At first I thought I understood the rules, but the more I read it, the more confused I get. I can't seem to get what's the intended way to play with the limits on how many programs a runner can have active at any given time (or, for that matter, what "active" means).
I gathered all sources I could find on the book regarding the subject:
From pages 98 to 99 (and 106), the computers entries each describe how many ice/icebreakers the device can have "active" at once.
- PAD: can have 1 icebreaker and 1 ice active at once;
- Spinal Modem: can have 2 icebreakers and 1 ice active at once;
- Portable Rig: can have 2 icebreakers and 2 ice active at once;
- Big Rig: can have 4 icebreakers and 6 ice active at once.
All descriptions also include a " (for the purposes of network encounters) ". Whatever that means (more on that later).
Finally, the Custom Rig talent (page 44) allows the device to store (own) one extra program (or, number of programs the device can own is increased by one ).
Curiously, on the starting gear for the runner career (page 39), it includes an option to have a pad with 2 icebreakers, which shouldn't be possible since the PAD can only hold 1 icebreaker, so, maybe they are assuming your character has the Custom Rig talent, or...
There's something missing...
The Sidebar
Back at page 99, there's a sidebar with the title "What Can a PAD Hold", and it states that (as I understand it) the limitations above are only valid while the runner is making a run (a network encounter). Outside of those encounters, any device can hold as many programs as their owners wish (credits not being a problem).
But then, comes the final culprit...
Network Encounter Rules
On page 132, there's a maneuver named Activate Program , and there it is stated that if a runner activates an icebreaker, all other icebreakers automatically deactivate. Also, it says a runner may only have one icebreaker "active" at a time. (The Codeslinger talent, page 48, allows 2 icebreakers active at once).
Which contradicts the whole thing!
Unless the term "active" is being used for two distinct purposes and are not to be treated as the same thing, basicly I have the following interpretation.
Current Interpretation
Each device can host as many programs as you wish, but when an encounter starts, the runner gets to choose which programs he/she is bringing to the run, limited by the device's storage space (I think of this as a warrior readying to go out on a journey who owns several weapons but can only bring so many on his body, leaving all other weapons back at home).
While on the run, from those programs brought in, the runner can actively be "wielding" a single icebreaker (I think of this as a warrior in combat with several weapons stored on him, but that can only wield a single weapon). The codeslinger talent effectively works as a "dual wielding" (as in, you can wield one weapon in each hand in combat).
If this interpretation is not correct (maybe because the term "active" on both the equipment descriptions and the activate program maneuver), then the rules get a bit wonky and everything falls apart as one section will contradict another.
Anyway, I just wanted to throw this at the community and see what everyone thinks are the rules as intended.
BTW, I sent the question to FFG and still haven't got an answer.
Edited by Zsig