Hi experts,
We were playing Saradyn in Flames last night and got into this situation:
- Alric was hexer and got only 2 lives remained
- I wanted to activate Alric with Overpower ability to get next to Widow Tarhar who had Tyrus and attack her
- But heroes said that if I did that they could activate hexer Affliction ability and Alric would get the last 2 damages after moving 1 space.
Affliction reads: " Exhaust this card when a hexed monster declares a move action and discard 1 hex token from that monster. That monster immediately suffers 1 damage. In addition, that monster suffers 1 additional damage for each space it moves during its activation. "
The discusion comes from the "when a hexed monster declares a move action..." because as OL I was declaring an Overpower action , not a move action, but Overpower action includes a move action,,. So for us is not clear if Affliction only affects standards move action or also affect special actions that includes move actions. Again the issue come from the "declares"part of the ability, if it would have said "during a move action" I would have less doubt that it would apply.
What do you think? Do we have anything in the FAQs that could help with this action declaration doubt?
I mean, is declaring a special action that includes a move action the same in all effect as declaring a move action?
Thanks in advance!