New Talent - Improved 2nd chance

By damnkid3, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I working on give a player a new talent called improved 2nd chances and wondering which of these option may be the best version.

  • Allow it to be used an additional time per encounter
  • When used the player may add one additional skill dice to the pool when re-rolling the dice
  • Allow the player to re-roll 1 negative dice. (maybe limit to only setback or difficulty dice, so can't get rid of Despairs)

Let me know which you like the best or if you have different thought of a way to make the improved version of the 2nd chance talent.

Edited by damnkid3

I'm basically opposed to it all together. There are already several examples of this sort of thing in existence, but they are specialized and confined to a certain tree and can only be used for a certain skill. Creating a general, over-arcing skill more powerful than existing ones seems a little OP.

It can cost 5, 10, 15 xp or more to be able to add 1 blue die to a single skill check. The same to remove a black die. There are abilities to reroll a single specific talent that cost 15, 20, or even 25 xp.

Giving players an ability like this sounds fine, but then it tends to undercut the value of the existing skills that are more limited, but cost the same or even more.

But, you're the GM, you do you. Gun to head, I'd pick the re-rolling of a negative die (non-red) as that at least to my knowledge is unique.

second chances is pretty OP as is in my opinion, if you are determined to do this then at least have some serious limitations like costs a large amount of strain or once per session

When using second chances, player can choose to also roll a force die, if one of the rerolled dice shows blank, may spend Light Points as advantage or success (players choice), dark side points are threat.

20 hours ago, kmanweiss said:

I'm basically opposed to it all together. There are already several examples of this sort of thing in existence, but they are specialized and confined to a certain tree and can only be used for a certain skill. Creating a general, over-arcing skill more powerful than existing ones seems a little OP.

It can cost 5, 10, 15 xp or more to be able to add 1 blue die to a single skill check. The same to remove a black die. There are abilities to reroll a single specific talent that cost 15, 20, or even 25 xp.

Giving players an ability like this sounds fine, but then it tends to undercut the value of the existing skills that are more limited, but cost the same or even more.

But, you're the GM, you do you. Gun to head, I'd pick the re-rolling of a negative die (non-red) as that at least to my knowledge is unique.

The smuggler's signature ability does this

57 minutes ago, Rimsen said:

The smuggler's signature ability does this

Well, there ya go, I'm back to choosing none then, as this would just undermine the smuggler ability.

I'm with @kmanweiss on this one, an improved version would be op. If the character likes this route then just good Smuggler and take gambler, with sig ability. It's stupid expensive, but it's also focused on doing what he/she wants to do.