The Worlds of Android now out as PDF

By SavageBob, in Shadow of the Beanstalk

Just a head's up that FFG has released The Worlds of Android coffee-table book as a PDF on DriveThru RPG . I don't own the thing, but a lot of the reviews I've read say that the book contains lots of additional background information on the setting that is ripe for RPG fodder.

I do own the thing (the book at least) and what the reviews say is true. It's virtually a must-have sourcebook for the setting, although SotB does a commendable job. I'm new to Android before the Genesys book and found it a great help in understanding the world.

5 hours ago, MrDodger said:

I do own the thing (the book at least) and what the reviews say is true. It's virtually a must-have sourcebook for the setting, although SotB does a commendable job. I'm new to Android before the Genesys book and found it a great help in understanding the world.

Thanks for that review. Say I'm not interested in venturing outside New Angeles and Heinlein, would you say the book is still highly useful?

Absolutely. The "worlds" section (Mars etc) is relatively small. Outside of New Angeles & Heinlein there is a ton of info on the setting itself, such as Media, life in general, the Corporations, the Net, technology, clones and Bioroids etc. It's all pretty essential IMO.

And even if you never intend to (figuratively) set foot on Mars, it's still interesting reading, from a historical viewpoint.

Now there is some obvious overlap with the SotB book, but if you're at all interested in the setting I don't think you'd be disappointed owning both books (and they look great next to each other on the shelf) ;)