Hey everyone, I recently picked up Heart of the Empire, and noticed that the minions (riot troopers and security droids, and possibly the shape-shifters as well, all have 3 cards...2 basic, and 1 elite...with the core set, they released a Storm Trooper blister, but also, I want to say they had enough minis to represent all the groups you can deploy....I have been painting elites with red bands around their base edges, but this will get confusing when fielding two basic minion groups, and one of them is marked as elites.
I guess this is just a 1st world problem, and bringing this up wont really solve anything...but has anyone else found this annoying? What are you all doing? I assume the best way to go is mark one group as elites, and then in missions that use two basic groups....just make sure we remember the red ones don't have elite stats, etc.
cards vs miniature minion groups #s
Players complain when they need to purchase multiple boxes to get enough deployment cards.
FFG adds extra regular deployment cards.
Now players complain that there are too many deployment cards.
Can't win.
Suggested Solution: destroy the extra regular deployment cards. 😆
I have Wing Guards painted blue and green, so they can act as either regulars or elite without issues. In general, The Bespin Gambit figures have pastel colored bases. You can use a similar solution for other boxes and figure packs - just use various colors that do not match well with either regular or elite.
Or just choose your poison - are you using the figures more for regulars (grey and sand) or elite (red and purple).
Edited by a1bertjust mark the regular deployment card with a red imperial token when you deploy, to represent the red band on the base. and just remind your players...
Put a coloured chip (like the card ones they provide) on the card. That takes away confusion: “see, this regular is blue and this regular is red.”
Thanks for the advice everyone.
On that note, how many Jawa Scavengers should I grab? Will any of the campaign missions require, or allow more than one at a time?
The campaign allows both deployment cards, i.e. two packs worth of figures, but no mission requires both.
I love the Jawa Scavenger . The difference to Jawa Scavenger is just 1 threat, so there are very few cases when I would take the regular at all.
For campaign one of each pack is generally enough.
Honestly, OCD tendencies aside you get enough cards.
The only glaring exception are the clawdites (3 form cards for 4 figurs? what the crap?)
But yeah for example the Riot Troopers. They work best alongside other imperial units since they're a sort of negative-support stun the opponents figure. So I tend to just select 1 riot, then select 1 of the other types (jet troopers, etc)
The only figure I've found to where I wanted (tactically) to deploy more than I was given were the hired gun mercs. super cheap spam units with parting shot - a lot of times I wish I could have 2 of these in my hand so I could just flood the board with Rodians during campaigns.
(you may also want to get 2 dewbacks if you're painting the figs, but that's another story)
On 4/10/2019 at 12:25 PM, Brother Bart said:Thanks for the advice everyone.
On that note, how many Jawa Scavengers should I grab? Will any of the campaign missions require, or allow more than one at a time?
I absolutely love Jawas. XD They're so fun to deploy
Unfortunately they take up a full card in your open hand, even though they can get picked off in an instant. So if you have these 2 in your open hand, you'd need to deploy them alongside an AT-ST or some heavy slugger to make up the difference.
I got 2 of them anyway, but when I deploy both it's usually to my detriment.
6 minutes ago, thinkbomb said:The only glaring exception are the clawdites (3 form cards for 4 figurs? what the crap?)
You have that backwards.
You get one extra bonus figure. No mission uses 4 clawdites shapeshifters, and the limit is 1 elite and 2 regulars.
(The announcement article specified the number of figures, so the box needed to have that many figures.)
55 minutes ago, a1bert said:You have that backwards.
You get one extra bonus figure. No mission uses 4 clawdites shapeshifters, and the limit is 1 elite and 2 regulars.
(The announcement article specified the number of figures, so the box needed to have that many figures.)
... natural solution = create a 4th form for the clawdite! XD
On 4/12/2019 at 6:27 AM, thinkbomb said:... natural solution = create a 4th form for the clawdite! XD
… and supply an additional Elite card ??