Environmental Damage vs Soak

By yeti1069, in Rules Questions

Is damage caused by a hazardous environment, such as caustic atmosphere, or lava, get reduced by soak?

It seems a little silly to me that hazardous atmosphere could be ignored thanks to someone wearing good armor while breathing it in.

Similarly, lava doesn't seem all that dangerous if someone with a soak of 7 or 8 is only taking 2 or 3 damage each round. I've had characters in my game who would gladly wade through lava and pop a healing potion, rather than try to find a slower way around it.

Soak does not apply. Look for the Word "suffer" like suffer wounds then it ignores soak if it says take damage then soak applied.

From gcrb p 110

Each round at the beginning of their turn, a character subjected to one of these hazards suffers wounds
equal to its rating. This damage persists until they are no longer exposed to the hazard

So No soak.
