Travelling on water

By MrTInce, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hello all,

I know this seems like a weird idea because in star wars flight is mundane but in the campaign I GM for the players will be on a planet where personal flying craft is banned and everyone has to travel around on boats between locations.

I've a quick look round but does anyone know of any "boat" stats?

I would covnert to boats from existing land vehicles. Like a tiny, one-man speedboat has the same stats and price as a speeder bike.

I also think that Strongholds of Resistance has a few submarines.

45 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Hello all,

I know this seems like a weird idea because in star wars flight is mundane but in the campaign I GM for the players will be on a planet where personal flying craft is banned and everyone has to travel around on boats between locations.

I've a quick look round but does anyone know of any "boat" stats?

Are these like, earth type boats, namely sailboats? Or Star Wars boats? Where they're still high tech machines like speeders and use engines and stuff and repulsor technology? Because if it's the second option, just use the stats for a regular speeder and save yourself a lot of headache :D

Yeah there are zero Water-surface vesicles so best bet is what Yaccarus suggested; basically re-skin existing vehicles as Water-craft.

Start with the Skiffs and go from there. Of course if you mean Wind-powered craft that's a different matter but really you can just drop the speeds to 1 and go.

On a world with lots of water but aircraft banned, I would assume hover craft might take the lead. They can easily travel on both land and water. Star Wars versions could have thrusters. So, describe them as having rubber skirts with fans underneath. If forward movement is with simple fans or blowers, then do what Gand said and drop landspeeders by 1 speed and reskin. More expensive civilian or military versions could use modern thrusters and perhaps even retain the speeds of their landspeeder versions (dubbed liquspeeders in local parlance).

Star Wars tech levels so no need for sail. Although sail would be fun.

As suggested I will re-skin a speeder, just wasn't sure if something already existed.

Edited by MrTInce
23 minutes ago, MrTInce said:

Star Wars tech levels so no need for sail. Although sail would be fun.

This kind of stuff is always justified in SW though. We have animals pulling floating speeder sleds, for example. I like the mix of archaic with futuristic such as sails and gravity vehicles. But yes sails on a regular hulled boat is too..regular. It needs a mix up. Large SW thrusters on a hovercraft sounded good to me. I suppose catamaran's with the pontoons being large water-thrusters would be cool also?

And now I want to jump on a 3-D designer and build a Futuristic Hover/Sail Ship...oh wait the Sail Barge.

28 minutes ago, Sturn said:

This kind of stuff is always justified in SW though. We have animals pulling floating speeder sleds, for example. I like the mix of archaic with futuristic such as sails and gravity vehicles. But yes sails on a regular hulled boat is too..regular. It needs a mix up. Large SW thrusters on a hovercraft sounded good to me. I suppose catamaran's with the pontoons being large water-thrusters would be cool also?

Clearly the right option is a boat that's hovering above the water but traveling with a sail. Now that's the Star Wars way.

Build a mag-lev track right above the water and have your trains be pulled by whales.

33 minutes ago, Darth Revenant said:

Clearly the right option is a boat that's hovering above the water but traveling with a sail. Now that's the Star Wars way.

A catamaran with foils will do exactly that. With high-tech sails and masts it'll be even more Star Wars Way.

Oooh! Pod-Racers but the engines are Torpedoes! High-speed course around a coral Atoll and chain of islands.

For obstacles; whirpools, hungry cephalapods and active volcanoes spewing ash and flying blasts of lava!.

19 hours ago, Darth Revenant said:

Clearly the right option is a boat that's hovering above the water but traveling with a sail. Now that's the Star Wars way.

No, the Star Wars way would be to make it entirely impractical, like the pod racers. So it would be a maglev hull, tied to multiple other floating platforms, that each have their own powered little fans, BEHIND sails, and the pilot revs up the fans to propel the ship forward.

Unlimited Power has stats for a generic 'aquaspeeder' which is probably as close as your going to get to a boat in the system.

Disciples of Harmony also has a smaller two person watercraft, which makes a good jet-ski type vehicle. (Though it can fly up to 20m altitude.)

During EPII, Anakin and Padme get on some boats while hanging on Naboo, and go for a picnic somewhere. Pretty sure they were sailboats.

Older variants of the game included "aquaspeeders" that were essentially water configured landspeeders. Stat-wise they weren't really different though.

And there's a Fanboat equivalent in the game already (I want to say it's in LoNH) that appeared in Clone Wars.

Of course a collateral question is "Is there a difference between landspeeder's performance on land and on water?" There is in my games, but that's just my take on it.

I said I'd do it, rough take on a Star-Wars-esque Watervehicle...

http:// r1lttl.jpg

Huh... That does look reasonably in-universe...

Like I said, its fairly rough. I'll probably tweak it some more and do some other similar designs. Not nearly enough greeblies for my taste, not yet!

And now for the tweaked an updated versions. It's not to my degree of perfection but as good as its going to get with the energy I feel like expending on a whim...8)

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@GandofGand what’s it look like in water or slightly over it?

The program I use is fairly limited in what it can do so that would take me a little more effort to create. I may try that tonight or tomorrow, see how I feel.

Okay FINE I'll do it...but I swear this is the last update!

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Edited by GandofGand

Aaand a Bonus; Water Bike!

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Something like that for a Patrol Boat .