I'm missing something about Improved Dead to Rights

By kkahl395, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

In the core rulebook, Dead to Rights and Improved Dead to Rights have the same description. I couldn't find anything in the errata suggesting there's a typo. If you take Improved Dead to Rights do you spend 1 Destiny Point to increase damage by 2 instead of 1? How does it work?

3 minutes ago, kkahl395 said:

In the core rulebook, Dead to Rights and Improved Dead to Rights have the same description. I couldn't find anything in the errata suggesting there's a typo. If you take Improved Dead to Rights do you spend 1 Destiny Point to increase damage by 2 instead of 1? How does it work?

DtR increases Damage by one-half (round up, I think) Agility. DtR(I) instead increases Damage by Agility.

On ‎4‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 6:29 AM, HappyDaze said:

DtR increases Damage by one-half (round up, I think) Agility. DtR(I) instead increases Damage by Agility.

Correct on all.

On 4/16/2019 at 5:03 PM, Ghostofman said:

Correct on all.

Thank you! I missed it.