Where are the adventures and Online Adventure editor?

By Kihon, in Battlelore

Just bought Battlelore.

Went to Days of Wonder site as shown on back of Adventure book.

They don't do it any more so where do I go for extra adventures and the Online Adventure editor?

Where do I enter my access number?

You got screwed !!!!!

Just kidding, the whole access code thing doesn't work anymore since Battlelore is no longer with Days of Wonder. And as far as the online scenario editor goes. FFG basically told us "eventually they might have their own, but don't hold your breath 'cause it will definitely take a while before this happens". Short term solution to running out of scenarios to play is getting the Call to Arms expansion. You might want to look into it.

Welcome to the forums BTW!

Hi there,

Welcome to the game!

javascript:void(0);/*1272433369734*/ has all the official and fan made 3* and 2* rated adventures on it (made by the editor and rated by other fans)
javascript:void(0);/*1272433507599*/ if you can put up with home brew rules this is a load of stuff I've made up (races, free lances, creatures, campaigning etc) but also has my random terrain system which has over 120 different combinations and if used alongside Call to Arms should pretty much give you enough battles to keep you going for years...



Thanks for the replies and links, they looked odd but worked;

Here; http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/46557/pdf-of-all-official-and-certain-fan-adventures-fro

and here; http://www.boardgamegeek.com/filepage/35034/battlelore-creature-races-and-campaign-rules-hom

Some of the adventures in the pdf look corrupted but still plenty to go on with.

Why don't FFG post these up and get the editor from DOW??? Anyway!

Also went here http://www.battleloremaster.com/adventures_official.html and found some adventures, are these the ones that would have been on the DOW site originally?

Anyway cheers again.

Also, a Fan put up a working scenario editor online, really well done; it's in French (for now) and it lacks a "publish" function (for now), but things are really clear from the interface and not so language dependent and you can simply take a screenshot of the map generated once you are satsfied and create a documen ad hoc.

Here: www.battleloreadventure.com

Vassal is not only a slick way of playing BattleLore with people thousands (or a few ;) ) of miles away from you, it is also great for use as an adventure editor. An updated module that includes all of the expansions is still in limbo, but plenty of fun to be had with the current module and available extensions, found here on the module page for BattleLore (under the Files menu selection).

A rough-around-the-edges updated version of the module and the official adventures, which includes all of the DoW produced expansions (through Troll and Country) can be found here.

Always an open invitation from me to play BattleLore via Vassal. Feel free to send me a message on FFG or an email (t_rewoldt at hotmail.com) if interested.

Right before BattleLore went to FFG I copied all the scenarios on the DoW site including all of the fan-made ones. I put them on my site:


Wow... I know this is an old thread, but I was digging around the internet for Battlelore scenario generators and came across this. Great site, Aenea. Wish I spoke more French.

Are there any other good resources out there for Battlelore Scenario Generators? I'm bummed I missed all that was available through the DoW site.

For a variety of reasons I'll push Vassal again. If you would like the still-in-progress-but-playable 2.0 version of the BattleLore module, feel free to shot me an email at t_rewoldt at hotmail.com. Goes for anyone, not just Midloo :)

@Toddrew - I'll drop you a line!

I'm a bit intimidated by Vassal. Not sure exactly how it works. I'll read up and give it a shot.

I'm home from work today - logging into vassal right now :)

While it may take a time or two to get familiar with Vassal, no reason to be intimidated. I find it to be fairly intuitive once one has everything loaded up. Let me know if you are having any troubles getting on the server, etc.

Ugh... real life and school coming to an end took over. I'll look to get VASSAL going soon.