I'm hoping that Krennic is going to help make the Dark Lord more viable. I'd appreciate any thoughts you guys have on this list!
++ Standard (Galactic Empire) [798 Points] ++
+ Commander +
•Darth Vader [225 Points]: Force Choke, Force Push, Saber Throw
•Director Orson Krennic† [90 Points]
+ Corps +
Stormtroopers [68 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper
Stormtroopers [68 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper
Stormtroopers [68 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper
Stormtroopers [68 Points]: DLT-19 Stormtrooper
+ Special Forces +
Imperial Death Troopers† [88 Points]: E-110†, Overwatch
Imperial Royal Guards [79 Points]: Tenacity
Scout Troopers - Strike Team [44 Points]: DLT-19x Sniper
+ Command Hand +
Command Hand: •Implacable, •Voracious Ambition†, ••Deploy the Garrison†, ••New Ways to Motivate Them, •••Annihilation Looms†, •••Master of Evil, ••••Standing Orders
+ Battle Cards +
Condition Cards: Clear Conditions, Hostile Environment, Limited Visibility, Rapid Reinforcements
Deployment Cards: Battle Lines, Disarray, Major Offensive, The Long March
Objective Cards: Breakthrough, Intercept the Transmissions, Key Positions, Recover the Supplies
++ Total: [798 Points] ++
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