Anyone converted the Beginner game character to Full game?

By Ceodryn, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

I am coming back to SW EotE after 2 years hiatus, with brand new players who are new to roleplay. I plan to use the Beginner Game adventure to introduce them, but would prefer to use the full set of rules vs. the beginner rules.

Has anyone converted the beginner game characters to full set of rules & obligations/motivations?


On 3/23/2019 at 5:09 AM, Ceodryn said:

I am coming back to SW EotE after 2 years hiatus, with brand new players who are new to roleplay. I plan to use the Beginner Game adventure to introduce them, but would prefer to use the full set of rules vs. the beginner rules.

Has anyone converted the beginner game characters to full set of rules & obligations/motivations?


I began a campaign a few sessions ago with the beginner box adventure and custom PCs based on the Core book. While the group is experienced, only half of them are with the system. We're currently in the middle of Act 1 in Long Arm of the Hutt. It's going well so far, and the only change I made was in scaling the difficulty a bit by stacking more minions in the groups. I'd leave the encounters as they are, since they'll teach the new players at a measured pace.

One or two of the PCs used the folios as templates, and had ideas for obligation right away. Best thing is to have the PC choose that.

Edited by Fistofpaper
Expanded on information