Unique Fist (The hero with the hook from the core game)

By Arenhelt, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I would like to confirm that when using his hook he adds the three power dices to the green and red ones. The overlord that rules the game says that it´s clearified on the description of the character(just red and green), but i state that all melee attacks adds the power dices (the black ones) just like all the weapon card descriptions. Thank you.

Arenhelt said:

I would like to confirm that when using his hook he adds the three power dices to the green and red ones. The overlord that rules the game says that it´s clearified on the description of the character(just red and green), but i state that all melee attacks adds the power dices (the black ones) just like all the weapon card descriptions. Thank you.

One Fist actually adds just two power dice to his hook attack as he only has 2 melee traits and 1 ranged trait. The text on the card specifically specifies that it is a melee attack and per JITD rules page 11: "When a hero makes a melee attack, he adds a number of power dice to his roll equal to his melee trait."

The red & green dice specifications are the characteristics of the "hook" itself and are rolled in addtition to his melee trait (just like a sword has red and green dice).

He's one of my favorite characters to play and I played him last weekend mainly as a ranged hero based on party makeup and treasure gleaned.

Hope that your OL will accept the quote from the rulebook as evidence.

I can't remember the exact wording of One Fist's card, but I *think* it states he can make an extra "melee" attack per turn. If that is the case, and it states "melee", then he definitely gets to add his Melee Trait dice (i.e. the 3 black dice he starts with, or does he start with 2 and one in Ranged?).


shnar said:

I can't remember the exact wording of One Fist's card, but I *think* it states he can make an extra "melee" attack per turn. If that is the case, and it states "melee", then he definitely gets to add his Melee Trait dice (i.e. the 3 black dice he starts with, or does he start with 2 and one in Ranged?).


One Fist only has one hand for the purposes of equipping items. He may always make one Melee attack, rolling 1 Red and 1 Green die, in addition to his normal action.