timing question

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello guys

last week we had a problem, what is the timing between using fatigue for adding dice and dodging?

example: the hero rolled dice for his attack killing the monster, as overlord i played a dodge causing him to reroll dices, after the rerolling he wanted to spend fatigue for adding some dice, can the hero do that after the overlord play a dodge card?

thanks in advance guys

We play pretty loose. We'd rule that A) yes they can add but B) those added dice can be "dodged" just like the other dice.


Lord Loren Soth said:

Hello guys

last week we had a problem, what is the timing between using fatigue for adding dice and dodging?

example: the hero rolled dice for his attack killing the monster, as overlord i played a dodge causing him to reroll dices, after the rerolling he wanted to spend fatigue for adding some dice, can the hero do that after the overlord play a dodge card?

thanks in advance guys

FAQ pg7
Is the effect of the overlord’s “Dodge” card that the hero’s attack completely misses, or that the overlord can force the hero to re-roll dice rolled for the attack, as with the hero dodge orders?
A: The “Dodge” card allows the overlord to force re-rolls. It does not allow more dice to be added after the re-roll. Once the dice are rolled, any fatigue may be spent to add power dice. Once all dice are done being rolled, the Overlord may play the dodge card. Once the card is played, no more dice may be added .

Woa, Corbon, you chose an avatar! Almost didn't recognize you there :P


shnar said:

Woa, Corbon, you chose an avatar! Almost didn't recognize you there :P


I had one a long time back but somehow the forum software screwed it around. I've been rereading the ASoFaI books to assist in reducing spending so after the forum software had its upgrade I was poking around and though I might as well redo it.

shnar said:

Woa, Corbon, you chose an avatar! Almost didn't recognize you there :P


Lol, ditto