The current rules seem to indicate that only one colony can be involved in a deal. As a new player this seems reasonable to me, but many veterans are convinced that the new rules in the latest edition have been written as a mistake. There's a good discussion about it here: . I wonder, could someone from FFG confirm that the rules are misprinted in the latest cosmic encounter regarding max one colony per deal?
one colony per deal
If you want an official reply then you may try the rule question form.
That said I would only allow one colony per deal, not because it implied or anything but games could be over after the first combat of both players allow each other 5 colonies.
How did you manage to get a colony that loses 60k a month? It was a mineral rich planet so a mine/refinery should be making a lot of money, easily enough to cover any expenses of other buildings constructed Sarkari Result Pnr Status there. What happened?
Edited by adomanim