Trends/bits from past expansions you hope won't show up in expansions?
Out of control unique assets decks- Eldritch got insane with its dozen different categories of unique asset decks that really didn't end up adding much beyond the simplicity of a single asset deck.
Flipping spells/items- This was a mechanic that sounded interesting at first, but after 5 years of it in Eldritch and Mansions, I'd be happy to never see it again. Just slows the game down.
Super long reckoning phases- No proliferation of reckoning effects to the point that they take 10 minutes to go through.
Power creep- Overpowered items/investigators from expansions that render older ones obsolete.
Skill impairments- Please, just don't. Getting impaired skills was often worse than death. Bumbling around with a crippled investigator was more punishing than just getting killed and starting with a new one. They were frustrating and not at all fun.
Overly punishing encounters- I like encounters exactly where they are right now. Make a check for a nice boost or fail for a reasonable penalty. I don't want past Arkham/Eldritch encounters of ridiculously punishing stuff. ESPECIALLY encounters that are all about avoiding punishment with no reward.
Clue encounters that do not give clues- Nothing was worse than the clue encounters in Eldritch that didn't give you the clue even if you passed the test, wasting an entire turn. It's hard to see how they could do this with the new AH3 clue system, but I hope to never see it again.
Encounters that don't do the thing the location says it gives- I love how 90% of the encounters right now actually do the thing the location says it will do, with each one having some little twists to make it different while still giving the thing to you (general store might let you buy all the items you want, or only one item but at half price, etc). I much prefer this to Eldritch having maybe a 25% chance of encounters doing the thing that the location space advertises.
Edited by MrBody
adding items