So I'm looking to get in with the launch of the new Clone Wars box, and I have a question for all of you who have painted stormtroopers before. Do you prime black or white? What are the advantages to each? Thanks.
Black or White?
6 hours ago, squirrelfox said:So I'm looking to get in with the launch of the new Clone Wars box, and I have a question for all of you who have painted stormtroopers before. Do you prime black or white? What are the advantages to each? Thanks.
I prime them dark grey. I drybrush white twice then pick out key details in black, followed by grey drybrushed highlights on those areas. Then fix any errors. A lot of what "should" be black I just leave dark grey. This is the 3rd time around for me painting stormtroopers, I'm shamelessly phoning it in. Snowtroopers I prime off-white and put a little more time into.
Though I should share this video.
Edited by TauntaunScout
I primed mine white.
Then I made a wash with a grey all over them. Made the black details. Then started to highlight the white with layered.
Not the fastest process, but I like the result.
Quite frankly, No matter what is your technique, I would avoid to prime black if the main color is white.
I used Sorastros prime light grey and then spray white from above for zenithal highlight. His method is rather time consuming but they end up looking really clean and crisp and photorealistic.
Teri's method is much quicker, but will look a little less clean up close. It really depends on what's important to you. From tabletop distance you probably couldn't spot much of a difference.
9 minutes ago, KommanderKeldoth said:
Teri's method is much quicker, but will look a little less clean up close. It really depends on what's important to you. From tabletop distance you probably couldn't spot much of a difference.
Mine look even worse than hers. Up close they look like marble statues of stormtroopers. From 3 feet away during a game they just look like stormtroopers!
I prime everything in grey cause I don’t have any white primer left but I have almost a whole can of grey
I prime in grey them hit then from above and at a slight angle with white.
On 3/30/2019 at 2:20 PM, squirrelfox said:So I'm looking to get in with the launch of the new Clone Wars box, and I have a question for all of you who have painted stormtroopers before. Do you prime black or white? What are the advantages to each? Thanks.
IMO a VERY easy way is prime Corax White(a very light grey/white) then spray from above with a white. It basically elimates much need for any white painting. Then do the lines with a thin brush and some thinned black paint.
20 hours ago, VAYASAN said:IMO a VERY easy way is prime Corax White(a very light grey/white) then spray from above with a white. It basically elimates much need for any white painting. Then do the lines with a thin brush and some thinned black paint.
What if I don't have an airbrush?
4 hours ago, squirrelfox said:What if I don't have an airbrush?
just use spray cans. Not as much control over flow rate but definitely doable for something that simple. Sorastro often uses spray cans for demonstration in his videos if you want to see examples
2 hours ago, KommanderKeldoth said:just use spray cans. Not as much control over flow rate but definitely doable for something that simple. Sorastro often uses spray cans for demonstration in his videos if you want to see examples
+1 to this. I don't own an airbrush and I've spray-can primed hundreds of minis.
I prefer Army Painter to Citadel personally, but there are other brands out there as well. I've even used Krylon primer for a Space Wolves army at one point.
7 hours ago, squirrelfox said:What if I don't have an airbrush?
I dont have an Airbrush either.
I use spray can Games Workshop Corax White as the base then Tamiya Spray something like 'bright white'....cant remember the name exactly.
I the dont have to paint white at all. IF you need to make corrects after doing the black lining...I find Model Colour Off White works best as it dosnt show up as much and isnt as obvious.
Edited by VAYASANI primed mine with Citadel rattle cans.
First a coat with Corax white with the arms off, then a zenithal spray of Skull white from above.
I followed the Sorastro tutorial using close equivalent P3 paints.
Generally, prime with the color that is closest to your desired end result - bright miniatures like stormtroopers prime in white or light grey+zenithal white
- dark miniatures like death troopers would be a black prime or black + zenithal dark grey
Midtone miniatures like the (endor) rebel scheme you could prime in a mid grey (mechanicus) or mechanicus grey with light grey (Corax white) zenithal.
Keep in mind that it is much much easier to paint dark over white (like the black bits on the stormtroopers) than the other way around.
The benefit of priming in black or dark grey is that if you miss any deep spots on a midtone miniature they will look like shadows rather than bright white.
Edited by anironI'd first say it really depends on what paint/primer you are using. I use Vallejo, where the white can be painted over black and not be effected.
I tried both Black prime with paint (both Spray can and brush applied in bottle) and White Prime with paint (both Spray can and brush applied in bottle) for Stormtroopers (and others), to answer your question without extensive detail...
Black Prime with paint- Don't have to paint the black suit under their white armor, and for the most part can focus on the white armor. Though I did use black paint over the primer and paint.
White Prime with Paint- Don't have to paint the white armor over the black suit underneath, and for the most part can focus on the black suit areas which can be harder yet less to do. Though once again I did paint over the primer and paint.
Additionally, if and when wear happens-
With White primer it still looks like the white armor. With Black primer it will look like armor damage or dirty armor.
You also could use both primers, though masking tape or something similar would be beneficial blocking the areas you don't want primer. I haven't tried it yet in Star wars legion though will at some point. Turned out great in the past.
There are many pro's and con's, going back to start... depending what paint you are using, time, painting skill, personal opinion how well painted it should be (some like it realistic with lots of detail while others keep it pure basic less effort), products available, etc. Each person is different, and what works for them may not work for you vice versa. Time and practice will reveal your path.
My meager addition to this thread is dont use army painter spray cans. I’ve had bad experience with a white primer and I know of one person who also had bad experiences with army painter spray cans. Now this isn’t to say that they’re all bad but I wouldn’t take the risk
1 hour ago, Jabby said:My meager addition to this thread is dont use army painter spray cans. I’ve had bad experience with a white primer and I know of one person who also had bad experiences with army painter spray cans. Now this isn’t to say that they’re all bad but I wouldn’t take the risk
Huh, I prefer the Army painter cans to the point of exclusively using them, but won't touch Citadel spray cans with a ten-foot droid pincher arm. Every Army Painter can I've used has been great. Interesting.
19 minutes ago, Alpha17 said:Huh, I prefer the Army painter cans to the point of exclusively using them, but won't touch Citadel spray cans with a ten-foot droid pincher arm. Every Army Painter can I've used has been great. Interesting.
Army painter spray cans have been a mixed bag for me. I've had better luck with their colored line, and their grey and black, but I get really bad spots with the white primer.
22 hours ago, zeromoon17 said:Army painter spray cans have been a mixed bag for me. I've had better luck with their colored line, and their grey and black, but I get really bad spots with the white primer.
It could be that it’s just their white primer that sucks