Peace and Thought and Multi-Action Heroes

By GILLIES291, in Rules questions & answers

For the card Peace and Thought, if you have Boromir, Hero with 3x unexpected courage or one of the hobbits with 3x fast hitch, can you:

-exhaust the same hero twice to trigger Peace and Thought?

-Exhaust the same two multi-readying heroes two different times to play two different copies of Peace and Thought in one Refresh phase?

Thank you in advance

Exhausting two heroes is the cost of the action, and I think that has to be atomic -- you can't interrupt an action you are in the process of paying for in order to do another action.

There's no limit on the card on how often you can play Peace and Thought in a round or phase, so if you have sufficient readying you can play all your copies.

Appreciated thanks!