3 this turn?

We are pleased to uphold our offer of the spoils of war as thanks for helping us out.

We assume B1 has more credit production, so we shall be happy with B3. More credit production means more people, which we dont like....

[angry growling]

CP9-J: If the professor's theory is correct, it appears that there is a sort of "Brain Bug" in control of the swarm. We've received reports that they may be in some sort of communication with EVIL. This is... unfortunate to consider, as we've not yet been able to identify how they spread. Though there appears to be an ebb and flow to their invasions. Expect attacks this turn. If you are near EVIL areas expect any forces suspected in that area to hit you instead. That includes, well, us especially.

[agitated growling]

On the other hand, if they are trying to communicate and talk people out of shooting them on sight then they may not be as strong as they could be. They're afraid. Ha! They're afraid!

[Increased growling]

@LTD - We suspect based on our analysis of the information available to us that they may be using the "empty" system known as "P" in some fashion. A small scout ship was dispatched with orders to illuminate this. It has orders to not fire on your forces, and turn the ship over to you if it accidentally encounters a Proprietary Limited planet. Our goal is to eliminate all bugs so that we can go back to business as usual. Orders were issued prior to our discussion last galactic turn, however I believe you will find this fulfills both the literal rule and spirit of our agreement, and is beneficial to both of us.

[inquisitive growling]

Yes, yes... This does not preclude bugs also in dsQ this turn!

[spirited growling]

Be vigilant, gentlebeings and droids of the galaxy. Leave no quarter. Leave no worlds where they might find safe haven! The only good bug is a dead bug!

Is anyone having difficulty in dealing with the bugs on their own? We may be able to send a relief force to clear local space for you.

A review of sensor logs does include an unidentifiable hyperping in dsP in turn 9. It is possible this was a brood jump.

We encourage the Wookie Force to jump to those same coordinates, but expect there is nothing there.

5 hours ago, LTD said:

A review of sensor logs does include an unidentifiable hyperping in dsP in turn 9. It is possible this was a brood jump.

We encourage the Wookie Force to jump to those same coordinates, but expect there is nothing there.

Thank you for this information! There was a jump in dsR the previous turn, and we've wondered where they went to this turn. It seems that the Brood secretly went from dsR to dsP.

It's possible that they intended a secret attack on one of your planets.

@BiggsIRL If your Intel scan has detected life on planet P, that is ours, not the Brood. We found a map with coordinates to the hidden planet, and jumped there on turn 9. It's our only safe haven from the Brood.

There's a chance your forces may encounter mine in the P system this turn, so could you please give "do not shoot" orders? We'll do the same.

Edited by Bertie Wooster
9 hours ago, BiggsIRL said:


CP9-J: I believe we owe you a ship on this the 4th turn since we last sent you one. Please specify a location for it to arrive, within a jump for G1.

I1, if you could. Thank you for the support.

10 hours ago, Bertie Wooster said:

Thank you for this information! There was a jump in dsR the previous turn, and we've wondered where they went to this turn. It seems that the Brood secretly went from dsR to dsP.

It's possible that they intended a secret attack on one of your planets.

@BiggsIRL If your Intel scan has detected life on planet P, that is ours, not the Brood. We found a map with coordinates to the hidden planet, and jumped there on turn 9. It's our only safe haven from the Brood.

There's a chance your forces may encounter mine in the P system this turn, so could you please give "do not shoot" orders? We'll do the same.

Understood. We will turn back then.

@Bertie Wooster Greetings, Gungans!

Proprietary Limited is interested in your claims of a planet in the "P" sector - our own expeditions indicated that the system was entirely empty.

Are we to assume that the unidentified ds P hyperping in turn 9 were your forces?

We are naturally jealous of our frontier with the Gungans - we have no interest in competition in the South. We courteously invite the Gungans to a non-aggression pact. We will send no forces into dsP without your permission (enroute to Q, for example). We suggest that you send no more forces into P either - that we keep this system as empty as possible in order to avoid suspicions between our parties.

