Rebel Breakout - short adventure in the 1E Core Rulebook
Tatooine Manhunt
The Battle of Wayfar - short adventure in Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope revised
Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope revised
Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley
This idea came to me yesterday. I think it would be an interesting adventure. First up, use the above resources, plus some plain old creativity, to create a sandbox for players. Set up lots of little adventures and possibly use other resources. Mos Eisley is ripe for intrigue and adventure.
Set the game concurrently with the movie, A New Hope--or slightly before it.
Have the players create whatever character they would like--use all the Alien books--with the restriction that, whomever the character is, he is currently planet locked on Tatooine with no way to get off the world. If the character owns a ship, then it has been impounded. Whatever job they have, it doesn't take them off world.
Encourage players to play "bland" non-adventurous characters--like Luke starting as a farm boy and then getting caught up in the Galactic Rebellion.
If the player wants to be something adventurous, like a bounty hunter, allow that--but make it so he works for Jabba the Hutt, or something like that, and so far, Jabba has only used him for local, surface work. Surface Smuggler is another idea--running guns or water or whatever to different buyers on Tatooine.
Some ideas--
Bounty Hunter
Surface Smuggler
Information Broker
Pod Racer
Some mundane ideas--
Moisture Farmer
Works at the Mos Eisley cantina
Works at some of the various shops described in GG 7 and in the adventure, Tatooine Manhunt.
Sky Patrol
Speeder Truck Driver
Works at a junk shop.
Works at a docking bay.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Allow the player to invent a family, if appropriate. Maybe the character owns a shop or otherwise has some sort of business. You could even tie this a Star Wars version of the player's real job. I've got a player who works for IBM. If he wanted, he could develop some sort of Slicer character, or someone who manages the computers at the spaceport. Whatever.
As the game begins, play it like a sandbox. Maybe the characters don't start the game knowing each other. It's up to them. Allow them to be creative. Whatever it is, it will be something that they will lose--their family, their ship, their business--whatever. Don't tell the players this early, but at some point, the Empire will take something away from them--pissing the player off--so that hatred for the Empire burns in their hearts.
For ideas, some of the non-main plot adventures in Tatooine Manhunt could be used, along with original ideas for adventure. The idea is to build the game, following the characters wherever they go, playing on Tatooine, until it gets to the point to where the characters will be motivated to contact the Rebellion.
Now, here's an important point. At an appropirate moment, I want to spin the campaign by having some scene from a A New Hope (while on Tatooine) play out in front of them. Maybe they're in the cantina when Obi-wan cuts off that dude's arm. Maybe they see the shootout when the Falcon lifts. Maybe the see, over their shoulders, Obi-wan do his mind funk on the stormtroopers when he and Luke arrive.
They could come across the Lars homestead or the burning remains of the Jawa sandcrawler. There's lots of moments that could happen so that the players see the events are happening concurrently with the film.
Then, the adventure could segue into The Battle of Wayfar adventure, Tatooine Manhunt, or Rebel Breakout. I think it would be interesting if they encounter Obi-wan in Mos Eisley just before Kenobi and Luke lift ship on the Falcon. He tells them to seek out the general from Tatooine Manhunt--maybe even doing it using his Force skills.
Then, we play out Tatooine Manhunt, maybe followed by Rebel Breakout--which leaves the PCs with Y-Wings to fly.
The PCs then end the adventure by taking the Y-Wings to their pre-recorded destination, the Rebel Base on Yavin, just in time to participate in the attack on the Death Star.
The PCs go from regular people on Tatooine to being in the Rebellion on that world to making it to the main base and being some of the Y-Wing pilots that attacked the Death Star.
If they get blown up in the engagement (which should be hairy), have them blow a Force Point in order to save their lives--they ejected and are picked up after the battle.
I think this would all be pretty cool.