As above. I'm concerned about the plastic used for the minis and want to make sure the mini won't die horribly with the paint.
Has anyone used simple green to strip their models?
I used it with no issues on the repair droid i let us soak for a day or two and the paint came right off
Great thanks for the response
Alternatively, may I suggest Alcohol and Acoustics? I have not experienced great success with Simple Green, maybe I'm doing something not quite right but a week of soaking didn't remove my own bad paintjob...
I have, but I found that alcohol-based gel hand sanitizer worked better for me.
I've used Simple Green for all my old Warhammer Minis and it works great. You just have to let it set for a day+ then scrub. It takes some time and a bit of work, but is totally safe for any mini. I'd be careful with Alcohol though as it has a very short working time before it starts to destroy the plastic. I've lost a mini in alcohol in as little as 8 hours. great for Metal, just beware on plastic.
Watered down simple green, set for a day, and scrub with an old toothbrush. Worked for me.
On 7/27/2019 at 11:35 AM, Tealadin said:I've used Simple Green for all my old Warhammer Minis and it works great. You just have to let it set for a day+ then scrub. It takes some time and a bit of work, but is totally safe for any mini. I'd be careful with Alcohol though as it has a very short working time before it starts to destroy the plastic. I've lost a mini in alcohol in as little as 8 hours. great for Metal, just beware on plastic.
This is why I have a Hurricane with wavy wings