Hey guys, new aboard the Legion train here—I was interested in looking at listbuilding options, since I can’t afford to buy the core quite yet, but when I searched the App Store, nothing came up for Legion or Star Wars Legion. Are there any apps and if I could be pointed towards them it would be greatly appreciated.
iPhone app?
Legion Army List Builder by Prophet Studios https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/legion-army-list-builder/id1397977442?mt=8
I'm biased, but https://tabletopadmiral.com/legion rearranges on mobile, and I plan to improve it a bit more soon. No downloadable app, but the line between apps and web pages is kinda blurred nowadays anyway.
Legion Army List Builder just keeps getting better... some great updates lately. In my opinion, the best list builder by far
Check to see if Battlescribe is on iPhone. Battlescribe offers listbuilding for Legion, X-Wing, 40k and a host of other games.