When a card is returned to your hand and not in the discard pile..is considered out of play and it resolve the effect ? For example eagle Meneldor if returned to player's hand still places 2 progress on a location..right?
Out of play
Yes it does.
The text card says "when leave play", and not "when destroyed". In the second case, it would trigger only if the ally dies (from suffering too many damage).
hmm so if a character dies as of an attack wounds...is not considered to be leaving play? it is destroyed?
in this case which are the "leaves play" cases ?
Characters that are destroyed generally also leave play —thus, destruction can be used to trigger something like Valiant Sacrifice—but not necessarily vice versa.
Examples of characters leaving play that aren't destroyed include:
- Core Gandalf at the end of the round
- Sneak Attack'ed allies
- Ride to Ruin and other Rohan discard effects
- Silvan bounce events
2 hours ago, bitzurock said:hmm so if a character dies as of an attack wounds...is not considered to be leaving play? it is destroyed?
in this case which are the "leaves play" cases ?
Basically "leaves play" is a macro-category that covers situations like "destroyed", "discard", "return to hand" etc. You just have to be careful of the wording of effects to apply them correctly.
Thank you!
18 hours ago, bitzurock said:hmm so if a character dies as of an attack wounds...is not considered to be leaving play? it is destroyed?
in this case which are the "leaves play" cases ?
They leave play too. What I wanted to mean is some card refers specifically to a character being destroyed, and not just leave play by other way, but it wasn't very clear, I admit
4 hours ago, Miceldars said:They leave play too. What I wanted to mean is some card refers specifically to a character being destroyed, and not just leave play by other way, but it wasn't very clear, I admit
Ok..thank you!