Disney Resurrects Lucasfilm Games

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Just now, Captain Lackwit said:

Well that's good, because that's the same Lucasarts that produced Star Wars Kinect and TFU 2. They were trash.

Well are games getting better or worse? Say what you want about those games, I had more fun with SWK than I did with EASWBF2.

Face it the only good video games are ones made before 2016. Yeah you can joke EA made only 2 games but people forget about EA's mobile title. The ecosystem of mobile games is something I despise but will likely be embraced by this new company (do you not have phones?). Just think of the same FFG X-wing app, but only as a game. Yeah that is a nightmare waiting to happen that will make you beg for the return of The Force Unleashed 2.

9 hours ago, Marinealver said:

Well are games getting better or worse? Say what you want about those games, I had more fun with SWK than I did with EASWBF2.

Face it the only good video games are ones made before 2016. Yeah you can joke EA made only 2 games but people forget about EA's mobile title. The ecosystem of mobile games is something I despise but will likely be embraced by this new company (do you not have phones?). Just think of the same FFG X-wing app, but only as a game. Yeah that is a nightmare waiting to happen that will make you beg for the return of The Force Unleashed 2.

I don't know dude, Battlefront II 2 is really really good these days.

I mean, it was always a good game but they've done a great job. Newest mode totally rocks.