13 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

I1, if you could. Thank you for the support.

Forgot to confirm this earlier. It will be done.

@Ardaedhel - please be advised that we have issued "no fire" orders to our fleet commanders until turn 13, which is when all of our treaty obligations are due for review. Also, the following sectors are considered The Realm of the Horse (and his allies) and should not fall victim to the Swarm.

  • Xenophon
  • Zebra
  • Vaulting
  • Clydesdale

Bridle is being pacified over the next few turns, and to avoid any unfortunate incidents, we suggest you focus your assimilation efforts elsewhere.

We particularly approve of your war against the Gungans. While they have not transgressed upon us (yet) we do not see them capable of being Evil, and therefore our peoples will inevitably conflict. We see you as simply saving us time later.

Lastly, our efforts to get the term "Buggers" classified as pejorative is proceeding well through the Imperial Senate.

15 hours ago, LTD said:

@Bertie Wooster Greetings, Gungans!

Proprietary Limited is interested in your claims of a planet in the "P" sector - our own expeditions indicated that the system was entirely empty.

Are we to assume that the unidentified ds P hyperping in turn 9 were your forces?

We are naturally jealous of our frontier with the Gungans - we have no interest in competition in the South. We courteously invite the Gungans to a non-aggression pact. We will send no forces into dsP without your permission (enroute to Q, for example). We suggest that you send no more forces into P either - that we keep this system as empty as possible in order to avoid suspicions between our parties.

We misunderstood earlier; we thought that a dsP hyperping was detected on turn 11. We see now it was turn 9 that was being discussed. Now we want to know what happened to the ping in dsR on turn 10. We assumed it was the Brood, but they can't remain in deep space turn to turn. And they didn't land on a nearby planet turn 11. Hmm...

Deep space is very, very big. P would need to be on your map in order for you to find it. We found the map while invading another planet earlier--as far as we know, we're the only ones with such a map.

It's possible that the dsP hyperping on turn 9 was ours--we assumed it was the Brood, but perhaps it was us. Sending ships to P either produces a dsP hyperping, or none at all. We're not sure which. We'll ask Dalos.

We're interested in this non-aggression pact, if we can understand the agreement. P is a valuable planet to us, and we don't intend to keep it empty. There will always be our GF, and at least one ship or squadron. Although the idea of an invisible planet may seem nefarious*, it really is just another planet to us, very useful for constructing ships and squadrons in relative peace. However, we can agree to also giving you a heads-up if we send any ships into the P system (which probably won't happen often).

*It's true that a Naboo soldier was disturbed to find PlayGungan magazines on the planet the other day, which someone apparently thought would be hidden from everyone else. The owner of the magazines (we agreed to keep his identity secret) claimed he only reads them for the articles. ⌐_⌐

Edited by Bertie Wooster
2 hours ago, FortyInRed said:

@Ardaedhel - please be advised that we have issued "no fire" orders to our fleet commanders until turn 13, which is when all of our treaty obligations are due for review. Also, the following sectors are considered The Realm of the Horse (and his allies) and should not fall victim to the Swarm.

  • Xenophon
  • Zebra
  • Vaulting
  • Clydesdale

Bridle is being pacified over the next few turns, and to avoid any unfortunate incidents, we suggest you focus your assimilation efforts elsewhere.

We particularly approve of your war against the Gungans. While they have not transgressed upon us (yet) we do not see them capable of being Evil, and therefore our peoples will inevitably conflict. We see you as simply saving us time later.

Lastly, our efforts to get the term "Buggers" classified as pejorative is proceeding well through the Imperial Senate.

Ya forgot our holding of the Ypsilon system. @Ardaedhel it would probably be best for you to just ignore this whole corner in general, so no alliance infighting occurs. As of currently, we are not the aggressors towards you.

46 minutes ago, idjmv said:

Ya forgot our holding of the Ypsilon system. @Ardaedhel it would probably be best for you to just ignore this whole corner in general, so no alliance infighting occurs. As of currently, we are not the aggressors towards you.

