The Last Stone Played - HERE BE SPOILERS!

By sndwurks, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

Well, we knew it would happen.

Yay, the story can finally move forward!

So, how long will it be before we see the next day? A year from now is my guess.

Also the rematch duel between Aramoro and Toturi will be fun hopefully.

Edited by Spawnod

oh no who could have predicted this outcome

Because of course it’s Kachiko who walks into that room first. Of course Miya Satoshi comes to the exact same conclusions and doesn’t know about the edict. What will Shoju do?

6 minutes ago, Doji Hyōkin said:

What will Shoju do?

Exactly what is necessary for the greater good of the Empire.

Using the knowledge that only he has.


I'm a bit disappointed that Sotorii had to take this one too (with Kachiko assisting, of course), it is kinda getting boring.

Well, Kachiko, you really done screwed up this time, haven't you.

As for why your husband didn't trust you with this, it's not like you haven't gone directly against his wishes in the past, have you?

Im glad to see something like this happen. I feel like the story has been moving way too slow so far.

I also wonder, if kachiko goes straight to shoju right away, will there be enough time for them to stop aramoro? Will they want to stop aramoro? Is there a way to stop aramoro?

Also, kachiko thinking shoju distrusts her because of hotaru really came out of nothing. She should think he distrusts her because of all the bull shes been doing and her power hungry ambitions. Like, they have explicitly had that talk. And when she told shoju that maybe jodan didnt have the kamis favor and he stopped her from finishing the sentence, maybe shoju will think she went along and planned this anyway?

Edited by RafaelNN

What if Shoju uses this chance to dishonor the scorpion and Sotorii? Like he already thinks the scrop are to powerful and this could knock them down more than a few pegs and they need to show Sotorii is unsuitable for the throne and they will need to usper any power/followers he may still have.

I hope they take this opportunity to also split the clans themselves apart. Like Chagatai may seek the throne, the !kolat will try to take the throne, Kachiko may try to take the throne (or put a puppet figure up there), Daisetsu will try to protect his throne with the help from the main families of each clan, Yoritomo will use this opportunity to become a great clan (take the place of another clan maybe?) and the crab will stay back and just be crabin' (or you know make some interesting banners and try to take the throne).

Did I miss anyone?

Oh boy. Civil war here we come.

I can't wait to see Shoju's response to this mess...

Edited by Vulcan646

Honestly, Kachiko's kind of out on her own here. She was the only one of the Clan's leadership who thinks that gaining more influence is a good idea. Shoju, Hametsu, Shiori and even Junzo all want to pull back out of the limelight.

And, lest anyone forget, Hitomi and Mitsu are about to turn up in Otosan Uchi with a Dragon army...

6 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Honestly, Kachiko's kind of out on her own here. She was the only one of the Clan's leadership who thinks that gaining more influence is a good idea. Shoju, Hametsu, Shiori and even Junzo all want to pull back out of the limelight.

I'm still expecting broad splits down most clans with the bulk falling on one side or the other of the brothers divide and then small sub-factions within supporting the other brother. I can easily see Kachiko using Aramoro to "handle" Shoju when he calls her out for her actions and then cozying up to the new Emperor as the new Imperial Concubine with her Bea Hotaru at her side. Shouju on the other hand likely is about to receive the short straw of Imperial Justice if he opposes Sotorii so will his loyalty to 38 trump his desire to survive (hint I expect we may be seeing a new Bayushi No-Name soon).

37 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Honestly, Kachiko's kind of out on her own here. She was the only one of the Clan's leadership who thinks that gaining more influence is a good idea. Shoju, Hametsu, Shiori and even Junzo all want to pull back out of the limelight.

And, lest anyone forget, Hitomi and Mitsu are about to turn up in Otosan Uchi with a Dragon army...

I thought that army was headed for toshi ranbo

If a scorpion coup does happen (which I hope not, I would like a new storyline), this could be it. Without the edict there, sotorii is the rightful heir.

Shoju could say **** it and seize the throne to put daisetsu there, thereby doing "a coup". And with these twists ffg is doing, he could place himself as the advisor and be kachiko the one who dies, instead of the other way around like in the old storyline

Edited by RafaelNN
Just now, RafaelNN said:

I thought that army was headed for toshi ranbo

They are walking through that territory, but secretly they are heading to the main city. it was from the dragon fiction with Mitsu and the letter from Dragon Champion.

Oh I must have forgotten that. Thanks!

The highlight of this fiction, for me... was seeing Kachiko stumble across doubt.

That overweening confidence, her certainty that she's doing the right thing... and then, "oh crud ."

Honestly didn’t think Sotorii had it in him, I was expecting him to go cry about it in his room.

On another note we have a new instance of some parts of an inner monologue being italicized while others aren’t.

This time it happens with Kachiko too, so I guess it probably just differentiates instances when we are told exactly what they are thinking from when their thoughts are being narrated.

However, if you want to read something else into it, note that whenever a characters refer to themselves in the second person, the text is in italics.

I am looking forward to (hopefully) Toturi totally punking Aramoro. I am a bit tired of the Scorpion being painted as the only adults in the room where as every other clan is blind children playing samurai dressup. It is time for other clans to show they have claws too and can see a predictable Scorpion assassination plot from a mile away.

I was just doing some reading about Shori in Old5R. I suspect it is far from the last time we hear about that sword...

5 hours ago, RafaelNN said:

Also, kachiko thinking shoju distrusts her because of hotaru really came out of nothing. She should think he distrusts her because of all the bull shes been doing and her power hungry ambitions. Like, they have explicitly had that talk. And when she told shoju that maybe jodan didnt have the kamis favor and he stopped her from finishing the sentence, maybe shoju will think she went along and planned this anyway?

I think Kachiko has convinced herself that Shoju wants the same things she does. Plus she's so full of herself that in her mind she can't possibly be responsible for Shoju not trusting her.

As always I really want to know what Shoju is going to do.

I'm glad they started the cycle off with a bang. We get to see the fall out from this rather than the lead up to this event all cycle. Very cool.

Yes. Stuff needed to start happening

I am nauseated by this abomination. Sotorii has forfeit whatever spark of humanity might have been nurtured. Kachiko reveals herself to be an unmitigated monster. Aramoro is also devoid of humanity. Heaven will punish them all. What need for the Shadowlnds with such demons coiled at the heart of Otosan Uchi.

Edited by Manchu