whats next for descent?

By Nostromo, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

does anyone know what is coming for Descent...or is it done with? I assume since there are already a ton of good expansions that the game is done with expansions but I have not heard the latest scoop in a long time...anyone have any news they want to share?

There has been an expansion released every year since Descent came out...I'm wondering just where you're drawing the conclusion that they're done with Descent? Seems a just a little premature to me, especially since 2010 isn't even half over yet.

As far as news, nothing was announced at the Terrinoth event the other weekend, but Kevin did hint that there's something in the works, and that Descent is far from done. Take that as you will.

I'm reasonably certain that Descent is not done with expansions. The most recent, Sea of Blood, just came out around Christmas and as Cyan points out they've been averaging about 1 expansion a year. So there's plenty of time left before they're even overdue for an announcement of what's next. Now is just the lull in the storm.

As far as what's coming, I wouldn't be surprised if there were advanced campaigns planned based on the Al-Kalim desert map or the new Jungles of Zanaga map. I'd be a little surprised if there were an advanced campaign based on Frozen Wastes since Descent already touched on the arctic theme with its own Tomb of Ice. Since DungeonQuest is a new game set in Terrinoth and uses all new hero molds, I'm fully expecting those heroes to make an appearance in a Descent expansion of some kind. Details are slim, but there's plenty of material for them to work with.

Personally what I'd really like to see is Compendium Vol 2. I realize Compendium Vol 1 was a comedy of errors, but I think a good chunk of that can be laid at the feet of celebrity map designers who didn't really know the complexities of Descent's rules as well as we do. The printing error was outright unfortunate, but should be easy enough to avoid second time around. As long as they learn from their previous mistakes, I think the idea still has great promise. If they're worried about potential losses, maybe publish two or three freebies in pdf form on the web site here to get a feel for how the fans react first, before committing to a whole book. Hell, ask some of the more active forum posters to be the guest map designers on vol 2. They spend all day debating the rules loopholes anyway, so they should be able to design interesting maps that mitigate unbalanced issues.

Zanaga has a bunch of new monsters and heroes, right? So it only makes sense to utilize the already built portions for a vanilla expansion (jungle themed of course). I expect to see that around Nov of this year...


I'd love to see an expansion that adds more monsters, feats, encounter cards, location cards, and so on to RtL and SoB, but it would appear the common consensus is against that. Alas.

My best guess would be a new vanilla expansion, and yes probably using the Mists of Zanaga as a setting though I personally wouldn't mind a Descent expansion based off the Midnight Runebound expansion.

After that, I actually think they will do another advanced campaign, but probably use the Frozen Wastes for the board.

If they really want to realize a new expansion in time for next Xmas then they probably MUST announce it at least in august, at GenCon....

Steve-O, I think we can forget about a Quest Compendium, Volume 2. I asked Kevin Wilson about FFG's thoughts about that experience at the Realms of Terrinoth event. He was in no mood to condemn anyone for what happened and I think considers that publication to be a significantly better product than what the consensus of those who posted about it on the forum would be. He admitted that there were obvious difficulties in translating quests written by designers not familiar with Descent into workable dungeon formats, given the rich detail of the game. So I don't think they would try that specific approach again. As for when another volume might come out, he said that they would have to sell out Volume 1 before they would undertake a Volume 2. Given the negative view so many hold regarding Volume 1 and the effect that no doubt has on sales, I would assume we will never see a Volume 2.

I am really curious to know how many of those were printed and how many are unsold.

Big Remy said:

I am really curious to know how many of those were printed and how many are unsold.

I'm sure it's a safe bet that we will never know. Game companies tend not to publish sales volumes unless they are touting how well something is doing. It will be interesting to see if the Compendium shows up on the FFG year-end clearance sale. That would be telling.

Schmiegel said:

Steve-O, I think we can forget about a Quest Compendium, Volume 2. I asked Kevin Wilson about FFG's thoughts about that experience at the Realms of Terrinoth event. He was in no mood to condemn anyone for what happened and I think considers that publication to be a significantly better product than what the consensus of those who posted about it on the forum would be. He admitted that there were obvious difficulties in translating quests written by designers not familiar with Descent into workable dungeon formats, given the rich detail of the game. So I don't think they would try that specific approach again. As for when another volume might come out, he said that they would have to sell out Volume 1 before they would undertake a Volume 2. Given the negative view so many hold regarding Volume 1 and the effect that no doubt has on sales, I would assume we will never see a Volume 2.

Well, that's unfortunate. I'll get over it though.

Okay, I'm over it.

Given that the Descent boardgame line inevitably follows the Runebound game line, I'd expect to see either an advanced campaign box based on the Frozen Wastes (as we already have creatures and cards from Tomb of Ice), or, a "vanilla descent" expansion box with the Sands of Al-Kalim theme. The Mists of Zanaga hasn't been released for Runebound yet so it is a ways off as a setting/theme for Descent.

Wasn't there already a desert themed expansion? And more specifically one that uses the heroes from Al-Kalim?


I'd personally like to see a town and city expansion. Walking around the streets encountering locals and introducing just a hint more of simple roleplaying maybe. IDK....I was even thinking some kind of "Clue" type mechanic where locals give you information that lead to specific adventures. You could introduce a time element to this. Simple example of this could be local rich guy's son is kidnapped. So the adventurers start asking around. Maybe they find out it's a local cult hiding in catacombs under the city, maybe they find out it's a clan of kobolds and have to travel to a mountain lair, or maybe it's a political rival utilizing a local organized crime gang. Point is....you have a basic scenario....and then cards you pull during "conversations" with locals determine where the adventure leads to. I think something like that could be very interesting.

Just fyi FFG......I have experience in professional game design! Just saying. lol.

mwhite212 said:

Just fyi FFG......I have experience in professional game design! Just saying. lol.

There's a scary thought.