Indeed, we did not mean to be presumptuous in classifying Ypsilon as part of the Realm of the Horse when we have no territorial holdings in that system, and have vowed to respect your request for privacy. Our apologies, we meant no offense.

Note that we do agree with your sentiment and overall message that the Swarm would indeed be better served focusing it's efforts away from your territorial holdings as well.

If the Brood Queen agrees to respect your boundaries as well, this would be viewed favorably when considering an addition to our Axis of Evil in future.


1 hour ago, FortyInRed said:

Indeed, we did not mean to be presumptuous in classifying Ypsilon as part of the Realm of the Horse when we have no territorial holdings in that system, and have vowed to respect your request for privacy. Our apologies, we meant no offense.

Note that we do agree with your sentiment and overall message that the Swarm would indeed be better served focusing it's efforts away from your territorial holdings as well.

If the Brood Queen agrees to respect your boundaries as well, this would be viewed favorably when considering an addition to our Axis of Evil in future.


We did not assume any offense. All is good.

We were just clarifying for the Brood, to protect ourselves from confusion and miscommunication.

@Bertie Wooster We would not ask you to abandon P - Merely that you do not build up a force there with which to threat our space.

We are not surprised to learn that the self-styled evil leagues of the North East are plotting violence against the noble Gungans. We wish you well in your endeavours against them.

1 hour ago, LTD said:

@Bertie Wooster We would not ask you to abandon P - Merely that you do not build up a force there with which to threat our space.

We are not surprised to learn that the self-styled evil leagues of the North East are plotting violence against the noble Gungans. We wish you well in your endeavours against them.

Yes, we agree not to build up a force with which to threaten you. It looks like our ships are needed elsewhere anyway.

Turn 12 Hyperpings at A1, A3, B2, B3, C1, dsD, E, G2, dsG, H1, I1, I2, dsI, K1, K2, dsK, L2, N2, N3, dsN, R, dsT, W, X1, and dsX.

A2, B2, C2, H1, H2, and Kanarii (K2) are blockaded by the Malarian Brood. 1 GF and 1 Credit Production are destroyed where applicable. Lone Locust Drones are squished on G2 (226 points GNIPians), Wajda (144 points Gungans), and E (226 points Wookiees.)

Over B3, the ELE 1st Fleet engages the Tactical Remnant Home Defense Fleet. 446 points A vs 391 points D is a <10% delta, no advantage. An 8 is rolled; the 1st Fleet loses 1 ISD-1 and 1 Mandalorian Gauntlet squadron. The TR Home Defense Fleet loses 1 scarred Gozanti-class cruiser, 1 Quasar Fire-1, and 1 TIE/ln squadron. The 1st Fleet is obligated to retreat.

The Proprietary Limited's 3rd Patent Acquisition Division engages the Malarian Brood's Sundering Flight over K1. 440 points A (PL) vs 490 points D (MB) is a <10% delta, no advantage. A 3 is rolled; Proprietary Limited loses 2 Y-wing squadrons and a Pelta C is scarred. 330 Locust Drones are swatted from the sky. The Malarian Brood is obligated to retreat.

The Proprietary Limited world of N'putashen (N3) has been blockaded by the Merry Crew. A bombardment destroys 1 GF and 2 Credit Production.

A Malarian Brood forces emerges over the ELE world of C1; the ELE has a hold fire order in place, while the Malarians do not, leading to a -2 on the roll. 229 A (MB) vs 103 D (ELE) adds an additional -3. A 3 is rolled and converted to a -2; all ELE orbital forces are destroyed. 1 GF and Credit Production are destroyed as well.

In destroying more than 3 times the required Locust Drone count, @LTD has fulfilled an achievement.

A Wookiee HHT is given the the GNiPians on I1.

The (hidden) Malarian research target of 60 dead drones has been met. Any findings will be revealed at the end of round 13.

Turn 13 is now live. Orders are due in 48 hours.

Awaiting orders from:









@Bertie Wooster

Edited by The Jabbawookie