Suggestion: What's it got?

By MrTInce, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

So my players are going to try and steal a Class four container transport .

They are doing this to gain a lot of ship based weapons, proton torpedoes etc...

Most of the containers will contain the above mentioned items, but what else will they contain?

Any ideas welcome.

Who does the ship belong to? Is it an Imperial military transport, or a commercial vessel? Are all the containers bound for the same destination?

A military ship could be carrying uniforms, spare parts, enough ration packs to feed a stormtrooper legion for a month, a Moff's personal collection of nude Rodian sculptures, dozens of crated-up TIEs.

Witha civilian ship, the sky's the limit. Mineral water, black-market weapons, a thousand Twi'lek slaves being transported to a "pleasure resort" on the edge of Hutt space (possibly frozen in carbonite), spice, pollution processing machinery, refugees who stowed away in a container (maybe without enough food, water, heat and air), the Museum of Alderaan's collection of Jedi artifacts which was smuggled off the planet when the Empire came to power and has been roaming the galaxy ever since.

I'm with Dafydd on this one.

Who owns the ship?

Why is it loaded with weapons and munitions?

Where is it supposed to be going?

Once you start answering these questions, the answers will begin to fall into place.

Sorry should have said. It's imperial owned. Going to the Kuat shipyards so the weapons can be fitted.

If it's a military transport, then food, fuel, and ammunition are the holy trinity. Odds and ends like uniforms and hygiene items can be stuffed in there too.

Thousands of brand new MSE-6 Series repair Droids

A container full of lost FFG sourcebooks.

How about something creepy?

The manifest shows a particular container has been on the ship, relatively untouched, for almost twenty years. It only shows incidental repositioning over the years to reorganize and take on new containers. The data in the manifest is corrupted, including the container's final destination. This is probably why it was never delivered. Crew after crew has simply ignored it. The container itself shows no special markings, but it is locked with a [formidable] lock. When it is finally cracked open, the container sucks in the fresh air as if it is taking one last breath...

Inside are the desiccated remains of a score and more of Jedi. A datapad, which might need to be repowered to activate, lists them all. Names, homeworlds, ranks in the Jedi Order, and their circumstances of deaths: Darth Vader and the 501st. No goods, certainly not 20+ lightsabers (!) - just mummified remains and clothing. The datapad mentions their final destination as Mustafar.

How about something crazy?

The shipping manifest shows a container recently picked up recently from Dantooine. The cargo is listed as being "party favors."

The PCs crack open the container and inside is a... platoon of Rebel commandoes. They had a mission to sabotage the facilities at the Kuat shipyards and a secondary mission to steal a star destroyer. Oops. They are pretty upset with the PCs now!

Edited by RLogue177

I like the first idea alot the. The second would conflict with why the players are doing the job initially.

2 hours ago, MrTInce said:

I like the first idea alot the. The second would conflict with why the players are doing the job initially.

The problem of having individual Rebel cells operating on their own. Conflicting missions are bound to happen.

32 minutes ago, RLogue177 said:

The problem of having individual Rebel cells operating on their own. Conflicting missions are bound to happen.

Good point.

14 hours ago, MrTInce said:

Sorry should have said. It's imperial owned. Going to the Kuat shipyards so the weapons can be fitted.

If it's going to the shipyards, then it could be carrying spare parts for the shipyards themselves, not just materials and equipment for the ships under construction. Precision machine tools, fabrication equipment and spares for that kind of tech would be worth their weight in glitterstim to the Rebellion.

14 minutes ago, Dafydd said:

If it's going to the shipyards, then it could be carrying spare parts for the shipyards themselves, not just materials and equipment for the ships under construction. Precision machine tools, fabrication equipment and spares for that kind of tech would be worth their weight in glitterstim to the Rebellion.

And urinal cakes. Shipyard restrooms need urinal cakes.

Kuat Drive Yards?

Building supplies.

Cables, Conduits, sheets of Armoplast, Durolene(tm).

Engine components, power regulators, capacitors, control consoles,

KDY is also likely to receive a lot of refined materials like ingots of iron, copper, silver, gold, zinc, nickel, aluminum, chromium, molybdeum, tungsten, etc. All to be mixed and used to produce massive on site structures.

End user components (like Galley cooking equipment, Djaric Tables, maintenance tools, bedding, etc) are actually added at outfitting service worlds like Wroona(L15). So you won't find thinks like that headed to KDY.


Droids. A shipment of droids would be an amazing win for the Rebels.

As a twist, what if the Imps knew of the plan to steal the transport. A container could have a bunch of troopers. Or the droids might be expected to be stolen, so they have some sort of built in protocol that activates when they get wiped and then they start feeding data to the Imps. Or the entire thing could be wired to blow up...specifically when docked with a civilian facility so that the Imps can blame the Rebels for the bombing.

