Today neither of us really had a list in mind, so we decided to have some fun. Church took the core concept of @swarmer s list and made some church-style adjustments. I grabbed a list by @sarumanthewhite that I liked and made a minor change. Hope you guys don't mind us using them.
My list:
Prince Faolan [36] 1x1
Malcornes Bequest [6]
Legendary Prowess [5]
Total Unit Cost: 47
Aliana of Summersong [33] 1x1
Packleaders Spear [8]
Ambush Predator [3]
Total Unit Cost: 44
Deepwood Archers [42] 3x2
Maegan Cyndewin [10]
Fire Rune [7]
Frontline Aymhelin Scion [6]
Hunters Guile [4] switched to close quarters targeting
Total Unit Cost: 69
Leonx Riders [30] 2x2
Raven Tabards [2]
Metered March [2]
Moment of Inspiration [5]
Total Unit Cost: 39
I switched Hunters Guile to CQT, because I felt more comfortable running a melee archer block. I haven't run Faolan much with legendary prowess, but I need to break away from Etharyon builds.
Church's List:
Ardus IxErebus [37] 1x1
Dimodian Blades [5]
Ardus Fury [1]
Total Unit Cost: 43
Reanimate Archers [18] 2x1
Rank Discipline [4]
Tempered Steel [3]
Total Unit Cost: 25
Reanimate Archers [18] 2x1
Rank Discipline [4]
Tempered Steel [3]
Total Unit Cost: 25
Carrion Lancers [15] 1x1
Total Unit Cost: 15
Carrion Lancers [15] 1x1
Rank Discipline [4]
Total Unit Cost: 19
Carrion Lancers [15] 1x1
Rank Discipline [4]
Total Unit Cost: 19
Reanimates [35] 3x2
Deathcaller [5]
Raven-Standard Bearer [3]
Tactical Drummer [2]
Support Carrion Lancer [6]
Simultaneous Orders [2]
Total Unit Cost: 53
Deathcaller is something you don't see Church run every day (reanimated are rare enough). This will be interesting.
Objective and Deployment:
We are currently running a set of 3 objectives and deployments, so Encircling maneuvers comes up often. Oblique formation made for a weird setup.
Terrain is the Estate courtyard, the Thornchoked Circle, and the Bone Totem.
I placed Faolan first, then Church put most of his army down. I vectored Alliana off to the side, while using the Leonx redeploy to take them from a front on fight to a wide flank.
Church piled in to go straight for my deployment area.
The deepwoods and one lancer are held back by the objective.
Round 1:
Church pushes forward aggressively, and catches Faolan with a deathcaller, inflicting 2 wounds. Knowing his time is limited, Faolan pushes forward to meet the reanimates and exact revenge.
Alliana takes off and sprints into the thorn-choked circle. The Leonx make a wide sweep of the terrain.
My deepwoods best deployment option is in my own deployment zone. It gives them plenty of targets, and keeps the lancer from deploying behind me.
Church adds his lancer behind his forces.
Round 2:
Faolan holds his charge to i4 to avoid the Reanimates counterattack, but Church is devious, and uses his skill to blight my deepwoods. Bye bye fire rune. Faolan does an underwhelming attack, taking a tray.
Ardus and two Lancers press in towards the deepwoods. The deepwoods fire at the reanimates, taking another tray and spiking 1 damage to each undead archer unit via Meagan.
Alliana pops out of the terrain and shifts into easy charge range of Ardus.
The leonx turn to run between the obstacles.
Round 3:
4 red runes get cast this turn, which makes Alliana get a near auto kill on Ardus even with Church using his i2 armor up (built in mortal strike, ambush predator charged at 3 lethal, packleaders spear gives lethal 3, the bone totem gives lethal 4 due to runes, totalling a wound plus 10 lethal). She rolls the 2 damage necessary.
Faolan gets the reanimates down to one rank, when the reanimates swing back, they get a total blank on their roll, leaving Faolan to fight another day.
The reanimate Archers take a shot at Alliana, who falls victim to the bone totem as well, as the archers put 10 damage on her.
The deepwoods get flanked by a Lancer, who rolls 4 surges and 1 damage, plus 2 lethal off bone totem. 7 archers fall.
Thanks to CQT the Deepwoods continue cutting the reanimates down. However the blight prevents the fire rune again.
The other free lancer gets a blight onto the deepwoods to prevent the next fire rune.
The Leonx close in on a target.
Round 4:
The Reanimates score a wound Faolan, but are losing power fast. Faolan cuts a few more figure out (namely, the deathcaller).
The Lancer flanking the Deepwoods gets the back rank off. The deepwoods fire into the reanimates and disengage Faolan by cutting a tray out, leaving only the lancer.
The Leonx slaughter a Lancer in one shot, but take 2 wounds and a blight from archers.
The last Lancer lands a long charge on the Leonx and gets a surge-heavy roll, cutting the cats to one tray.
Round 5:
Faolan flanks the reanimate lancer and kills it.
The Leonx roll a weak attack (had 2 blight) but score a wound on the Lancer. It finishes them off.
The deepwoods get a surge-spike attack on the Lancer, killing it and 2 archers out of each unit.
The flanking Lancer cuts the deepwoods to 2 trays.
Round 6:
Faolan is trapped, he can't shift out of range of the archers before they shoot. They drop him in a hail of arrows.
The Lancer chews up Meagan and the last archers, just the scion now.
The Deepwood scion double shifts and scoots away.
Round 7:
There is no escape, the lancer corners the scion. However, the scion stuns the lancer with frontline scions ability.
Round 8:
The Archers pop the scion by revealing their dial. The surge with tempered steel is enough.
Waiqar wins!
That was a fun match. Both lists were a bit different from what we normally do.
The blight synergized Lancers were really good. Several times they got multiple mortal strikes. Plus the blight skill kept the fire rune out of commission for most of the game.
The deathcaller got a critical strike on Faolan on turn 1, which really made me have to close the range with it, or lose faolan before he delivers any damage. The original plan had been to flank right with everything, so charging Faolan headlong into the battle was a bad, but necessary choice.
The 2x2 Leonx did well until it got slaughtered by a blight drooling lancer. I generally do not like this unit, but it has its perks. It has more offensive capability than the 2x1 rank cat, but is a bit clumsier in tight spaces, and is a higher point sink. If I had been able to bring it in on the archers, it would have fared better.
The Bone totem did a lot of damage. This is why terrain can be the most influential part of a battle, and is sometimes best to put off to the side of a battle and ignore it. The totem was influential in killing Ardus, Alliana, and the Deepwoods.
The place Church hurt my army the most was by blighting the fire rune out. The 3x2 deepwoods with meagan is a heavy damage-slinger. When it launches 2 attacks per turn it can bring an army down in a few short rounds. Most of the early and mid turns had 4 red runes up. A rally battery could have solved this, but then half the army is deepwoods. Plus, more attacks could have provided more surge spike opportunities, I was 1 surge away from cutting Church's archers down to 1 threat.
In summary, great battle, with interesting moments on either side. Waiqars Archers really swayed the late game, but the Bone totem was the mvp this game.
Thanks for reading!