Clone Swarm goes to a Hyperspace Tournament

By intoxicatedALF, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Hi, Following on from my thread discussing the Clone Swarm I’ve been thorizing on and building lately, I went to a casual 14 person tournament yesterday to see how it would perform. The results were much better than expected.

Squad List thread:

The list I ran was:

•”Sinker” w/ •Clone Commander Cody - 57pt

104th Battalion Pilot - 42pt

Gold Squadron Trooper - 25pt

Gold Squadron Trooper - 25pt

Gold Squadron Trooper - 25pt

Gold Squadron Trooper - 25pt




Was against the TO of the event who was running CIS (x3 precise hunters w/ energy-shells, & hull upgrade, Sears w/ Kracken, and x2 Haor Chall Prototypes). I had seen him run this list too great effect on league nights and had to be cautious of the energy shells.

We both stuck to our board edges in an attempt to lure the other in. Eventually we both turned in, however sears and the prototypes were out of position and it ended up being the precise hunters against my entire force.

His energy shells, unfortunately for him, rolled poorly and only did a single damage against 1 torrent with all 3. I managed to down a hunter. Next round blocking ensued and 1 of the prototypes also joined the fight, which I managed to also take out. The remainder of the game was knife fighting while sears struggled to join in. It ended in a republic victory with 2 torrents destroyed and 1 half points compared to 3 vultures taken out and 1 on half points. 99-68


Came up against another person from league nights playing resistance aces, Zari and L’ulo w/ heroic, Jess w/ M9 & jamming beam, and Nein w/ PA, title, & Jamming beam.

I stuck to my board edge as much as possible as I wanted him to make the commitment to engage me. He tried to have l’ulo Flank up the side of the board, as expected. The rest of his force eventually committed to an attack coming up the middle of the board and I turned in to meet them. Nein took shots from my whole force bar sinker, who shot out the rear arc range 1 into L’ulo who tried flanking behind. End of the first engagement and 1 torrent half health, Sinker sheildless, L’ulo shieldless and Nein destroyed. Zari and Jess turned away to avoid the swarm and ended up not being in arc.

The following turns were mostly clean up with L’ulo and Zari being blocked and destroyed leaving Jess. During this time my opponent was able to destroy both my ARCs before time was called with Jess surviving on 1 Hull. Republic victory. 170-112

Edited by intoxicatedALF


This game was against another local leaguer whom I seem to come up against often in tournaments. He was also running republic with Anakin w/ Delta-7b, & R4-P17, Wolfe, and Jag.

Just like round 2 I’m aimed to have his list commit to the engagement and set up exactly the same. No surprise, Anakin went to flank, not much I can do to stop him and didn’t want to leave the ARCs open to fire at me I turned my force in to engage once he was too close to turn away. After a couple rounds of shooting Jag and Wolfe were destroyed, but Sinker was a goner with Anakin constantly picking at him from his flank. Afterwards to was a matter of keeping as many ships alive as possible and try to set up traps for Anakin.

Once Anakin was half health I just tried to play it safe but as luck would have it, managed to kill Anakin before time was called just with some hot attack rolls and some blank outs by my opponent. A surprise, but a welcome one to be sure. Clone Swarm wins. 200-124


Now on the top table and the only undefeated player left. My opponent was a person from another local store who I hadn’t played before. He was flying a Inferno Tie Swarm with Howlrunner w/ swarm tactics, Iden w/ swarm tactics, Del, Gideon, Seyn, & Academy Pilot.

I was feeling pretty confident with this match up as I practised with a similar list against an inferno swarm and it went quite well. We set up for a straight joust but I slow rolled just to keep some range control. My opponent turned away to test how aggressive I would be but ended up turning back for the joust which ended up being at a mix of range 2 and 3. He was forced to split some shots and ended up shooting both the ARCs taking some shields off each. I was able to focus fire Howlrunner with everything. He was forced to trigger Iden but still lost Howlrunner and Seyn was also damaged in the exchange.

Following turn we both blocked each other with the only ships getting actions being the blockers (a torrent and Academy) and the 104th which turned away for rear arc shots. My opponent then continued to shoot Sinker and got him to 3 hull remaining. I was able to finish off Seyn and destroy Del.

The remaining of the game was cleaning up the Academy and Gideon. He was able to destroy Sinker and get half points on the 104th as Gideon just would not take any damage for several turns. We both knew the result but decided to play it out to the end. Victory for the Republic. 200-78

Republic win the day, my second tournament win and some nice loot. This list seems to work well and with some more practise I’m seriously considering taking it to the upcoming trials in May.

Overall it was a great day, with great opponents. :)

Nice. Not a Torrent swarm, but a republic build against a vader tie swarm

ARC-170 Starfighter - •“Sinker” - 65
•“Sinker” - Wolfpack Veteran (54)
•R4-P17 (5)
Synchronized Console (2)
Veteran Tail Gunner (4)

Delta-7 Aethersprite - •Obi-Wan Kenobi - 75
•Obi-Wan Kenobi - Guardian of the Republic (53)
R3 Astromech (3)
Synchronized Console (2)
Delta-7B (17)

V-19 Torrent Starfighter - Gold Squadron Trooper - 30
Gold Squadron Trooper - (25)
Cluster Missiles (5)

V-19 Torrent Starfighter - Gold Squadron Trooper - 30
Gold Squadron Trooper - (25)
Cluster Missiles (5)

Total: 200/200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder


TIE/ln Fighter - Black Squadron Ace - 26
Black Squadron Ace - (26)

TIE/ln Fighter - •“Mauler” Mithel - 33
•“Mauler” Mithel - Black Two (32)
Marksmanship (1)

TIE/ln Fighter - •“Howlrunner” - 40
•“Howlrunner” - Obsidian Leader (40)

TIE/ln Fighter - •“Scourge” Skutu - 33
•“Scourge” Skutu - Seasoned Veteran (32)
Crack Shot (1)

TIE Advanced x1 - •Darth Vader - 67
•Darth Vader - Black Leader (65)
Fire-Control System (2)

Total: 199/200

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder

Republic was able to take out Mauler, Scourge & Howlrunner with some flanking from Obi and a GST. The swarm took out a GST that made the wrong move and Vader got half on another GST. Both Vader & Obi were down 1 shield at the end.


Synchronized Console worked well between Obi & Sinker. The GSTs were all over the map so they couldn't get the benefits from SynCon. I was also unable to really use Obi's ability since my GST's weren't focused while Obi was in range. He did use Fine Tuned to boost/roll then combine that with a target lock. R3 came in handy so he could take locks on multiple ties and transfer them to Sinker. Veteran Tail Gunner came in handy a few times, but Sinker is slow to turn so he was only able to catch a few ties in his arcs. Sinker did contribute re-rolls to the GST's when they were in side arcs. I was happy with having Obi flank from the back on one side of the swarm and have Sinker flank from the other side of the swarm except approaching the swarm from the front flank. Let the GST's on either side of Sinker tag any escapees. That still leaves Vader to sneak in where he can at range 1 so there's always that. But overall, I like the Torrents. Their dial is awful but they are kinda beefy and do well against swarms with the cluster missiles.