Bayushi Dairu

By Eisenmerc, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

His wording is a little dodgy. He can "move" a status token to himself. This sounds a bit different then honoring or dishonoring. What happens when he is dishonored and he tries to 'move' someones honor token?

Edited by Eisenmerc

My instincts would say he becomes normal status, but I can see the argument that the new honor status takes over the dishonored one and he is now fully honored instead. Again, my logic tells me it would cancel each other out and he becomes normal but we may have to wait on a dev ruling for clarity.

2 hours ago, cforfar said:

My instincts would say he becomes normal status, but I can see the argument that the new honor status takes over the dishonored one and he is now fully honored instead. Again, my logic tells me it would cancel each other out and he becomes normal but we may have to wait on a dev ruling for clarity.

Its covered in the RRG if a character already has a status token and has a token of the opposite type moved to them they cancel each other out and the character goes back to ordinary status

I am assuming this would get around a “characters cannot be honoured or dishonoured” effect, because he is only moving the token?

5 hours ago, Kani Kantai said:

I am assuming this would get around a “characters cannot be honoured or dishonoured” effect, because he is only moving the token?

It was discussed on the Discord and apparently this was the official response:

If an honoured Bayushi Dairu and dishonoured Steward of Law are in a conflict together, can Dairu move the dishonour token to himself?
Is the answer the same for the Steward of the Rich Frog?
If a dishonoured Dairu is in a conflict alone and moves an honoured token to himself, is there a moment where he is simultaneously both honoured and dishonoured before becoming ordinary?
If Dairu is honored and in a conflict with Steward of Law, he cannot steal a dishonored status token.
If Scorpion player blackmails Steward of the Rich Frog and has fewer cards, Dairu cannot steal a dishonored status token.
As soon as Dairu’s ability finishes resolving, the game sees that he has both an honored and dishonored status token and both are discarded.

4 hours ago, Schmoozies said:

It was discussed on the Discord and apparently this was the official response:

If an honoured Bayushi Dairu and dishonoured Steward of Law are in a conflict together, can Dairu move the dishonour token to himself?
Is the answer the same for the Steward of the Rich Frog?
If a dishonoured Dairu is in a conflict alone and moves an honoured token to himself, is there a moment where he is simultaneously both honoured and dishonoured before becoming ordinary?
If Dairu is honored and in a conflict with Steward of Law, he cannot steal a dishonored status token.
If Scorpion player blackmails Steward of the Rich Frog and has fewer cards, Dairu cannot steal a dishonored status token.
As soon as Dairu’s ability finishes resolving, the game sees that he has both an honored and dishonored status token and both are discarded.

So if I am understanding this right, specifically with the dishonored steward of law situation, the reason he is stopped is because moving a dishonored token to him is considering him "Becoming Dishonored" even though he has the honored token?

Just now, Mirith said:

So if I am understanding this right, specifically with the dishonored steward of law situation, the reason he is stopped is because moving a dishonored token to him is considering him "Becoming Dishonored" even though he has the honored token?

Essentially its that regardless of why or how they are gaining the token the act of putting it on them counts as becoming dishonored

I would think he would follow the same rulings that have been made for Origami Master.


Placing, removing, or moving status tokens between characters via card abilities is not considered to be honoring or dishonoring them – although they do become honored or dishonored. So, Savvy Politician 's ability would not trigger.

If an honor token is moved to a dishonored character, both tokens are discarded. An honor token cannot be moved to an honored character.

1 hour ago, twinstarbmc said:

I would think he would follow the same rulings that have been made for Origami Master.

He is, Steward of Law prevents a character from becoming dishonored, which is what happens when they are given a dishonored status token. It is a slight distinction from being honored or dishonored which is when a character performs an action or is targeted by a card that generates an honor or dishonor token.