How about WMD or restricted weapons. Stuff that would give the players a moment of pause and conflict as to how to proceed. Turn the ethically questionable cargo over to the Rebels knowing that it may be used to cause pain and suffering, or destroy the cargo for morality issues. Maybe Rebel command knew of the cargo and specifically wanted it, but didn't want to let the players know about it.

Not slaves. Slaves make horrible skilled laborers.

Slavery is still technically illegal in the Empire and for a core world like Kuat, slavery is not going to be tolerated. You pull something like that in the outer rims or in some out of the way fringe world (like Endor).

Droids however are perfect for high risk or dangerous operations.

2 hours ago, Mark Caliber said:

Not slaves. Slaves make horrible skilled laborers.

Slavery is still technically illegal in the Empire and for a core world like Kuat, slavery is not going to be tolerated. You pull something like that in the outer rims or in some out of the way fringe world (like Endor).

Droids however are perfect for high risk or dangerous operations.

Depends on the slave. There are entire species, Wookiees for example, that have been designated as slave species by the Empire and are used for their technical abilities.

2 hours ago, Mark Caliber said:

Not slaves. Slaves make horrible skilled laborers.

Slavery is still technically illegal in the Empire and for a core world like Kuat, slavery is not going to be tolerated. You pull something like that in the outer rims or in some out of the way fringe world (like Endor).

Droids however are perfect for high risk or dangerous operations.

What? Slavery is legal in the Empire. Imperial Decree A-SL-4557.607.232 (legends). While the decree may be legends, the use of slaves by the Empire is not restricted to legends.

Slavery was widespread and common. The Empire used slaves in mining operations, but also in skilled labor operations such as ship building and weapon manufacturing. They even used slaves in the construction of the Death Stars. Certain species (such as wookies) weren't even considered fully sentient so they weren't even slaves, but were instead considered domesticated animals.

3 minutes ago, kmanweiss said:

Slavery is legal in the Empire. Imperial Decree A-SL-4557.607.232 (legends).

What year did that kick in?

5 minutes ago, Mark Caliber said:

What year did that kick in?

I can't provide an exact year of legalized slavery in either legend or canon sources, but in both cases slavery was legalized in the early days of the Empire.

For timeline reference the Empire was dealing with wookiee slaves in the first episode of Rebels (canon) which is 5 BBY or 5 years prior to Episode 4. But I'd speculate that slavery started years earlier.

Slavery of certain various alien species was instituted pretty much immediately after the Empire took power.


During the Age of the Empire , slavery once again became commonplace, particularly among alien species , which were considered inferior by the human -dominated Galactic Empire. With the rise of the Empire, the softening and eventual repeal of laws outlawing slavery led to the classification of some species, such as the Wookiees , as non-sentient. [7] As a result, the Wookiees were pressed into slavery building much of the Imperial war machine, or serving in the notorious spice mines of Kessel following the Empire's conquest of their homeworld of Kashyyyk . [8] Another example were the reptilian Bodach'i species who were enslaved and forced to work in the species mines of Kerev Doi as "reparations" for their homeworld's repeated defiance of Imperial decrees. [9] In addition, the Empire used slaves from several alien species to keep Weapons Factory Alpha , the largest weapons factory in the galaxy , on Cymoon 1 running day and night. [10]

From Legends , there is also this:


Unfortunately, after the rise of the Empire, slavery was once again given a degree of legitimacy with the issuance of Imperial Decree A-SL-4557.607.232 . Citizens could now be enslaved as punishment for "crimes against the civil order". [16] Non-Humans and Human critics of the New Order alike were rounded up and enslaved en-masse for work on such projects as the Death Star . In addition, early into the Empire's formation, the 501st Legion had been ordered by Emperor Palpatine to sell Nosaurian women and children into a slave market at Orvax IV. The Empire's enforcer, Darth Vader , learned of this during a debriefing for the Cleansing of New Plympto when Commander Vill let slip about the Emperor's order. Vader grew despondent enough at the revelation as a result that he abruptly ended his presence at the debriefing and could not fall asleep that night, due to remembering his own time as a slave. He later revealed what he had learned to the Emperor, and ultimately let it continue despite his misgivings after the Emperor told him the Imperial way was "different." [17] Agorffi , [18] Wookiees , Yuzzem , and Talz were exploited for their strength while the Mon Calamari and the Givin were used for their famous ship-building skills. Also the Quarren , Chromans , Ugnaughts and Mustafarians were enslaved for their mining skills, the Gamorreans and Gungans were enslaved for military operations and the Kaminoans and Kallidahins for their cloning skills. Meanwhile, the Empire frequently ignored the trade of Twi'lek girls , who were enslaved for their beauty. [19] Officially, however, regarding alien species such as the Wookiees, those aliens deemed to be non-sapient were not considered enslaved, but "domesticated". [20]