What will you sell me for $50: Looking to buy some cards to start a playgroup...

By schneebolt, in Agrabah Bazaar

I was going to buy a couple boxes, but I thought I'd try this instead. I work with teens and I'm always trying to find ways to connect. I want to get my hands on enough kingdom hearts cards to set up a playgroup. Ideally I'd want enough cards to make 5-6 playable decks.

What cards will you sell me for $50? Payment to be made through paypal.

I'm expecting a similar or better ratio of rares, ultras, commons, and uncommons than I'd find in two booster boxes. I know there has to be players with tons of extra stock and I'd like to buy from you. Please email your offers to [email protected]

And please, be kind with your offers, I'm pretty much just going to be giving these cards away.

